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Article 39- A step toward economic justice

This article deals with Article 39, given in part 4 of the Indian Constitution. It further deals with equal justice and legal help for free as given in Article 39A.

The Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) are enshrined in the Constitution of India as a tool to ensure social welfare. Classification of the Directives into three categories- economic, social, and political- helps us understand their purpose and intent. The equal pay for equal work directive is based on Liberal-Intellectual principles which hold that all humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights. This article seeks to introduce the DPSP and its role in ensuring social welfare for all citizens of India. The principles laid down in the DPSP are so broad that it has been classified into four parts.

What is DPSP?

The Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) are a set of guidelines that the Indian Constitution lays down for the government to promote social welfare and economic equality in the country. They are not enforceable by law but the Constitution directs the government to consider them while formulating laws and policies. Classification of Directives has been done into four parts: social, economic, political and Administrative. The Directives are based on the liberal-intellectual principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity. They aim to establish a welfare state in India where all citizens have access to basic amenities like healthcare, education, food, and shelter. The DPSP also contains directives for ensuring equal pay for equal work and protecting the rights of workers.

What are the implications of DPSP?

The Directive Principles of State Policy have far-reaching implications for the social and economic development of the country. They provide a moral and ethical framework for the government to promote the welfare of all citizens. The DPSP has been instrumental in shaping many laws and policies that have had a positive impact on the lives of people in India. The Directive Principles of State Policy are classified into four categories: social, economic, political, and administrative. Of these, the social directives are the most important as they relate to the welfare of the people. The economic directives aim at ensuring a just distribution of wealth and resources. The political directives promote equality and justice, while the administrative directives lay down

What is the Classification of the Directives?

The classification of the directives has been done into four broad categories – economic, social, political, and administrative. The directives are based on several principles including the Gandhian principles, socialistic principles, and the liberal-intellectual principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity. They promote the welfare of all sections of society and aim to build a just and equitable society. Equal pay for equal work is one of the most important directives. It ensures that all citizens are given equal opportunity and treatment, regardless of their caste, creed, or religion. This directive also enshrines the right to education and health for all citizens. The Directives based on Liberal-Intellectual Principles aim to promote the welfare of all sections of society and to build a just and equitable society. They include the right to education and health for all citizens, as well as the principle of equal pay for equal work. These directives are an important tool for social welfare and should be implemented by all governments.

Which article deals with Equal pay for Equal Work?

The Directive Principle of State Policy regarding equal pay for equal work is enshrined in Article 39(d) of the Constitution. It forms part of the socio-economic justice principles underlying the Constitution. The Directive Principles are not enforceable by courts but they are fundamental in the governance of the country and the State must apply these principles in making laws. The principle of equal pay for equal work is a fundamental right and the State must ensure that this right is protected and promoted. The Directive Principles of State Policy are classified into four categories – (i) socio-economic principles; (ii) principles relating to organisation of the State; (iii) principles relating to the promotion of international peace and security; and (iv) miscellaneous principles. The equal pay for equal work principle falls under the first category of socio-economic.

What do you mean by the Directives based on Liberal Intellectual Principles?

The Directives based on Liberal-Intellectual Principles are those which promote liberty and equality. They aim to protect the rights of individuals and to promote their welfare. These principles include the right to life, liberty, and property; equality before the law; freedom of speech and religion; and protection from arbitrary arrest and detention.


Directive Principles of State Policy provides the guiding light to the state while formulating laws and policies. The classification of Directives has been done into four categories: social, economic, political, and administrative. Economic directives ensure equal pay for equal work without discrimination. These directives are based on Liberal-Intellectual Principles which provide for equality and fraternity. The political directives aim at ensuring representative government, free and fair elections, and universal adult franchise. Administrative directives lay down guidelines for efficient administration. The Directive Principles of State Policy are an important tool for social welfare and should be given due importance. The Constitution of India provides for the Directive Principles of State Policy in Part IV from Articles 36 to 51. These are also popularly known as the Directive Principles of State policies. Thank you for reading! I hope this article helped me understand the Directives better.


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