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Article 4, as reflected in Indian Constitution, is defined by the preliminary alterations and changes brought by Article 2 and Article 3.

Article 4 has been identified as an establishment and settlement of a boundary dispute along with the crucial changes and alteration referred to in Article 2 and Article 3. In order to be more precise, Article 4 is destined to serve these following changes as to implement them effectively with its legislation and legislature. In terms of this, a brief discussion has been made by taking in account Article 4 with its justification to the evolution of states and union as well as the majority by ordinary legislation. 

Concept of Article 4

According to the Indian Constitution, all the referred laws and legislation in the concerned articles should be contained with accurate alteration as for eventual implementation. In this context, the responsibility of Article 4 comes in. This article establishes the fact that the following changes are required to be taken into account and add data into the significant probationary for further judgement. Therefore, it includes a majority by ordinary legislation in order to prospect those alterations into an eventual substance. 

Idealism of Article 4

As per the draft constitution of 1948, article 4 is a subjunctive addition in Indian Constitution in order to empower the parliament.  it has been specified that the corresponding responsibility of article 4 is to to understand the variables of ordinary legislation as to measure its majority.  Therefore, a major declaration has been made that this particular article is for the settlement of a boundary dispute. It has been overly suggested that with the earlier articles established, the boundaries of the state can be varied by whether it is supposed to be increased or decreased.  Therefore, this article is supposed to represent these changes in order to provide a proper settlement of a boundary dispute. 

Majority by ordinary legislation 

With Article 2 and 3, Indian Constitution has provided the authority to navigate States dimension and autonomy in the hands of the Parliament. Therefore, these articles have been suggested with certain changes and all decisions that have been made by the parliament. Hence, this substance can be only established by article 4 when there is a majority by ordinary legislation to declare its requirement. 

Settlement of a boundary dispute 

The boundaries of the states can be modified by the Parliament followed by its impost authority of the Constitution of India. It has been stated that this authority is facilitated by undertaken charges and power of the state government in order to measure their internal law and regulation.  Hence, they can change the dimension of the states by either increasing the area or diminishing.  along with that the Parliament can even change the existing names of the state in order to establish this authority. Moreover, article 4 is contained with the settlement of a boundary dispute by measuring the changes with legislation and legislature of the states. 

Evolution of states and union 

The autonomy of the states and union is dependent on article 4 for the imposed authority of the Parliament. The states and union are supposed to be having their own distinct features and characteristics that make them individual. However, with article 4, an evolution of states and union can be made.  It is with the following changes and alterations that is in client to be made and added by article 4 in order to establish them in the context. 

State and union territory in Article 4

State and union territory is confined by the Indian government that can decide the expansion or suspension of facilitating their power. In this context with the earlier articles referred laws and legislation with the alteration, this concerned article is supposed to add those changes into the probationary account so that the Parliament itself can decide the internal factors of significance. Therefore, the configuration has been made that the fluctuation and modification of the state and union territory can be decided by the Parliament itself with their projection of Article 2 and 3.  However, in certain cases only a few members had opposed this approach stating that the authority of changing or negotiating their state laws should be in the hands of the state government itself.


An evaluation has been made addressing Article 4 in terms of its application and significance to the states and union. It has been identified that this article has a majority by ordinary legislation in order to make it significant to the Indian Constitution. In terms of this, the evolution of states and union is provided by this article as well as to facilitate the alteration of earlier articles. Hence, it has been able to signify that this article aims for the settlement of a boundary dispute.


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