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The preamble is the introductory part of India's constitution. It represents the essence of the entire constitution, and the components of preamble form the pillar of the Indian constitution.

The definition of preamble is in simple words stating that it is the introduction to the constitution that mentions the reasons and the intentions behind formulating the laws and regulations mentioned in the constitution. The primary focus in this context is the Indian constitution. It basically serves as a preliminary guide to the values that the constitution represents. In lucid language, the preamble meaning can be stated as an introductory or preliminary statement. The preamble of India consists of 73 words and plays a significant role in providing an outline that may contribute largely to guiding the Indian democracy. 


It needs to be considered that the formation of the preamble did not happen overnight, and there is a historical background to it. The preamble is a significant portion of the Indian constitution as it gives the people of India an idea regarding the objectives, morals, principles, and ideals of the country that are extensively discussed in the later parts of the constitution. The components of the preamble represent the principles that the constitutions consist of, and also suggest the source of the principles that are adopted. The definition of preamble clearly indicates that without it, it is not possible to get an idea regarding the rights, principles, duties that are mentioned in the Indian constitution. 

The components of the preamble were adopted in 1959 on 26th November. It was adopted by the Constituent Assembly. However, it needs to be considered that the definition and its existence came into being on 26th January 1950. It needs to be remembered that the components of the preamble are based on the resolutions that were drafted in the constitution by the prime minister of that time, Jawaharlal Nehru.  

The definition of preamble with respect to the Indian Constitution recognizes some major components of life such as equality, fraternity, and liberty. These components of preamble are basically the basic principles of life, and all three of them are interlinked in many ways. Just like liberty without equality is useless, similarly, equality without liberty is likely to kill individuality. The definition of preamble of the Indian constitution states that India is a socialist, secular, sovereign,  democratic republic. It further states that the objective of the Indian constitution is to promote social, economic, and political justice. Furthermore, the components of the preamble also include the thought of liberty, the liberty of worship, faith, belief, and expression. The purpose of the preamble is to assure the people of India that democracy will entitle them to equality of opportunity and status. One of the major components of preamble is that it promotes fraternity thereby ensuring unity and integrity that the nation wants to embrace.  


The components of preamble represent the objectives and the principles that are discussed extensively in the Indian Constitution. It is necessary to know the meaning of the major components of the preamble as it is essential for every citizen of India to understand the values and principles that democracy represents and aims to achieve every day. Sovereignty means that the state is independent, and has its own authority; therefore, it is a free state which has the power to make relations on any subject is considered to be of prime importance. 

One of the components of the preamble is its socialist principle, and the word socialist refers to democratic socialism. The purpose of democracy is to fulfill socialistic objectives through democratic and non-violent means that are evolutionary in nature. In either word, the resources of the country should be distributed equally among the people of the country. Another component or term that is mentioned at the beginning of the constitution is the term secular which means that irrespective of religion. Secularism gives the people of India the right to practice any religion within the country without any kind of inhibition. The preamble’s meaning loses its importance without the word democratic as it states that the government of the country is elected by the people of India through the system of adult franchise. The purpose of the preamble is to represent the values and principles of the country which considers its government to be a republic. It simply means that the head of the country is not someone who has inherited the throne by means of hereditary monarchy; instead he is a person who has been elected by the people of the country. Justice is an integral component of the preamble and the constitution in general as the country follows the rule of law that ensures equality before the law and equal rights to opportunities and freedoms for everyone in the society. The purpose of the preamble is to make the people aware of the true essence of liberty, equality, and fraternity that the country aims to achieve.


The preamble of the Indian constitution can be found on the very first page of the Indian constitution, and it has served as a summary of the objectives, principles, rights, and duties that are mentioned throughout the constitution. The constitution was drafted keeping in mind the ideas and concepts that had been mentioned in the preamble as its major components such as liberty, equality, and fraternity.


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What is the meaning of secular?

Ans : Secular means that all religions are equal in the eyes of the government, and the people of I...Read full

When was the preamble adopted?

Ans :  29th November 1949

Mention the principles mentioned in the preamble

Ans : Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

What do you mean by democracy?

Ans : Democracy means that the head of the country or the government is elected by the people of th...Read full