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Modals: How to Avoid Common Mistakes

The most prevalent blunder with modal like can is that they are used to ask for permission when they should be used to provide permission. Learn other mistakes here!

Modals are one of the most commonly used verb forms in English. They are used to express various levels of ability, doubt or certainty, and obligation. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of modal verbs, and give you some examples of how to use them correctly. We will also show you how to avoid making common mistakes when using modals. Let’s get started!

Modals in the English Language

Modals are a type of verb that shows how confident we are about what we are saying. There are three main modal verbs in English- can, could and may. Each one has a specific meaning which is shown in the list below:

Can- expresses ability or permission

Could- expresses possibility or ability in the past

May- expresses the possibility

Modals: Most Common Mistakes

Now that we know the three main modal verbs, let’s move on to some common mistakes that people make when using them.

  1. The most common mistake people make with ‘can’ is using it to ask for permission. For example, the sentence “Can I go to the bathroom?” is incorrect because it should be “May I go to the bathroom?”
  2. Another common mistake is using ‘may’ when you should use ‘might’. For example, the sentence “I may go to the beach this weekend” is incorrect because it should be “I might go to the beach this weekend.”
  3. The last common mistake is using ‘could’ when you should use ‘can’. For example, the sentence “I could go to the beach this weekend” is incorrect because it should be “I can go to the beach this weekend.”

Now that we’ve gone over some common mistakes, let’s move on to how to avoid them.

  • When using can, make sure you are using it to express ability or permission, and not to ask for permission
  • When using may, make sure you are using it to express the possibility and not the certainty
  • When using could, make sure you are using it to express ability in the past and not the present

Rules of Modal verbs

Following are the rules of modal verbs which are to be kept in mind while using them. Modals are auxiliary verbs (helping verbs) that express levels of ability, possibility, certainty, and permission. Modal verbs are always found with the base (infinitive) form of another semantic verb. In the English language, modals are the following words: can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, would.

Modals: Examples

Modals examples are as follows:

– I can speak Spanish.

– You could try harder.

– She might be sleeping.

– We must finish the work.

– You ought to know better.

– Shall I carry your bag?

– Should we start now?

– Will you come with me?

– Would you like some coffee?

Uses of Modals

Modals are used to:

– Express ability: I can speak Spanish.

– Express doubt: You could try harder.

– Modify the meaning of the main verb: She might be sleeping.

– Express possibility: We must finish the work.

– Make suggestions: You ought to know better.

– Express polite requests: Shall I carry your bag?

Types of Modal Verbs

There are five types of modal verbs:

-Modals denoting ability: can, could

Example: I can speak English very well.

– Modals denoting possibility: may, might, could

Example: She might be at home.

-Modals denoting certainty: must

Example: You must go home before dark.

-Modals denoting permission: can, may, might, must

Example: You can come with us.

– Modals for giving orders or requests: shall, should

Example: You shall not steal.

When should one not use modals?

Modals can be used to express various levels of certainty. However, there are certain cases when one should not use modals. For example, in cases of doubt, one should not use modals. In addition, in questions where the answer is already given, modals should not be used. Modals should also not be used in formal writing. Finally, modals can be used to express politeness; however, there are cases when politeness is not appropriate. In such cases, one should avoid using modals. These are a type of verb that express levels of ability, certainty, or politeness. There are various modals in English, such as can, could, may, might, will, would, and should.

How to make Negative Sentences with Modals?

Modals can also be used to make negative sentences. For example, one can say “I cannot do that” or “I will not do that.” In addition, modals can be used to make questions. For example, one could ask “Can you do that?” or “Will you do that?” Modals are versatile verbs that can be used to express a variety of ideas. However, there are certain cases when one should not use modals. It should be used carefully to avoid making common mistakes.


Error spotting can be difficult, especially for modals. But by being aware of the most common mistakes people make with modals, you can avoid them in your own writing. Be mindful of the rules and conventions of different types of modal verbs to avoid any misuse.