The Nagoya Protocol

The Nagoya Protocol was adopted in 2010 for genetic resources. These resources are covered by the CBD.

Nagoya Protocol can establish a framework for genetic resources. It can help biotechnical research. Researchers can access genetic resources with the help of this protocol. There are three objectives of this protocol such as preservation of biological diversity, defensible use of the components of biological diversity, and dividing the benefits of genetic resources with fairness and equity.    

Importance of Nagoya Protocol 

The Nagoya Protocol is important as it can develop transparency as well as legal certainty. Providers and users can absorb these benefits as it can develop several predictable circumstances that can help to access genetic resources. This protocol also can help a country with the benefit-sharing of the genetic resources when the resources leave the country. The success of the Nagoya Protocol also should be implemented at the local level. This protocol has provided several mechanisms and tools that can be highly beneficial for the participants of this protocol. The participants have been benefited from information and cooperation on several issues after the implementation of “national focal points (NFS) and “competent national authorities (CNAs).

Implementation of Nagoya Protocol

The Nagoya Protocol was adopted in 2010, in Nagoya which is situated in Japan. The conference meeting was held in Japan from 18 to 29 October in 2010. This protocol was approved by the CBD. Researchers from biotechnology have been benefited from this protocol as this helped for the preservation of the genetic resources that can be used for biotechnical research. According to a report, 129 countries have participated in this protocol on December 2020. Japan participated in this protocol in 2014.  Genetic resources from microorganisms, plants, and several animals are very important for researchers. These are very helpful to develop enhanced genes, small molecules, and enzymes. Genetic resources also can be used in several sectors such as the development of drugs, protection of crops, development of specialized chemicals, and several processes related to the industries. International communities and biodiversity-rich countries are giving priority to fair and equitable sharing of the positive outcomes of generic resources. 

The participants have to share the information on “domestic regulatory ABS requirements” on the “national focal points” and the “competent national authorities”. Capacity-building also can help the participants to implement the aspects of the success. Capacity-building also can help the participants to establish “domestic ABS legislation” for the implementation of this protocol. The participants can negotiate for the mutually approved conditions with the help of capacity building. All the participants of this protocol can increase the capabilities of the institutions for research. Capacity building also can help to transfer several technologies among the participants of the Nagoya Protocol. Awareness also can be developed in these countries that participated in this protocol. The destination was to support financially for capacity building and implementation of initiatives through the GEF.     

Obligations of the Nagoya Protocol

The Nagoya Protocol has developed several obligations for the participants in this protocol to develop the relation between benefit sharing and accessing the genetic resources. 

Access Obligations

There are several access obligations for the participants of this protocol such as creating legal certainty, transparency, and clarity. The aims of that are also to serve fair rules and simple procedures. This protocol has also an aim to consider the importance of genetic resources. As a reason, these resources have a great impact on foods and agriculture.  

Benefit Sharing Obligations

The benefit-sharing measures have to develop the fairness and equity sharing of the positive outcomes of the genetic resources for the participants of the Nagoya Protocol. The utilization of the genetic resources includes the research and structure of the genetic resources as well as the implementation and utilization for the commercial purposes of these genetic resources. Fairness of benefits sharing can be introduced as the mutually agreed aspect. Benefits can be financial and nonfinancial. For example, research results can be shared without financial purposes.  

Compliance obligations

Compliance obligations can be introduced as the specific obligations that are supportive of the conformance of the domestic regulatory requirements. These requirements are for the participants of the Nagoya Protocol to provide genetic resources. There are several visions such as cooperating with other participants in the case of violation of the requirements. Encouraging the provisions that were established during the establishment of this protocol to solve several problems is also an aim of these obligations. The utilization of these genetic resources should be done after a mutual agreement of the parties under this protocol. Accessing justice is also a destination of this protocol for the researchers of biotechnical.      


It can be concluded that the Nagoya Protocol has opened the doors for all the biotechnical researchers around the world. The preservation of genetic resources can help them widely in their research. The main reason behind it is that genetic resources are important for the development of enhanced genes, small molecules, and enzymes. Genetic resources also can help in several sectors such as the development of drugs, protection of crops, development of specialized chemicals, and several processes related to the industries. Several kinds of obligations of this protocol also helped several countries in research on biotechnology. It also can be concluded that the countries from Asia and Africa continent should participate in this protocol. 


Frequently asked questions

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What was the Nagoya Protocol?

Ans : Nagoya Protocol was a protocol that was adopted on 29 October 2010 by the CBD.

How many participants are there in the Nagoya Protocol?

Ans : A total of 128 countries have participated in this protocol as of December 2020. Among all th...Read full

What were the aims of the Nagoya Protocol?

Ans : The main purpose of this protocol was to preserve as well as fairness in sharing of the genet...Read full