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Some important chemical compounds-Cement

In this article, we have talked about one of the most important chemical compounds, cement. We have talked about the history, uses, properties, material and chemical composition, chemical compounds, advantages and disadvantages of cement.

We will provide you with some of the most important chemical compounds in the modern world. Here you will find what most of us think of when we hear the word “Cement”, as well as a brief history of the creation of this vital material for society and the economy.

Cement is one of the most ubiquitous and essential materials in our daily lives. They can be traced back to the earliest civilisations, becoming critical to modern societies. The properties and chemical compounds of common types of cement have been known since ancient times. Cement has long been used for structural purposes, such as roads, buildings, bridges, and dams.

History of Cement:

Cement was first used as a construction material in ancient Rome. After the fall of the Roman Empire in the Dark Ages, cement has slowly made its way back into the construction world. Cement is a mixture of limestone and clay, which creates a strong, hard mass that holds together all sorts of materials.

Cement has been used as a building material since the 5th century B.C. However, cement was not used much until the 20th century. With the development of construction technology, cement has become one of the most widely used construction materials. 

Material Composition of Cement:

Cement is a mixture of various compounds, including water, pozzolans, limestone, cement clinker, sand, clay and aggregates. Cement clinker and limestone are essential in giving different properties to cement. Cement clinker is the main cement component used to build skyscrapers and other buildings. Sand is the main component of cement which provides the material for cement, much like dirt offers the material for concrete. The clinkers are the broken pieces of cement; they are the ingredients that give the cement its strength. As a result, cement is tough and durable.

Chemical composition of Cement:

The chemical composition of cement is determined by the raw materials used in their manufacture and the curing process. The chemical composition of raw material is determined by the natural chemical composition of the material (e.g. Silicon dioxide (SiO2) is a component of natural silica sand) plus the amount of impurities in the material (e.g., Fe2O3 is added to raw silica sand to improve the flow of the concrete) and the number of waste materials.

The amount and percentage of the main chemical ingredients in cement, including its mineral components, can vary greatly. 

Cement is a hydrated lime with a high calcium oxide (CaO) content, a relatively strong base with a very high pH. It is a product of a chemical reaction between limestone (calcium carbonate) and clay. Some chemical compounds of cement:

  1. Portland Cement:

Most Portland Cement consists mainly of calcium oxide, CaO, and silica, SiO2, together with a variety of other oxides, which can be either a source of valuable chemicals or a source of problems if misused. Portland Cement is the most widely used cement globally, and the majority of the world’s cement production is utilised in the United States.

  1. Roman concrete:

The oldest cement in the world is said to be the remains of a Roman concrete found during excavations of the Pantheon in the 19th century. It was a mix of marble, sand, and lime.

  1. Slag Cement:

Slag Cement is a kind of cement that contains slag (a by-product of the steel-making process) as a part of its ingredient. Slag cement is widely used as a construction material in some countries. It is cheaper than sand and cement. The slag cement is produced by fusing the blast furnace slag and Portland Cement. By the way, slag is ash or a residue that remains after the burning of the ore.

Properties of Cement:

  1. Unlike all other building materials, cement does not change the environment and will not erode if exposed to the elements.
  2. Some of the interesting properties of cement include durability and resistance to change in shape. It can mould into any form, and it does not decay.
  3. It has a low water absorption rate, which allows the cement to dry completely.
  4. It has high tensile strength.

Uses of Cement:

  1. Cement is a versatile building material used in many ways in our daily lives, such as home repair, paving driveways and sidewalks, sculptures, foundations of houses, parking lots, stadiums, constructing buildings, and manufacturing products; the most important of these being construction.
  2. It is used in constructing skyscrapers, bricks, pipes and bridges.
  3. It is also used as an adhesive to hold building materials together and can be used as an alternative to mortar, a mixture of cement, water, and sand.
  4. The primary use of cement is to support and strengthen any construction.

Pros and Cons of Cement:


  1. It is a solid, durable and cheap material.
  2. It is easy to make without any complicated manufacturing process, and it is inexpensive to produce. 
  3. It has a wide range of applications.
  4. It is even easy to use.
  5. It is a highly versatile material used in applications that require quick-drying, thermal insulation, and protection.


  1. The major disadvantage of cement is its rapid deterioration.
  2. Cement creates an extremely heavy product, which takes a long time to use. This heavy product can cause health hazards for the people working in the building sites.


In the article above, we have examined the properties of cement. In addition, we have briefly discussed why cement is a vital building material. Cement has become the primary building material used for construction in the world today. Therefore, it is an essential component of the construction industry, and it provides a strong base for the concrete.