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Rearrangement of Sentences

Rearrangement of sentences is the process of changing the order of words, phrases, or clauses to create a different effect or meaning in a sentence. Learn more here

English can be a difficult language to learn, but with a little bit of practice, you can improve your skills. One way to improve your English is by rearranging the sentences to create more effective and flowing paragraphs. In this lesson, we will discuss some tips and tricks for rearranging sentences in English. We will also provide examples of how to use these techniques to create better paragraphs. Keep reading to learn more!

What is Rearrangement of Sentences?

Rearrangement of sentences is the process of changing the order of words, phrases, or clauses to create a different effect or meaning in a sentence. It can be done for a variety of reasons, such as to emphasise a certain point or to make the sentence easier to understand.

There are a few different ways that you can rearrange sentences.

One way is to change the word order. For example, you could change the order of adjectives: “The big, red car” could become “The red, big car.” This might not seem like a huge change, but it can have a significant impact on the meaning of the sentence.

Another way to rearrange sentences is to use subordination and coordination. Subordination is when you use a subordinate clause to connect two main clauses. For example: “I don’t know if I should go to the party or not” could become “Whether or not I should go to the party is still up in the air.” Coordination, on the other hand, is when you use coordinating conjunctions to connect two main clauses. For example: “I want to go home and eat dinner” could become “I want to go home but first I need to eat dinner.”

Rearranging sentences can also help fix grammar mistakes. If you have a sentence with a mistake, rearranging the words can sometimes help to fix it. For example, “Yesterday at the store I saw a new shirt” could become “I saw a new shirt yesterday at the store.”

By rearranging sentences, you can change the meaning, tone, and emphasis of what you want to say. It’s a helpful skill to have in your arsenal when writing for both native and non-native speakers of English.

Now that we’ve gone over what Rearrangement of Sentences is, let’s talk about some tips and tricks for doing it.

Tips And Tricks For The Rearrangement Of Sentences

  1. One tip for rearranging sentences is to start by identifying the main points that you want to make. Once you know what your main points are, you can then start to rearrange the sentences to best express them.
  2. Another tip is to use subordination and coordination. As we mentioned before, subordination is when you use a subordinate clause to connect two main clauses, and coordination is when you use coordinating conjunctions to connect two main clauses. This can be a great way to make your sentence structure more complex and interesting.
  3. You can also use transitional words and phrases to help guide the reader through your sentence structure. Some common transitional words and phrases are: however, therefore, moreover, finally, etc.
  4. Finally, always read over your work once you’ve finished rearranging the sentences. This will help you catch any mistakes that you may have made while rearranging them.

By following these tips and tricks, you can effectively rearrange the sentences in your writing to create a more interesting and impactful sentence structure.

How does it make your Writing Interesting?

Rearranging sentences can make your writing more interesting by adding variety. It can also help to emphasise certain points, or de-emphasize others. For example, you might want to move a sentence to the beginning of a paragraph to introduce a new topic. Or, you might want to move a sentence to the end of a paragraph to create a strong conclusion.

Rearranging Sentences for Better Grammar

Sentences can also be rearranged for better grammar. For example, you might want to move a sentence from the beginning of a paragraph to the end so that it can be more easily understood. Or, you might want to move a sentence from the end of a paragraph to the beginning so that it can be used as an introduction.

Sentences can also be Rephrased

In addition to rearranging sentences, they can also be rephrased. This involves changing the order of words or phrases within a sentence to improve clarity and grammar. For example, you might want to rephrase a sentence so that the subject is at the beginning, or so that the verb is at the end.

Rephrasing and rearranging sentences can be a great way to improve your writing. By adding variety and improving clarity, you can make your writing more interesting and easier to understand.


There are a few different techniques that you can use to rearrange your sentences for better English. You can move clauses around, combine and split sentences, or switch word order. By using these techniques, you can improve the clarity and flow of your writing.


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What Is Rearrangement Of Sentences?

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