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Parts of Speech-Conjunction-Introduction to Conjunction

Conjunction is used in making our sentences longer and smooth which allows us to connect phrases and it also clarifies the sentences we are referring to. Some of the examples of conjunction words are for, and, but, or, yet, so, after, before, even, either etc. Conjunction words are used depending on how suitable they are used in joining two or more and different  words or sentences. Example:

The man is poor but honest.

In the English language, conjunctions come in three fundamental sorts: the organising conjunctions, the subjecting conjunctions, and the reciprocal conjunctions.

  1. Planning Conjunction

Among the three kinds of conjunctions, this is likely the most widely recognized one. The primary capacity of planning conjunctions is to join words, expressions, and provisos together, which are typically syntactically equivalent. Beside that, this sort of conjunctions is set in the middle of the words or gatherings of words that it interfaces together, and not toward the start or toward the end.


Pizza and burgers are my beloved bites.

  1. Subjecting Conjunction

This sort of conjunctions is utilised in connecting two statements together. Beside the way that they present a reliant provision, subjecting conjunctions additionally portray the connection between the reliant statement and the free proviso in the sentence.

Test Sentences:

It is so cold outside, so I gave you a coat.

Since it is so cold outside, I gave you a coat.

By looking at the sentences above, you will effortlessly see that a subjecting combination can be found either toward the start of the sentence or between the statements that it interfaces together. Beside that, a comma should likewise be set in the middle of the two conditions (free proviso and ward statement) of the sentence.

  1. Reciprocal Conjunction

The reciprocal conjunctions are basically combinations of conjunctions which are utilised to consolidate equivalent sentence components.

Test Sentences:

Both my sibling and my dad are legal advisors.

I can’t decide whether I’ll take Chemical Engineering or take Medical Technology in school.

What is a Conjunctive Adverb?

Albeit a conjunctive verb modifier is certifiably not a genuine combination, such a word’s capacities as conjunctions in a sentence. A few instances of conjunctive intensifiers are:

However therefore on the contrary hence in fact otherwise as a result indeed Still etc.

Using Conjunction in the sentences:

Conjunction is a word linking together two or more clauses or sentences. Clauses are said as the group of words which contain a verb. There are two types of conjunction i.e coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction. 

Two or more clauses:

When two or more clauses linked by a subordinating conjunction e.g We went inside when it started to rain.

Clauses that is connected to another clause with coordinating conjunction e.g He fell and broke his hand

Two or more adjective after linking verb:

When we use two adjectives after a linking verb, you use a conjunction, usually and, to link them. If you use more than two adjectives, you usually put a conjunction such as and between the last two adjectives and commas between the others. Eg The room was large and rectangular.

Most common time clauses conjunction:

The most commonly used time clauses are when. When is used to say that something happened, happens or will happen on a particular occasion. Eg When the telegram came and I read of his death, I couldn’t believe it.

Most common purpose clauses conjunction:

When you want to talk about the purpose of an action, you use a purpose clause with conjunction. Some eg are in order that, in order to, so, so as to, so that and to.

Connectors and linkers

Conjunction is also called connector as it connects two or more clauses. It is also called linkers as it links two sentences and phrases with each other

Using various types of conjunctions in one sentences

It is frequent and usual to use various types of conjunctions together in the same sentence. When we talk about coordinating conjunctions which are used to connect independent clauses and subordinating conjunctions which are used to link subordinate clauses to independent clauses. At times, sentences become lengthy and complicated, but you have to be clear when and where to use commas.

A quick example of a complicated sentence that used all three types of conjunctions.

I tried to convince my mother and father, I was innocent, but my idea failed because both my elder brother and my elder sister told them that I broke the door.

Correct comma usage

The punctuation mark comma often confuses people where to use while using conjunctions.

Always use commas before the conjunction while linking independent clauses together or at the time of  creating a list. Never use a comma if joined things that aren’t independent clauses. eg I love my sister, and she loves me. (comma)

Where conjunctions are placed

Commonly conjunctions are often used between the sentence they connect.e.g

I am thirsty and hungry.

He tried to buy some medicine, but the chemist shop was closed.

Fox is the cleverest than most other animals


Conjunction is the word that is used to connect two or more words, sentences, clauses or phrases by joining or linking them together. There are various types of conjunctions and their wide functionalities that one must be aware of to avoid any miscommunication in spoken or written English.