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Basic Computer Operation-Storage and Relative-Storage Functions

Input, processing, output, storage, and control are the five main types of computer activities. Although even relatively basic computers can undertake complicated processing, processors can only execute simple mathematical calculations. 

Basic Operations Of A Computer System

A computer system performs 5 Basic Operations. They are as follows:


Input is a fundamental function of a computer system. This is the process of entering data and instructions into a computer by means of the processing unit.

A computer system is made up of many processing elements, one of which is the Input Unit, which performs the operation of inputting. You should realize that by inputting, you are transferring information and/or commands to the computer in the proper format. Input devices such as the keyboard, discs, or other computers through connectivity or modems linked to the Internet are used to enter information and programs into the computer.


Processing is the task of conducting computations and comparisons. Arithmetic and Logical Unit ALU is the unit of a computer system that is responsible for the processing. The ALU is the location where instructions are actually executed during processing processes. The ALU is used for all computations and comparisons. The instructions and data that are stored in the main storage are moved to it as needed. 


This unit is responsible for receiving processed information from the processing unit and presenting it to the user in the appropriate format. A computer generates results in binary form, and the output unit decodes them to make them useful by users. Output unit devices are devices that can output information from a computer. Monitors, speakers, and projectors are examples of soft-output devices, whereas printers and plotters generate hard copy output. 


Data and instructions entered into the computer must be stored somewhere within the computer before actual processing can begin. Similarly, results generated by the computer must be saved before being sent to the output device. The computer’s intermediate result must also be saved for future processing. As a result, the storage Unit is critical in a computer system.

Control Unit

The ALU does not know what to do with the data, and the output unit does not know whenever the output should be shown. The CU is capable of maintaining order and managing the functioning of the entire system by selecting, interning, and overseeing the program’s execution. CU does not perform any actual data processing, but it is regarded as a nervous system for computer conveniences. It is in charge of managing and managing the entire system.

Storage Functions

A memory unit is the amount of data held in a unit of memory. We also quantify its storage capacity in bytes. Depending on the circumstances, multiple memory units are accessible. Before we get into the memory units, let’s first define memory. The bit is the smallest unit of memory, and Petabyte is the highest.

Classification of memory

Primary Memory

A computer system’s primary memory is made up of semiconductors and functions as the system’s main memory. It is frequently used to store information and data on which the computer is currently working; thus, it is referred to as a temporary storage device. Data and information are lost when systems are turned off. Primary memory types include:

RAM stands for Random Access Memory.

ROM stands for read-only memory.

Secondary Storage

Secondary memory is where programs and data are kept. This is also known as the auxiliary memory unit. It varies from primary memory in that it is non-volatile and it can be accessed directly by the CPU. Secondary storage devices, often referred to as external storage devices, contain far more storage space than primary memory and are significantly less expensive.

System of units

Bit (B) is the smallest unit. In computer systems, a byte is an 8-bit binary data unit. A byte is a computing unit that represents a character, such as a number, letter, or typographic sign like “7,” “h,” or “$.” 

Nibble is equal to the collection of 4 bit 

A Byte is equal to 8 bit

Kilobyte (KB) is equal to 1,024 Bytes

The kilobyte is the smallest unit of memory; however, it is greater than a byte. A kilobyte (abbreviated ‘Kor ‘KB’) is 1,000 bytes. 

Megabyte (MB) is equal to 1,024 Kilobytes.

A megabyte (MB) is 103 KBs in size, and it precedes the gigabyte (GB) as a memory measurement unit. A megabyte (abbreviated “MB”) is equal to 106 bytes. 

Gigabyte (GB) is equal to 1,024 Megabytes.

A gigabyte (GB) is 1,000 megabytes and precedes the terabyte (TB) memory measurement unit. 

Terabyte (TB) is equal to 1,024 Gigabytes. 

A terabyte (TB) is 1,000 gigabytes of memory, and it comes before the Petabyte (PB). The terabyte is made up of 1012 bytes. Tebibytes and terabytes are interchangeable, with 1, 024 GB, because 1 TB is approximately 1 trillion bytes. 

Petabyte (PB) is equal to 1,024 Terabytes

Petabytes are 1,000 terabytes, which come before exabytes of storage. It is the most spacious storage container. Petabytes (abbreviated “PB”) are 1015 bytes in size. Petabytes are smaller than pebibytes and have the same number of bytes as pebibytes (1,125,899,906, 842,624). (250).


We discussed Basic Computer Operation & Storage and Relative capabilities and other related topics through the study material notes on Basic Computer Operation-Storage and Relative-Storage Functions. 

A computer system performs 5 Basic Operations. They are as follows Inputting, Processing, Outputting, Storing, Controlling. There are two types of computer memory: primary and secondary. Memory is a synonym for main memory and an abbreviation for random access memory, a type of primary memory (RAM). This sort of memory is housed on microchips that are physically close to a computer’s microprocessor.


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