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Examples of Chemical Change

Chemical changes are also called chemical reactions. The chemistry of chemical changes is very vast and thus chemical changes are a very important part. These are the type of changes that lead to the formation of new substances.

Changes and Its Types 

Changes can be observed in our surroundings in our daily life. These changes are classified into two categories which are physical and chemical changes. The physical changes are reversible and do not provide any formation of a new substance, while the chemical changes are those reactions that form new substances and the substance loses its existence.

Chemical Change  And its Examples

When one or more substances combine chemically in such a way that a new substance is formed, then that change is considered to be the chemical change. These chemical changes lead to many changes which tell us that a chemical change has occurred like, the composition of those substances changes, the reaction while occurring may produce heat or absorb heat( exothermic or endothermic process), the reaction or the change which has happened is irreversible, then also the change is a chemical change. Although the chemical changes can be reversed it requires intense chemical reactions to do so.

Some of the chemical change examples are curd getting sour, wooden burning in presence of oxygen, etc.

But the easiest example to understand the difference between physical and chemical change is water. Water can easily help us understand when the reaction is physical and when is it chemical.

For instance, when we take water in a glass and keep it frozen, it converts into ice. The physical form of the water changed from liquid to solid. So if we take a look at this, then this change is a change in the physical appearance of the water, hence it is a physical change.

On the other hand, if we combine water with any alkaline metal, then the reaction leads to the formation of some new components which are completely different from the reactant substances. Hence, this is how the physical and chemical reactions occur and make a difference.

Is Iron Rusting A Chemical Change?

Yes, rusting is a chemical change. Rust is an oxide of iron, which is a product formed when the iron surface is exposed to air. Here the iron and air or moisture acts as the reactants which when comes in contact reacts and leads to the formation of a new product which is an iron oxide or as called rust.

Here, this rusting of iron is an irreversible chemical change that forms a new product where the reactants lose their properties. Although his rust can be removed by following some chemical reactions but altogether rusting or corrosion is a chemical change.

20 Examples of Chemical Changes

The 20 examples of chemical change are:

  1. Making chapati from flour

Once you mead the dough and make a chapati out of it, it is a chemical change.

  1. Rust formation on iron

As the surface of iron comes in contact with oxygen, it forms a layer of rust(iron oxide) leading to a chemical change.

  1. Souring of milk

When the milk gets sour and converted into curd, the process could not be reversed and hence it is a chemical change.

  1. Burning of a matchstick

The burning of the matchstick is a chemical change that undergoes the combustion process and hence it is permanent. Also, it can not be reversed.

  1. Making lemonade and its digestion

Cutting a lemon and squeezing it in water to make lemonade is a physical change, but once a person drinks it and digests it, it becomes a chemical change.

  1. Burning of candle

The candle when it melts while burning is a physical change but the burning part happening is a chemical change.

  1. Fermentation

Fermentation is a process when sugar converts into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Once this change occurs it cannot be reversed and is permanent. Therefore this is categorised as the chemical change.

  1. Burning a paper

The burning of paper gives us a product which is ashes leading to a chemical change.

  1. Spoiling of food

In summers often the foods get spoiled and hence can not be made as it was before, this is also a chemical change.

  1. Corroding metal

Corrosion of metal is another chemical change leading to the formation of a new product.

  1. Frying an egg

The egg is fried on fire and hence an omelette is formed which cannot be reversed.

  1. Electrolysis

Electrolysis is a process that leads to chemical changes in the presence of current. Hence this is an apt example of chemical change.

  1. Acid-base reactions

Acid bases reactions are truly chemical changes that cause the formation of new products.

  1. Baking cakes

Once you mix all the ingredients for the cake and bake them in the oven, the process can not be reversed and hence this is yet another example of chemical change.

  1. Cheese formation

The milk converted into curd and curd through a centrifugal process forms cheese which is irreversible.

  1. Digestion of food

The food you eat and digest from a new product. You can not reverse this process, hence another chemical change.

Hence below are some more examples of the chemical changes.

  1. Photosynthesis
  2. Fireworks exploding
  3. Fruits getting ripened
  4. Chemical batteries


The chemistry of chemical reactions or changes is very vast. But the basic things about the chemical changes are that they are irreversible, they are permanent and hence a new product is framed in the chemical changes where the reactants lose their properties.


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