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Idea of Graphite

Graphite possesses the “layered structure” which comprises the rings of around six atoms of carbon that are structured in formulas in broadly spaced horizontal sheets.

Graphite is mentioned as the crystalline form of component carbon with its arranged atom in the structure that is hexagonal. Graphite is regarded as grey and black in colour that is opaque with the lustre of metals. Graphite has a very high point of sublimation, which reflects stability and is chemically inert at room temperature in the absence of air. Graphite possesses flexibility and has a high electrical and thermal conductivity, which reflects high refractory. Metallic and non-metallic properties are the unique properties of Graphite, which has the low absorption of neutrons and x-rays creating it a specific beneficial material in the applications of nuclear. Graphite is formed by the sediment’s metamorphosis that contains the carbonaceous material by the reactions of magmatic fluids or hydrothermal solutions with the carbon compounds. 

Overview of Graphite

The allotrope of Carbon represents Graphite that is utilised for creating moderator rods in nuclear power plants.” Graphite is created from pure carbon, which is capable of making the bonds that make the number of distinct structures. Apart from the Diamond, Graphite is regarded as the most well known carbon allotropes. Graphite is symbolised as C, which is utilised in forming pencil, electrodes, and polishing the iron articles. Graphite is also used as the dry lubricant and acts as a moderator in “nuclear furnace”. The electrodes of Graphite provide the ability to sustain the enormously high levels of the generation of heat. Graphite is utilised as the anode during the process of electrolysis of molten alumina whose role is to protect the O2 formation at the anode. Graphite rods are also used as the electrodes in the process of electrolysis because the structure of graphite enables Graphite to be an excellent conductor. It is renowned that Graphite is used in pencil lead because it cleans feasibly between different layers and as machine lubricants that run at the highest temperatures.

Structure of Graphite

  • Graphite is composed of the carbon atoms layers that are structured and organised in hexagonal rings of six members. The rings are closely connected to the other on the edges. Fused rings layers are modelled as the infinite steps of the benzene rings that are fused. 
  • In this array of rings, the carbon atoms are in the state of sp2 hybridised. Every carbon atom in the “molecular orbital model” of sp2 is linked to the other three species and three atoms of carbon in the context of Graphite. 
  • The array of rings is structured in the individual sheets and larger sheets of carbon atoms, which are also termed Graphene layers. 
  • Graphite structure represents the layers that are stacked on the top of another parallel with “C” (“crystallographic axis of the 4 axis system of hexagon”) in which the crystallisation of Graphite is seen. Graphene layers are then subjectively indexed so that the repeating order of the exact three dimensions is maintained and developed throughout the crystal.
  • In the arrangement and structure, every graphene layer has been indexed to the above layer and below the layer in a certain manner to make the alignment that is repeating every second layer. The atoms of the second layer of graphene are in alignment with the fourth layer’s atom. The configuration is termed as the “ABABAB structure”

Formula of Graphite

The chemical and empirical formula of Graphite is C and the composition represents that molecular weight is equal to approximately 12.01 gm. The carbon present in the Graphite is approximately 100.00 per cent C. For Graphene, the molecular formula is estimated as C140H42O20 and its molecular weight is 2043.8. The IMA symbol of Graphite is Gr and the crystal system is hexagonal where the Strunz classification is around 1 CB.05a. It is represented that 0.1 CB refers to the family of carbon-silicon.


Based on the above study, it can be concluded that Graphite is a highly inflammable material, which is represented as “C”. Graphite is not burned at room temperature in the absence of sufficient flow of air. It is portrayed in the study that Graphite represents the hexagonal layered structure with four electrons in the outer shell and the molecular formula is highly complicated in the case of Graphite. 


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