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Different Types of Chemical Equations

Chemical equation or reaction means this is a process when one or more substances react and form a new substance or reaction. This process is called a chemical reaction. Let’s discuss them in detail:

A chemical reaction happens when react with one substance or more than one chemical or substance, known as reactant molecules, are changed to even more distinct compounds. Here we can say the Chemical reactions or combinations are examples of matter. 

Chemical changes are a fundamental aspect of technology, society, and even existence. Many people in the past used these  chemical reaction changes which were already taken in practice Heating hydrocarbons, melting metal, making glass, and other processes have been practised from long back. Chemical reactions exist in Earth’s geology, the atmosphere, and seas, and a plethora of complex processes that take place in all biological systems.

History of chemical reactions

chemical reaction is a 250-year-old notion. Early research that classified substances as chemical elements, but also speculations that described how these processes worked. The evolution of the concept of a biological cycle had a major impact on contemporary science.

Structure of a Chemical Equation

A chemical equation is made up of two parts. Reactants are compounds that react with one another and are found just on the left side of the equation. The product is the outcome of the chemical reaction, and it is given on the right-hand side of a chemical equation. Because the chemical equation may yield more than one product, they are all stated on the correct side of a chemical formula, separated by an additional sign. The addition sign is also used to separate the reactants. An arrow symbol separates the reaction products from one another. The arrow points to the chemical equation’s conclusion.

To further comprehend this, consider the following scenario. We all know that when hydrogen combines with oxygen, it forms dihydrogen monoxide or water.

Types of a chemical equation

  •     Oxidation reaction

Redox is a chemical process that involves changing the redox potential of atoms. Redox reactions are defined as the real or formal movement of electrons among chemical entities, with one species often experiencing oxidation while another experiences reduction.

  •     Synthesis reaction

Redox is a chemical process that involves changing the redox potential of atoms. Redox reactions are defined as the real or nominal movement of electrons among chemical entities, with one species often experiencing oxidation whereas the other experiences reduction.

  •     decomposition reaction

A decomposition reaction is the composition of substances. Synthesis is the polar opposite of this reaction, wherein the fewer substances combine to generate a more complex result. Look for a singular reactant with several products to identify this sort of reaction.

  • Substitution reaction

Any of a set of chemical processes where an element, ions, or class of atoms in a unit is substituted by another positive charge, atom, or group of atoms. This process wherein the chlorine group in the chloromethane compound is replaced by h+ ions, resulting in the formation of methanol can be termed as an example.

  •     Double displacement reaction

This is a type of chemical equation where a double reaction occurs when two reactants swap ions, resulting in the formation of two new molecules. In most cases, double displacement reactions result in the development of a precipitate. Usually, double displacement reaction is shown in the form:

 CD + CE → CF + EF

  •     Acid-base reaction

These are chemical substances with a strong taste in an aqueous medium, may corrode metals, and have a strong taste in aqueous solution, may corrode metals, and can turn some blue vegetable colours red. Chemical chemicals that are foamy to the feel in solution or convert red vegetable colours blue are known as bases. When acids and bases are combined, they neutralise each other and generate sales, which have a salty flavour but none of the qualities of either acid or base.

  • Combustion

A combust method is a reaction of a chemical process that serves as an interface of a molecule with an oxidant to create heat as well as a new model. The interaction between such hydrocarbons and air, which produces carbon dioxide and water, may be used to describe the overall shape of a combustion process.

  • Single displacement reaction

A single replacement reaction, also known as a displacement reaction, occurs when one element in a molecule is swapped for another. Pure elements, including nano zinc metals or hydrogen ions, are always used as the starting components, together with an aqueous combination. When a substitution reaction happens, the products are a new water combination and a vast range of elements.


In this article, we have discussed the meaning of a chemical equation, detailed study of a chemical equation, the structure of the chemical equation, types of chemical equations. The chemical equations are very useful for many purposes and also useful in real life.


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