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Statement of the Law on Gay Lussac’s

The Gay-Lussac equation expresses the relationship between temperature and pressure at constant volume,. The law states that for a constant volume, pressure is directly proportional to the temperature of a given gas.

In the year 1808, a French chemist named Joseph Gay-Lussac proposed Law. This law states that the pressure applied by a gas at a constant volume changes in direct proportion to its absolute temperature. When the mass and volume of a gas are constant, the pressure applied by the gas is directly proportional to the temperature of the gas.

The absolute temperature and pressure of an ideal gas are directly related under conditions of constant mass and volume, according to Gay- Lussac’s Amonton’s law. To put it another way, heating gas in a sealed container increases its pressure, but cooling a gas decreases its pressure. The reason for this is that when the temperature rises, the thermal kinetic energy of gas molecules increases. As the temperature rises, molecules hit the container walls more frequently. Increased collisions are interpreted as more pressure.

The law is named after Joseph Gay-Lussac, a French chemist and scientist. The law was formulated by Gay-Lussac in 1802, but it was a formal expression of the relationship between temperature and pressure described in the late 1600s by French physicist Guillaume Amonton.

Gay-Lussac formula derivation:

The following is a representation of Gay Lussac’s- Law is as follows:- 



P = Pressure

T = Temperature.

A rising linear plot depicts the connection between absolute temperature and pressure for a given amount of gas. Amonton’s law is another name for this law. It’s also known as the pressure law because it describes how gas pressure rises as temperature increases.

When volume and quantity are held constant, Gay-Law Lussac gives the relationship between pressure and temperature. In other words:

  • As the temperature of a container rises, so does the pressure.
  • As the temperature of a container drops, so does the pressure.

The equation (1) can be written is as follows;


Here, k is a  constant.

Rearranged the equation (2) is as follows;

When the volume (V) and amount (n) of gas are constant, the ratio of pressure to temperature (PV) remains constant, according to the above expression.

If we plot a graph between temperature and pressure at the different volumes is as follows;

and are different pressures and temperatures of the ideal gas. Then the Gay – Lussaccs formula will be shown as follows;

Here the temperature is doubled when the pressure is doubled. Then the equation will be;

According to the above formulas, pressure rises in lockstep with temperature rise. When the temperature falls below zero, the pressure decreases sharply as well.

The equation of the Gay -Lussac law in the Celsius scale;

Let assume T, t is the temperature in the kelvin and degree Celsius respectively.

The Kelvin temperature value is 273.15K.

Substituting this value in formula (2)

This equation is similar to .

Law of combining volumes;

When the volume of gases involved in a chemical reaction is measured at the same temperature and pressure, they display simple whole-number ratios to one another.

At constant temperature and pressure, when gas A combines with gas B to form gas C, the ratio of the gas volumes is a simple whole-number ratio:

Volume of A

Volume of B

Volume of C




The reactant and products all are in gases the equation is as follows;

The ratio of the gases volume will be;


Hydrogen reacts with chlorine to form hydrogen chloride. The chemical reaction is as follows;

From the reaction,

The volume of hydrogen -1

The volume of chlorine -1

The volume of Hydrogen chloride  – 2

Hence, the simple ratio of volume will be .

Example – 2

Nitrogen reacts with hydrogen to form ammonia. The chemical reaction is as follows;

The volume of nitrogen – 1

The volume of hydrogen – 3

The volume of ammonia – 2

Hence, the simple ratio of volume will be .

Gay -Lussac’s law real-life examples:

Firing gun:  A gunshot is a sound made when a gun is fired. As gunpowder ignites, it produces superheated gas, which, according to Gay-Lussac’s law drives the bullet out of the gun barrel. Other examples in everyday life are things that rely on gas and pressure to work.

Burning of tire: When an automobile tire’s rubber is burned, the air pressure in the tyre rises due to the higher temperature. A tyre wall explosion could occur as a result of this.

Heating closed aerosol: When aerosol cans such as deodorants and spray paint are burned, the temperature rises, increasing pressure and potentially causing the container to explode. This is why practically every deodorant container has a caution on it that says, “Do not put empty bottles in the fire.”


Joseph Gay-Lussac, a French chemist, proposed Law. The pressure exerted by a gas at a constant volume changes in direct proportion to its absolute temperature, according to this law. When a gas’s mass and volume remain constant, the pressure applied by the gas is directly proportional to the gas’s temperature. For a given amount of gas, a rising linear plot depicts the relationship between absolute temperature and pressure. This law is also known as Amonton’s law. Because it describes how gas pressure grows as temperature rises, it’s also known as the pressure law.


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