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Oxides of Carbon: Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide is a naturally formed chemical compound that is colourless and odourless. It is also known as a greenhouse gas and acts as a minor component of the atmosphere of planet Earth.

Carbon dioxide, or CO2, is a phenomenal gas that is exhaled by humans as well as animals. It is a chemical compound consisting of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. It has quite an integral contribution to the atmosphere and planet Earth. While it is useful in many ways, it can also be harmful. In this section, we will discuss what carbon dioxide is. We will also learn about the carbon dioxide formula, the carbon dioxide structure, properties, and uses to understand how it works.

What is Carbon Dioxide?

Carbon dioxide is a chemical compound forming naturally that is made of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. It has a fundamental role to play in the ecosystem and is also crucial for photosynthesis as it is one of the essential elements in the process of photosynthesis in which green plants produce food as well as energy. Carbon dioxide is odourless and colourless. Also, it is soluble in water, acetone and ethanol. 

Furthermore, carbon dioxide also contributes to synchronising the temperature of the atmosphere and the entire planet. It is to be noted that they are also known as greenhouse gases, given that they let sunlight in but don’t let it exit — which results in heating. From the regulation of global climate to maintaining the balance of the carbon cycle, it has a vital role to play in our livelihood and is ultimately important for life to thrive on the planet.

Let us now move forward and learn about the carbon dioxide formula and the carbon dioxide structure.

Carbon Dioxide Formula

The carbon dioxide formula is CO2. This molecular or chemical carbon dioxide formula signifies one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. 

Carbon Dioxide Structure

The bond between one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms makes up carbon dioxide molecules. This gas comprises two double bonds that are between the oxygen and carbon atom. Note that each bond is composed of one pi and one sigma bond. So there are two sigma and two pi bonds in all the carbon dioxide molecules.

The carbon dioxide structure is as follows:


Note that the bonds appearing between the oxygen and carbon atoms in this carbon dioxide structure are in parallel lines. The angle of the bond between the oxygen atoms and the carbon atom is 180°, and thus, the carbon dioxide is linear. While the oxygen atoms undergo sp2 hybridisation, the carbon atom is hybridised by sp. 

Properties of Carbon Dioxide

Here are the properties of carbon dioxide:

  • Carbon dioxide is a colourless, odourless and non-flammable gas
  • The melting point in carbon dioxide goes to -55.6°C, and it has a boiling point of -78.5°C
  • The density of carbon dioxide is recorded at 1.977g/ml
  • This gas is denser than air and notably toxic
  • It is also soluble in water, and its solubility reduces as temperature amplifies
  • Carbon dioxide forms a carbonic acid when it is dissolved in water
  • However, it is weak in nature

Uses of Carbon Dioxide

Mentioned below are some of the common uses of carbon dioxide:

  • Carbon dioxide is utilised by plants as they convert it to oxygen during the process of photosynthesis
  • In this process, plants use both carbons as well as oxygen to make carbohydrates
  • This gas contributes to the growth of plants across greenhouses
  • Carbon dioxide is also utilised as a fire extinguisher and a refrigerant
  • They take the form of dry ice when in a solid-state and are used for large-scale refrigeration
  • One of the most common examples of this gas is carbonated beverages and soft drinks that are made fizzy using carbon dioxide

While there are many ways in which carbon dioxide proves to be useful, this gas is also titled one of the significant contributors to global warming. Natural factors such as decomposition and respiration and man-made factors, such as the burning of fossil fuels (coal, natural gas etc.) and deforestation, are some of the reasons that make this gas prevail against disruption in atmospheric oxygen. It also brings several kinds of health effects, such as difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, and coma. 


In this section, you learned that carbon dioxide is an odourless and colourless chemical compound that is composed of two oxygen atoms and one carbon atom. There are two double bonds placed between the oxygen and carbon atom, and every double bond is made of one pi and one sigma bond that leads to the carbon dioxide structure. While plants use this gas during the process of photosynthesis, CO2 is used in several ways by humans.


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