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Misspelt Words: Vocabulary

In the English language we pronounce many words incorrectly. These are misspelt words. Many words in English have the same pronunciation but differ in meaning and spelling.

The English language has an ever-increasing number of words. It provides us with plenty of opportunities to broaden and improve our vocabulary. As a student or a professional, learning how to expand your English vocabulary can be beneficial. That’s why people worry about what Misspelt Words are.  

The truth is that the English language has a plethora of difficult words and phrases with various meanings that even native English speakers misspell. Errors in spelling occur frequently. They’re primarily innocuous, and they’re easy to spot and fix. However, spelling errors can be embarrassing in the wrong situations. In most formal writing, a spelling mistake will erode your reader’s trust in you. It has the potential to make them suspicious of your potential. 

Let’s have a look at the common misspelt words. 

  • definitely
  • lying
  • surprise
  • disease
  • niece
  • until
  • environment
  • opposite
  • weight
  • doesn’t
  • noticeable
  • vacuum
  • decision
  • lonely
  • summarise
  • accommodate
  • because
  • beginning
  • absence

Is Misspell or Mispell the Correct Spelling of the Word?

The word “misspell” is one of the most frequently misspelt words in English, which is ironic. The double “s” in this word causes a lot of confusion. Keep in mind that the first “s” comes from the prefix “mis,” which means “wrong” or “lost.” The word “spell” is the source of the second part.

Why are Words Misspelt?

Many words in English have the same pronunciation but differ in meaning and spelling. 

Words in English that sound nearly identical but have entirely different meanings are called homonyms. Even the most professional people misspell words from time to time. Take the words ‘desert’ and ‘dessert’ as an example. The slight difference in pronunciation is due to how certain letters are pronounced. Your tongue should force on the first words when you say desert. Because of this, it appears as DEZZ-urt.

On the other hand, your language puts a lot of emphasis on the final words in the dessert. It appears as Dez-URT as a result of this. This is why, at times, we become perplexed.

Another reason nowadays is Social networking and texting. Texting could also be one of the reasons why people nowadays make so many mistakes because they only spell words in short words. We type “k” instead of okay. We order “how’s u” instead of “how are you”. The typos we see on social media can also lead to Misspelt Words.

 How to Improve Misspelt Words?

  • Make a list of the words that you frequently mispronounce

If you find yourself repeatedly misspelling the same word, write it down somewhere you can double-check it. Look it up and correct the spelling next to it when you have a chance.

  • Form a habit of reading

When you encounter words in context, it’s easier to build a vocabulary. We think skipping reading will save our time, but there is no other way to do this. We see words in different books/novels or a newspaper/article can be far more instructive than seeing them on a vocabulary list. You not only learn new words, but you also learn how to use them. Spelling is about how a word appears on the page, not sounds. We learn written language, by including spelling, by reading what many people write, just as we learn spoken language by hearing many people talk. As a result, reading a lot is the first step toward bettering your spelling. And by doing this, a more extensive vocabulary will help you express yourself more clearly and comprehend what others are saying.

  • In a conversation, practise using new words

Make a point of using a word you come across in your reading in conversation. It is possible to have a large vocabulary without knowing how to use it. This requires you to use your dictionary on your initiative.

  •  Make use of the dictionary

When used correctly, online dictionaries and thesauruses can be handy. They can help you recall synonyms that would be better in the context of your Misspelt Words. You can learn about antonyms and root words from a complete dictionary definition. This is going to be a fantastic way to educate yourself.

  • Use of mnemonics 

Make use of mnemonics to help you remember what you’re learning.

A mnemonic device is a type of concept mapping that aids in the recall of proper usages of words.


Misspelt words are very common in written English. Remembering how to spell certain words, practice and dedication can help improve the issue. Alternatively, you can use the following methods:

  • Don’t try to memorise every difficult-to-pronounce word at the same time
  • In the dictionary, look up the meanings of words
  • Try to break words
  • Sketch of every misspelt word
  • Make a list of your comments and what you pronounce for each word
  • Make a sentence with each word you’ve been given