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A Short Note on One Word Substitution

The article contains the concept of one-word substitution, including what is a one-word substitution, different one-word substitution; i.e, one word for many terms, study, group, sound, etc.

One word substitution is the use of a specific one word to replace a sentence or wordy phrase. It is a process to make the sentence structure clear. One word substitute as the expression shows itself are the words that supplant a gathering of words or a full sentence actually without making any sort of uncertainty in the significance of the sentences. In the English language, there is a bunch of one words for a gathering of words that can be utilized successfully to make the composition to the point that too without losing the importance of the specific situation.

One Word Substitution

One word for many terms, study, group, sound, etc., is given below.

  • A temporary police force – Posse
  • A large group of people – Horde
  • The study of plants – Botany
  • Several fish swimming together – Shoal
  • The one who loves mankind – Philanthropist
  • The one who looks at the brighter side of everything – An optimist
  • The one who looks at the negative/dark side of everything – Pessimist
  • The one who does not believe in God is – Atheist
  • The one who eats human flesh – Cannibal
  • Someone who regards the world as their country – Cosmopolitan
  • Space where animal hides are tanned – Tannery
  • Changing the direction of one’s path suddenly -Veer
  • A government that has a monarch as the head – A monarchy
  • Events manifested by festivities – Fiesta
  • Extreme physical or mental sufferings – Agony
  • The one who loves good food and knows a lot about it – Gourmet
  • Someone who lives in solitude – Recluse
  • Someone who speaks more than one language – Polyglot
  • A person who boasts of one’s achievements – An egotist
  • The sound of Camels – Grunt
  • People who can vote in an election – Electorate
  • Using a word or name that is inappropriate – Misnomer
  • A person who loves himself the most – Narcissist
  • A person who draws maps – Cartographer
  • Absolute freedom to act as one wishes – Carte blanche
  • A person who abandons his religion – Apostate
  • A soldier who fights for the sake of money – Mercenary
  • A person was appointed to settle a dispute between two parties – An arbitrator
  • An accolade or honour bestowed in recognition of achievement – Laurel
  • The one who knows everything – Omniscient
  • Charging a politician with a serious crime – Impeach
  • The one who is all-powerful – Omnipotent
  • Believer of fate – Fatalist
  • The one who is present in everything – Omnipresent
  • Someone who is eighty years old – Octogenarian
  • The one who settles in another country – Immigrant
  • Someone who cares about mankind. Humanitarian
  • A group of sheep – Flock
  • Many people travel together in a big van or jeep – A caravan
  • Appreciation of beauty, by a set of principles – Aesthetics
  • A family of young animals – Brood
  • Study of stars –  Astronomy
  • A series of stars – Constellation
  • Spartan snowstorms with uncontrollable winds – Blizzard
  • Indefinite period – Aeon
  • Study of statistics – Demography
  • The ancient search for a panacea, and of the philosopher’s stone – Alchemy
  • Dwarfed varieties of trees and shrubs in pots – Bonsai
  • An eccentric manner of living – Bohemian
  • The remote regions of a country that are far away from the rivers – Hinterland
  • Huge fire for celebration – Bonfire
  • Complex situation or a mix-up – Imbroglio
  • Not showing enough care and attention – Remiss
  • A shelter for a Dog – Kennel
  • The study of ancient writing and scriptures – Paleography
  • Make someone feel young – Rejuvenate
  • Ordinary and Dull – Mundane
  • Where wild animals live – Lair
  • The study of the evolution of mankind – Anthropology
  • The practice of writing dictionaries – Lexicography
  • The study of the human mind – Psychology
  • Published after someone’s death – Posthumous
  • A place where coins are made – Mint
  • The symbols of royalty – Regalia
  • A person promises to tell the truth in court – Oath
  • Beginning to exist and evolve – Nascent
  • The study of rocks and soil – Geology
  • The profession of teaching or the approach or style of teaching – Pedagogy


In every language, one-word substitution is a substitution for a long time and extended sentences or definitions. One word substitution falls under the classification of vocabulary as words, sentences, and definitions are portions of discourse also. To make the language fresh, short, and unblemished, a single word is supplanted with extensive, extended, and explained settings. One word replacements are otherwise called verbatim. The act of Single word replacement is, additionally, something that replaces a word with a unique circumstance however without changing the importance of the given same setting. One word substitution is important for readers, writers, and speakers.


Frequently asked questions

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How do you solve one-word substitution?

Answer: One word substitution can be solved by identifying the root word (a word with no prefix or suffix), prefix (a word, letter, or number place...Read full

Why do we use one-word substitution?

Answer: One word substitution is used to communicate easily and effortlessly. One word substitution is also used because it saves time while readin...Read full

Does every term or group have a one-word substitution?

Answer: Every term or group does not have a one-word substitution. In English, more than 200 terms and groups have one-word substitution. Only a fe...Read full

What are the different categories of one-word substitution?

Answer: There are different categories of one-word substitution. Some of them are study, people, term, group, science, sound, political system, occ...Read full

Is one-word substitution available only in English?

Answer: One word substitution is available in all languages. There are more than 200 one-word substitutions in English.