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Simple Tips for Improving Your Sentence Structure

Sentence structure is how a sentence is put together. It includes the order of words, how they are connected, and punctuation. Know more about the topic here.

Good sentence structure is key to writing well. Without it, your writing will be choppy and difficult to read. In this lesson, we will discuss 10 simple tips that will help improve your sentence structure. By following these tips, you will be able to write sentences that are clear and easy to understand. Let’s get started!

What Is A Sentence Structure?

Sentence structure is how a sentence is put together. It includes the order of words, how they are connected, and punctuation. Good sentence structure makes your writing clear and easy to read.

There are three main parts of a sentence: the subject, the verb, and the object.

  • The subject is what the sentence is about.

  • The verb is the action.

  • The object is what the action happens to.

Tips For Improving Your Sentence Structure

Here are some tips for improving your sentence structure:

Use active voice instead of passive voice. Active voice makes your writing more forceful and clear. In passive voice, the subject is acted upon by the verb. For example, “The door was opened by John” is in the active voice, while “John was opened the door by” is in the passive voice.

Use strong verbs to convey your meaning. For example, use “ran” instead of “went” or “walked.”

Avoid using too many adjectives and adverbs. These words can make your writing seem weak and clunky.

Be concise. Use the fewest number of words possible to get your point across.

Use parallel construction when creating lists or describing multiple items. This makes your writing more fluid and easy to read.

Start sentences with strong, concrete words. These words will grab the reader’s attention and make your writing more interesting.

End sentences with powerful words as well. These words will leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Mix up your sentence length. Using a variety of sentence lengths makes your writing more dynamic and interesting to read.

Pay attention to punctuation. Use punctuation correctly to help convey your meaning.

Proofread your work. This is the final step in ensuring that your writing is clear and error-free.

By following these tips, you can improve your sentence structure and make your writing more effective.

Common errors In Sentence Structuring

Starting a sentence with a coordinating conjunction: And, but, for, nor, yet, or, so. Example: But I don’t want to go outside.

Using a comma to join two independent clauses: Example: She likes ice cream, and she also likes cake.

Making a statement and then following it with a question: Example: I am writing this post, right?

Beginning a sentence with subordinating conjunction: After, although, as, because, before, if, since, unless. Example: Although he said he was coming over, he never showed up.

Using “there is” or “there are” when you should be using “it is” or “they are.” Example: There is a big dog in the backyard.

Putting a period at the end of a sentence that needs to be continued. Example: I don’t know what I am doing with my life.

One way to improve your sentence structure is to read your writing out loud. This will help you to catch errors in punctuation and pronunciation. You can also ask a friend or family member to read your work and give you feedback. Finally, make sure that you are using the correct verb tense and subject-verb agreement when creating sentences. With a little practice, you will be able to create clear and concise sentences that your readers will appreciate.

Sentence Structure Checklist

Are the subjects and verbs in agreement?

Is the sentence punctuated correctly?

Are all of the words necessary for the sentence?

Does the sentence make sense when read aloud?

Is the sentence too long or too short?

Is the tone of the sentence appropriate for the audience and purpose?

Have you used any sentence fragments?

Have you used any run-on sentences?

If you can answer yes to all of these questions, then congratulations!


In conclusion, we can say that writing sentences with proper grammatical construction is not hard. It is also essential to look after the fact that it is contextually correct and syntactically appropriate. One must also give attention to check that there are no errors in spellings.


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