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Nitrogen-Introduction of Nitrogen

The main aim and education-based concepts are to impart knowledge and strengthen the foundation and importance related to the concept of Physical and Chemical Properties of Nitrogen and Nitrogen preparation.

An element is a pure substance containing only one kind of atom.For example, Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen, etc. Elements are distinguished by their atomic number means each element has a certain fixed value of its atomic number.  Till now, 118 unique elements are known.Chemical elements cannot be broken down into different substances by any chemical process unlike their chemical compounds. Nitrogen belongs to group 15 .Together with Nitrogen, phosphorus, and a few others, these three elements make up the vast bulk of biological stuff. An atom is a chemical element’s smallest unit.

In this module, we will learn about the concept of Physical and Chemical Properties of Nitrogen and Nitrogen preparation.

Nitrogen as an Element in Chemistry

Nitrogen (N2) is a colourless and odourless gas that comprises 78% of our atmosphere. Around eight metric tons of Nitrogen cover every unit square metre of the earth. Nitrogen in the molecule form is stable and helps to convert Nitrogen to other chemical compounds with the intake and giving out of a specific amount of energy. 


Nitrogen is essential for almost all living beings and over 97% of the global nitrogen is found in the earth’s crust. This includes rocks, sediments, soil, etc. Nitrogen moves in a fixed cycle involving the air, water bodies, plants, animals, etc. 

Preparation of Nitrogen Gas

Three different methods, namely prepare nitrogen Gas-

  1. Cryogenic Distillation

  2. Polymeric Membrane

  3. Pressure Swing Adsorption, commonly called PSA

Preparation of Nitrogen Gas using Cryogenic Distillation

The technology used for separating air into its primary components like Nitrogen by the process of cryogenic distillation has been practised for hundreds of years. Cryogenic distillation by air for the preparation of nitrogen gas is one of the most popular air separation processes, used frequently in medium to large scale plants. It is the most cost-effective technology for high production rate plants.

Nitrogen gas is also prepared from natural sources like the air surrounding us and several other Nitrogen-based compounds.

From the air around us

Nitrogen can be prepared, and thus, obtained from the air by various reactions. Some of which are-

  1. Burning phosphorus in a chemical apparatus of air over water. Phosphorous pentoxide is formed in the process, and it also dissolves in water to give us phosphoric acid plus Nitrogen, which is left behind.

P4 + 5O2 (from the air around us) → P4O10 + N2

P4O10 + 6H2O → 4H3PO4

  1. Bypassing water vapour and carbon dioxide over copper that is red hot.

2Cu + O2 (present in the air around us) → 2CuO + N2

  1. Nitrogen gas is also the desired product obtained by the fractional distillation of air around us.

From Nitrogen-based Compounds

Nitrogen may be obtained from nitrogenous compounds with the help of various reactions

  1. On heating ammonium dichromate, we get Nitrogen gas

(NH4)2Cr2O7 (passage of Heat) → N2 + Cr2O3 + 4H2O

  1. On the action of sodium hypobromite on urea

3NaOBr + NH2CONH2 → 3NaBr + CO2 + 2H2O + N2

  1. On the action of ammonia gas on chlorine, bleaching powder, calcium hypochlorite etc.

2NH3 + 3CaOCl2 → N2 + 3CaCl2 + 3H2O

8NH3 + 3Cl2 → N2 + 6NH4Cl

4NH3 + 3Ca(OCl)2 → 2N2 + 3CaCl2 + 6H2O

Laboratory preparation of Nitrogen- Nitrogen is generated in the chemistry or any other laboratory by heating a saturated solution of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) and sodium nitrite in a saturated measured quantity.

The chemical equation for the laboratory preparation of Nitrogen is-

NH4Cl + NaNO2 → NaCl + NH4NO2

NH4NO2 → N2 (gaseous form) + 2H2O

Method for Lab preparation of Nitrogen gas– First, take a concentrated ammonium chloride and sodium nitrite solution in a round-bottomed flask. Then cover the flask with a thistle funnel and a delivery tube, making sure that the delivery tube is dipped completely underwater. Heat the flask. Later, one can collect the nitrogen gas obtained by the downward displacement of water.

Drying of Nitrogen gas after Lab preparation- Once, Nitrogen gas is evolved, we can observe that the obtained gas contains moisture. To make it free of moisture, it is dried by passing the Nitrogen gas through Anhydrous calcium chloride / phosphorus pentoxide and then collecting the gas over mercury.

Lab Preparation of Nitrogen Gas

Uses of Nitrogen

  1. It encourages the growth of vegetative bodies.

  2. It improves the quality of green leafy vegetables as well as fodder crops.

  3. It imparts green colour to Plants.

  4. An important component of chlorophyll, proteins, enzymes and amino acids.

  5. It stimulates the growth of root uptake and the development of cations.

  6. By diluting the oxygen in the air, thus, combustion becomes slower.

  7. In the form of liquid Nitrogen, it is used for refrigeration.

  8. In the production of various essential chemicals such as ammonia, nitric acid, and calcium cyanamide.


A student who wishes to professionalise in the field of Chemistry must know all about the details of this topic and in-depth. Nitrogen is an essential element in chemistry that naturally occurs in our environment and has its advantages and disadvantages. 

The Chemical Properties of Nitrogen in Chemistry and the various other concepts related to the preparation of Nitrogen gas are discussed in the above-given module. Nitrogen equally contributes to making up the vast bulk of biological stuff. 

Nitrogen is involved in many activities in our daily lives. In this module, we will be able to learn and know about the concept of Physical and Chemical Properties of Nitrogen and the physical and preparation of nitrogen gas, thus, helping students in the examination as well as competitive examinations.



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