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Statement of the Law on Charles’s Law

The physical concept known as Charles's law, states that if the pressure remains constant, the volume occupied by a certain amount of gas is precisely proportional to its actual temperature.

The law of volumes is a gas law that describes how gases expand while heated. Charles’ law is updated as follows.

The Kelvin pressure and temperature are related when the pressure on the dry gas sample is held constant.

What is Charles’s Law?

One of the gas laws is Charles’ Law. Jacques Alexandre César Charles, a French inventor and scientist, explored the link between the volume and temperature of a gas under constant pressure near the end of the 18th century.

It states that:

  •  At constant pressure, the volume of a given mass of a gas is precisely proportional to its Kelvin temperature. The link across temperature and volume may be stated mathematically as:


  • This implies that doubling the temperature, for example, will also double the volume. If you cut the temperature in half, you’ll get half the volume.

This may be expressed numerically as follows:

V= Constant T


  • V is volume 
  • is temperature


If you rearrange the PV  = nRT equation by dividing both sides by p, we get:


Where,   nR/P  is constant

  • P  is the absolute pressure of the gas
  • n is the amount of substance
  • T is the absolute temperature
  • V is the volume
  • R  is  ideal, or universal, gas constant, equal to the product of the Boltzmann constant and the Avogadro constant,

             R= 8.31J/mol K

The graph can be given as:

When a fixed quantity of gas is heated, or when the temperature is raised, the volume rises as well. Similarly, when the gas cools, its volume drops.

Boyle’s Law


The capacity is inversely proportional to its pressure for a certain quantity of gas at constant temperature.

This means that doubling the pressure, for example, will reduce the volume by half. The volume will drop tenfold if the pressure is increased ten times.

This may be expressed numerically as

PV= k


  • P is pressure, 
  • V is volume, and 
  • k is constant.

 When the temperature is kept constant, the rule may also be used to determine the pressure or volume of a system:

P1V1= P2V2


  • P= initial pressure
    V1= initial volume
  • P2 = final pressure
    V2= final volume

Boyle’s Law demands the temperature is constant as well.

The graph can be shown as:

Difference between Charles’ law and Boyle’s law?

  • The two terms involved in Charles’ law are directly proportional to each other, whereas the terms involved in Boyle’s law are inversely proportional to each other.
  • The two terms involved in Charles’ law are directly proportional to each other, whereas the terms involved in Boyle’s law are inversely proportional.

Combination of Boyle’s law and Charle’s law

Boyle’s Law and Charles’ Law are integrated in the standard combined gas law.

The combined gas law contains the relationships between pressure, volume, and absolute temperature. Mathematically, it’s written as:


So  working form of combined gas law is:

What is Gay Lussac’s Law?

Gay-Lussac’s Law: 


Gay-Lussac’s Law states that   ,PT=k where k is the proportionality constant.


  • Pis the pressure
  • T is the temperature
  • k is the constant

What is Avogadro’s Law?

Avogadro’s law states that the equal volumes of various gases contain an equal number of molecules under the same circumstances of temperature and pressure.

It may be represented as: with constant pressure and temperature

     V n         



  • V is the volume of gas 
  • n is the amount of gaseous substance in moles 
  • k is constant

What is an Ideal Gas?

Avogadro’s law states that the equal volumes of various gases contain the same number of molecules under the same temperature and pressure circumstances.


Ideal gas molecules are neither attracted or repelled to one another. The sole interaction between perfect gas molecules would be an elastic collision when they collided with each other or with the container’s walls.

The molecules of an ideal gas have no space. Because the molecules extend throughout a broad span of space, the gas takes up the volume, yet the Ideal gas molecules are represented as point particles with no volume in and of themselves.

Equation of Ideal Gas Law:

The macroscopic and microscopic factors such as pressure, volume, and temperature determine the condition of an ideal gas.

The ideal gas equation can be given in the form: PV = nRT



  • P is the pressure of the ideal gas.
  • V is the volume of an ideal gas.
  • n is the amount of ideal gas measured in terms of moles.
  • R is gas constant.
  • T is temperature.


The rule demonstrates how the volume of a gas increases as the temperature rises and decreases as the temperature drops. When comparing the properties of the same material under different circumstances.

A theoretical gas composed of a huge number of spontaneously moving discrete particles with no interparticle interactions is known as an ideal gas. The ideal gas concept is significant because it respects the ideal gas law, a streamlined equation of state, and is accessible to statistical mechanics analysis. The requirement of zero interaction may usually be ignored if the interaction is entirely elastic or treated as a point-like collision.



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