How do these principles give direction to the states? How do these principles define the functioning of the state policy makers? To know all of these, read the interesting article below.
Directive Principles Of State Policy
Classification: Socialist, Liberal And Intellectual
What are directive principles of state policy?
These are the principles laid after the SAPRU COMMISION; they define and direct how the state authorities should make their policies and laws, for the benefits of its citizens.
They were first mentioned under the government of India act in 1935.
These principles aim at economic and social welfare of the people of state and help in prosperity.
Why are the directive principles called non justiciable?
The directive principles of state policy cannot be complained about or enforced by the judiciary of India, and the citizens cannot file petitions against these.
Quoting the articles of constitution that define these principles:
These principles work for social and economic welfare, working towards welfare of the state and setting the path for the welfare state.
Various articles are explained below so that one understands the directive principles:
ARTICLE 38 | The State shall strive to promote the welfare of the people by securing and protecting as effectively as it may a social order in which justice, social, economic and political, shall inform all the institutions of national life. |
ARTICLE 39 | THE STATE SHOULD SECURE ITS CITIZENS: 1. Giving adequate means of livelihoods 2. Equitable distribution of resources and materials for social welfare 3. Equal remuneration for men and women 4. Safeguarding health of workers and children of state against forcible abuse and exploitation 5. Provide health facilities to citizens |
ARTICLE 39 A | Give justice and aid the poor for justice |
ARTICLE 41 | Provide employment and education through right to work, right to education and right to public assistance |
ARTICLE 42 | Work for strengthening the work sphere and maternity leaves for women |
ARTICLE 43 | Make the working conditions of laborers and workers better and give them a better standard of living |
ARTICLE 47 | Raise the health and food conditions of the people for betterment of public health |
To promote the ideology of liberalism, various articles are explained below so that one understands the directive principles:
Article 44 | Make a proper framework for UNIFORM CIVIL CODE for all citizens |
Article 45 | Facilitate child health care and ensure formal education for children till age of 14 |
Article 48 | Help the agricultural and related sectors with modern and scientific developments. |
Article 49 | Preserve and protect the historic artifacts and monuments, for the future |
Article 50 | Ensure the working of judiciary and executives properly, without involvement of the public sector. |
Article 51 |
To promote and reconstruct the ideology of Mahatma Gandhi, various articles are explained below so that one understands the directive principles:
Article 40 | Set village panchayat and government bodies, for better and efficient working and making them self sufficient bodies. |
Article 43 | Promote village and local industries, to promote local goods, for development of rural areas |
Article 43B | Promote self sufficient and autonomous cooperative sector, for general economic and social welfare of the rural areas |
Article 46 | Work for the welfare of weaker economic sections like SC, ST, OBC, etc. |
Article 47 | Work towards prohibiting the drug and alcohol abuse in India for betterment of society |
Conclusion :
The directive principle of state policies, as we saw above, help people in various things like social welfare, business, education, better standard of living, better health, and various other life necessities. These principles help the society to become a better place for living.