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Some important chemical compounds-Ink

The topic of this article Ink is an essential chemical compound. This article will briefly explain the origin of the term ink and its uses.

Ink is one of the important chemical compounds keeping in mind its usage in almost all sectors. Ink is made of different materials and is mainly used to draw on paper. When the paper is ink-jet printed, ink can be used to show colours directly on a page, or the ink can be used to make images on a page by allowing the ink to dry.

There are many kinds of inks, ranging from the more permanent to the more temporary. It is possible to use both water-based and oil-based inks.

History of inks

Ink is a form of writing medium that humans have used since at least 27,000 years ago. In ancient times, the use of ink was limited to the administration of royalty and the high ranks of society. Today, in the 21st century, pen and paper are commonplace, but there is still a place for the use of ink in various fields of human endeavour for a wide variety of purposes. This paper aims to discuss and compare the multiple ink uses in education.

Material Composition of ink

Ink is made up of different chemical compounds. A few of the compounds can be categorised as organic and the other as inorganic. The vehicle contains a vehicle solvent, a binding agent (binder), and additives such as drying agent and filler. All inks are usually composed of a pigment and a vehicle. The process of making ink begins with the mixing of the pigment and the liquid vehicle. The choice of pigment is typically based on the application to be completed and the desired colour and hue.

Chemical composition of ink

The two main ingredients of ink are a solvent and a dye. The colour is created by how the dyes are arranged within the ink, but the binder holds the ink together as a solid mass. The solvent is a less volatile liquid, often water, and the dye is a soluble powder or crystal dissolved in the solvent. The solvent is the main component of any ink, and the solvent does not evaporate at a rate faster than the dye can be dissolved. The dye, however, is the component that is responsible for the colour of the ink.

The molecular formula of ink is C14H26N2O4S. This formula is used to identify the specific ingredients of inks. This formula is the chemical composition of the ink, which is the basis for its colour. It can be made up of several elements, such as sulphur, oxygen, copper, and nitrogen. These elements provide the ink with other properties and characteristics.

Types of inks

The paper industry’s two principal types of inks are water-based and solvent-based. Water-based inks are based on an emulsion of water and an oil-based binder. These inks are generally suitable for use on ordinary paper, while solvent-based inks are based on a carrier solvent and a dye solution. These inks are usually ideal for use on high-quality paper and speciality papers.

Here we are mentioning a few various types of inks:

Carbon Black

It is a complex mixture of water, pigments, varnishes, resins, glues, and binders. In its most basic form, the “black” ink consists of carbon in the form of graphite particles suspended in a mixture of water and soot, the byproduct of combustion. 

Pen ink

Pen ink is a liquid that is used in writing. It is used to make the ink in a writing utensil print on the paper or other object.

Printer ink

Printer ink is a substance used to print or write on paper using an ink-jet printer. Printers use ink to print onto fabric, paper, or other media. Ink is composed of colour particles suspended in a water or alcohol solution.

Printer ink comes from fossil fuels.

Edible ink

Edible ink is a combination of two or three different substances that give them a water-based or oil-based texture. Edible ink can be used in various ways, including marking food, making writing materials, and the printing process can even be used to make edible labels.

Tattoo ink

Tattoo ink is a mixture of water and alcohol or water and glycerin. It is the solution used to make the ink stick to the skin. The colourants used in tattoo ink include henna, indigo, coal tar, and others. Inks can be either opaque or transparent. 


The purpose of this article is to understand the basic concepts of “Ink.” The ink is a clear liquid that is produced by the skin. It comprises several ingredients, such as water, glycerine, and fatty acids. The pigment, made from iron carbonate, is an essential component. It is very hard and is found in the skin of the eyelids on the upper side of eyelids.


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