Article 4 is confined by the laws included under articles 2 and 3 for justifying the amendments as per 1st and 4th schedules.

In Article 4, it has been identified that both Articles are required to be signified as per the laws and regulations under them. Both these articles should be provided for the amendment schedules of 1st and 4th. Article 4 is responsible for all the incidental supplemental and consequential matters followed by these two articles. In addition to that, the entire process needs to be passed by simple majority as per the Indian constitution amendments. Hence, the amendment of this constitution for Article 4 has been discussed and explained all through the following section. 

The definition of Article 4

According to article 4 of the Indian Constitution, all the constituents shall change if both Articles are required to be enlisted as part of the 1st and 4thschedule. In this inclusion, the first schedule has been identified as the changes of the names of states as per the Union of India is required to be included by article 4. In the same context, these consequential changes need to be enlisted as per the fourth schedule, which describes the number of seats that have been allocated in Rajya Sabha specifically for each state. 

The purpose of Article 4

As per the amendments of the constitution, the changes brought by both the articles are required to be enlisted as for the further process of reformation. Therefore, amendment of this constitution for Article 4 can be described as to follow up the consequential or incidental as well as supplemental provision of both these articles that need to be passed by simple majority. Since these two articles have been included by certain laws and regulation for the probationary changes of states and territories, the further step is required to be configured by preceding those changes. 

Significance of Article 4

The amendment of this constitution for article 4 can be represented as to refer to all the laws and regulations addressed in both the articles. As per the amendments of the constitution, the following changes should be taken into account by article 4, such as; the changes of the state’s names. In addition to that, with this article, the number of seats specified for Rajya Sabha members for each of the states can be further rectified or changed as well. Moreover, the significance lies with the entire process of enlisting and modifying the changes should be passed by a simple majority of the Parliament. 

Passed by simple majority 

The process of following amendments of the constitution is further provided to the Parliament bodies. In this context the responsibility comes with regulating the following changes and its requirements. Therefore, the overall amendments of article 4 are required to be passed by simple majority from the Parliament members. When the majority decides that the earlier changes with laws and regulation in both the articles should be implemented, the process can proceed further. 

Amendment of the constitution 

Amendment of the constitution is followed by the first schedule and fourth schedule. In this context, alteration of the first schedule is included by the names of the states of the Union of India. In addition to that, the fourth schedule of this amendment consists of the numbers of the sea that have been appointed for each state in terms of Rajya Sabha. Thus, the amendment of this constitution for Article 4 is to establish the changes of the provisions as made in the following two articles. 

Interrelation of Article 4 with Article 2 and Article 3 

The alteration of the constitution is to represent the consequential changes and provisions included in Parliament in order to establish the potential significance and authority in terms of the legislature of the state.  In this context, this legislature of the states that are already referred to in both the articles can be only implemented when Article 4 proceeds with the following changes that will be passed by simple majority. Hence to be precise article 4 is responsible for adding up these changes in the amendments of 1st and The Fourth schedule in order to establish and alter the consequential provisions.


The overall discussion has been made by addressing article 4 and the amendments of the constitution. It has been provided with a profound briefing that has explained that the core purpose of Article 4 is to serve the provisional changes of both the articles as to implement them effectively. This entire process of adding up changes has been referred to as to be passed by simple majority of the Parliament as per the amendments of the constitution. In this way, it has been justified that Article 4 is correlated with Article 3 and Article 2 as to deliver the further proceeding.


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What is the first schedule of Article 4?

Ans : First schedule includes the consequential changes of the names of the states. To reflect the ...Read full

What are the amendments of the constitution in Article 4?

Ans : The amendments of the constitution are followed by consequential changes along with in...Read full

What is the processing of Article 4?

Ans : The new changes of the state are required to be introduced as an establishment of bills in Lo...Read full

What does the fourth schedule of amendment consist of?

Ans : Article 4 reflects that the fourth schedule of amendment needs to be added in. The fourth sch...Read full