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Uses of Acids

When we hear the term acid, we immediately think of something deadly or damaging. There are innumerable uses of acids. Acids are used in our homes, metal industries, for chemical synthesis, and even by our bodies.

When we hear the term acid, we generally think of something dangerous or damaging. Although, acids are used inadvertently in our daily life. There are many uses of acids in our homes, industries, and in our bodies too. In this article, we will discuss the common uses of acids, as well as the applications of seven key acids: hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrofluoric acid, carbonic acid, citric acid, and acetic acid. Hydrochloric acid is the most common form of acid.

Uses of Acids in our Body

  • Hydrochloric acid is one of the components of gastric juices in the stomach. It helps in breaking down complicated molecules into less complicated ones for absorption.
  • Nucleic acids like RNA and DNA make up the genetic fabric in humans.
  • Fatty acids are the primary gadgets of fat in our body.
  • Amino acids are the primary unit of proteins in our bodies. Not all amino acids are acidic. Only a few amino acids, such as aspartic acid and glutamic acid, are acidic.

Uses of Acids in Food

  • Citric acid is the primary constituent of citric fruits like lime, orange, etc.
  • Citric acids are accountable for the bitter style of these fruits.
  • Oxalic acid is present in tomatoes.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which is crucial for our body, is present in most citric fruits. Our body cannot synthesise vitamin C on its own.
  • Carbon dioxide is dissolved in juices below excessive stress to produce fizzy drinks. This form of acid is called carbonic acid. The second you open the glass, the strain is launched and carbon dioxide is released.
  • Acetic acid is a principal constituent of vinegar.

Uses of Acids in Catalysis

  • Bronzed acids are used for the conversion of fat into biodiesel. 
  • Strong acids like hydrochloric acid are used as acid catalysts for esterification reactions. 
  • Metal crown ethers are used as lewis acid for aldol condensation reactions. 
  • Acidic organisations, supported by strong carriers like silica, are extensively used for solid-acid catalysis. You can study the article titled “silica-supported sulfonic acids as a recyclable catalyst for esterification of levulinic acid with stoichiometric quantities of alcohol” for greater details.
  • Phosphotungstic acid (H3PW12O40) is used for Friedlander condensation.

Uses of Acids in Medicine

  • Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) is used as an ache killer and remedy for inflammation.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is used to treat scurvy.
  • Salicylic acid is used as a remedy for dandruff, warts and ringworms.

Uses of Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)

  • HCl can be found in our stomach as a part of the gastric juice. It creates an acidic surrounding in the stomach to break down complex compounds.
  • It is used as a catalyst in many natural reactions.
  • It is additionally used as a reagent to produce inorganic salts.
  • HCl is also used for pickling steel surfaces, particularly in the pickling of metal, to cast off rust or any other form of contamination.

Uses of Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)

  • Sulfuric acid is often used as an electrolyte in lead based batteries.
  • It is used in the synthesis of fertilisers, in particular phosphate fertilisers.
  • It is also used as a cleansing agent for cars.
  • It is used as a catalyst in natural synthesis reactions, particularly to refine petroleum.

Uses of Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)

  • HF is used in the synthesis of fluorine-based natural compounds. A well-known example of natural fluorides is CFCs (chlorofluorocarbon), used in fridges and air conditioners.
  • HF is used as an acid catalyst in the petroleum industry.
  • It is also used as an etchant to smoothen the surface of silicon wafers. These silicon wafers are used in the production of microchips. (Hydrofluoric acid is a very sturdy acid, and is not to be dealt with naked hands)

Uses of Carbonic Acid (H2CO3)

Carbonic acid is produced when CO2 is dissolved in water. 

  • It is used in the manufacture of carbonated drinks.
  • It used to treat dermatitis.
  • It is also used in meal processing industries. 
  • It is used in cosmetic products for skin brightening.


Acids have a wide range of applications. They are extensively employed in a variety of applications, ranging from everyday life to industrial and commercial settings. Wine vinegar, which is a diluted version of acetic acid, is a significant element in the production of different types of cuisine. It is also used as a preservative in certain recipes. It is possible to detect traces of acids in carbonated beverages. Phosphoric acid is a significant element used in the production of these beverages. Sulfuric acid and nitric acid are employed in the production of a wide variety of chemicals and goods. Dyeing agents, explosives, and fertilisers are just a few examples. Lemons and oranges, for example, contain citric acid. Sulfuric acid is used in the production of automobile motor batteries.


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What are a few examples of uses of acids in our daily lives?

Ans : They are present in citric fruits like lemon and oranges.  ...Read full

What are some uses of citric acid? (C6H8O7)

Ans : It is used in the synthesis of buffer solutions. ...Read full

Mention different uses of nitric acid (HNO3)?

Ans : It is used in the synthesis of nitrogen-based fertilisers. ...Read full

List some of the best uses acetic acid (CH3COOH)?

Ans : It is used in the manufacture of pesticides.  ...Read full