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A study note on Facts

Everest is bigger now than the last time it was measured or the climate is causing flowers to change color. Dentistry is the oldest profession in the world!

This article is about interesting facts related to the world we live in, like Everest, which is a nonliving thing that is getting taller every year. Later,  this article will talk about how all flowers change their color to save themselves from harsh UV rays and you will get to know some interesting facts about oral care so keep on reading.

Everest is bigger now than the last time it was measured.

Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world. It lies between China and Nepal. After many years finally, both countries agreed upon defining the Himalayan peak into a new official figure which is 8,848.86 m above sea level. 

The new height of the mountain is 86 CM higher than the measurement which was previously recognized by Nepal and 4 m more than the height recognized by china. This new figure was jointly presented by both countries.

Why did the height change?

The peak height changes due to geographical conditions like movement in tectonic plates. These moments can lift the mountain and earthquakes also can bring it down. For example, a massive earthquake took place in 1934  and it wiped out 150 years of solid height increment of the mountain in just a few seconds.

Methods to measure the height of mountain:-

Different methods of measurement can bring different height results.

  • In the 19th century sir, George Everest was the Surveyor General of India. They used trigonometry to measure the mountains.
  • Now accurate measurements can be taken with the use of laser equipment, a version of Theodolite.
  • Now satellite and ground-penetrating radars are being used to measure the peaks’ position and amount of snow on them, respectively.

Climate change is causing flowers to change color.

The effects of change in climate and rise of temperature are not just responsible for extreme weather and change in sea levels but also change in the color of the flower. Recent studies suggest that due to this declining ozone and global warming, flowers are changing their colors. This happens when flowers use their pigmentation in observing UV rays. The study also revealed that UV exposure to pigmentation favors pollen. As it protects pollen from falling exposure of UV damage

To prove the study the petals were photographed by UV-sensitive cameras to observe the changes in pigmentation of the flower. Later, when scientists compared both before and after results. The increase in pigmentation rate was 2% and that result varied due to different flower structures of flower and increased temperature of the particular area. This study shows that global warming can damage the pollination and reproductive fitness of plants, further in the future.

Dentistry is the oldest profession in the world.

Believe It or not, dentistry is one of the oldest medical professions, dating back to 7000 B.C in the Indus River Valley civilization, now modern-day Pakistan. However, it was not until 5000 BC that descriptions related anything to dentistry or tooth decay became available. In Ancient Greek, Aristotles used to write about dentistry but it wasn’t until 1530 that the first book entirely devoted to dentistry “The little medicinal book for all kinds of disease and infirmities of teeth came out. During the 1700s dentistry became a recognized profession and in 1723, the father of modern dentistry Pierre fauchard published his influential book named “The surgeon dentist” fauchard also introduced the idea of fillings and use of the dental prosthesis. He also identified the acids from sugar that led to tooth decay.

By 1873 Colgate had mass-produced the first toothpaste and toothbrushes.

It will be surprising to hear that Americans were not ready to adopt the brushing habit until after World War 2 when soldiers stationed back with a good oral health concept to the US.


Indeed, nature never ceases to stop being amusing. Just hearing the fact that Mount Everest is growing every year and how these flowers can change colors by the UV rays of the sun and protect themselves is simply mind-boggling but also it a topic of concern we need to take proper measures to reduce global warming and reduce the usage of energy only then we can help the environment. Let’s make sure to protect the environment in our little ways, and also keep your oral health in check.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the NDA Examination Preparation.

Is Mount Everest getting smaller or bigger?

It’s been getting bigger every year for quite some years.

Who first measured Mount Everest?

Radhanath sirdar

Who owns Mount Everest?

It is jointly owned by two countries, China and Nepal.

Can a flower change color?

Indeed, flowers change their color a little at every stage of their life.

Who is the father of dentistry?

Pierre Fauchard is the father of modern dentistry.

Who is the Grand old man of dentistry?

Greene Vardiman black was the Grand old man of dentistry.

Who is the father of Indian dentistry?

 Rafiuddin Ahmed was the father of Indian dentistry.

Who invented tooth fillings?

 Dr. Bell in Britain (1819)