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Learn Ahead on the Experimental Verification of Boyle’s Law


As long as even the temperature and amount of gas remain constant, the pressure and specific volume are inversely proportional. In the year 1662, the Anglo-Irish chemist Robert Boyle proposed Boyle’s law.

Boyle’s law is a gas law that should be stated that a gas’s pressure and volume are inversely proportional.

Boyle’s law is crucial because it describes the behaviour of gases. It establishes that gas pressure and density are inversely proportional without a shadow of a doubt. The volume of a gas shrinks and indeed the pressure rises when pressure is applied to it.

The temperature variable quantity of gas stays constant whereas the pressure and volume of a gas are changeable.


                                        V= k/p

                                             PV = k 

where  ‘k’ = proportionality constant.

For varying volumes of the same gas, the value of k varies.

According to the equation, 

                                            P1V1= k, P2V2= k

                                            P1V1= P2V2

P1V1 = the initial values of the pressure and the volume

P2V2 = the final values of the pressure and the volume.

experimental verificationof Boyle’s law

                To verify Boyle’s law i.e. for a given amount of gas, that absolute pressure is inversely proportional to the volume at a constant temperature.


Boyle’s experiments demonstrate that gases are very compressible in a quantitative way because if a given quantity of gas is compacted, the same number of water molecules inhabit a smaller space. This indicates that at high pressure, gases get denser. 


  • After that, the oil reservoir must be connected to the air column in such a way that there really is no leakage and the air is entirely sealed off by the oil.

  • The oil reservoir is now connected to the hand air pump.

  • Once all of the pieces of equipment are in place, open the air tap and begin pushing air via the air pump.

  • Continue pumping air until the oil at the highest half of the column is reached.

  • The pressure from the inside of the system rises as air flows into the oil reservoir. The pressure gauge demonstrates this.

  • Once the oil nothing long rises and indeed the pressure gauge measurement remains steady, shut the air tap (i.e. reached its peak). 

  • Wait two to three minutes for the compressed air to cool down, then record the pressure and volume readings.

  • To allow some air out of the system, gently open and then rapidly close the air tap. This will reduce the amount of oil in the column.

  • Take note of the pressure as well as volume readings after 2 to 3 minutes.

Density ‘d’ is mainly related to the mass ‘m’ and should be the volume ‘V’

 by the relation,             

                                               d = m/ V  

Boyle’s law was experimentally verified using a balloon and a syringe.


  • To begin, fill the balloon with a modest amount of air and make a knot.

  • Fill the syringe with the balloon.

  • When we put the bulb in the syringe without pushing the piston, the balloon stays the same size because the air exits from the front, maintaining the same atmospheric pressure.

  • When we compress the piston and seal the syringe’s outlet, the balloon shrinks due to the increased pressure.

  • When the pressure drops and the volume rises, the balloon stays the same size.

  • However, when pressure rises, the volume of the balloon drops, causing it to contract to a smaller size.

  • The inversely proportional connection between absolute pressure and pressure of a gas is described by Boyle’s law.

  • When the pressure drops and the volume rises, the balloon stays the same size. However, when pressure rises, the volume of the balloon drops, causing it to contract to a smaller size. The inversely proportional connection between the higher pressures as well as the volume of a gas is described by Boyle’s law.


• You may simply press on the plunger without sealing the tip of something like the syringe with your finger, and air can escape via the aperture at the tip of the syringe. When you seal the syringe without your finger, however, the air cannot leave. When you press down on the plunger, the air pressure rises, and the air in the balloon contracts, or shrinks in volume.


When the plunger is squeezed, the air inside the syringe is compressed, but the water from the inside of the balloon is not. The balloon’s contracting size remains constant.


 When filling your bike tyres with air, apply Boyle’s Law. When you inflate a tyre, the gas molecules within compress and pack closer together. As a result, the gas pressure rises and begins to push on the tire’s walls. You may feel the tyre getting tighter and more pressured. A Coke bottle is another example. The entire bottle is frequently compressed with gas to get carbon dioxide gas into the liquid. The gas is contained in a tiny region and pushes against the bottle’s walls when the container is closed, making it difficult to squeeze. However, when you remove the cap, the accessible volume expands, and some gas escapes.


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