Taiga Biome

Taiga Biome, a Russian word, which suggests forest, a solitary and largest forest region, is also known as the “terrestrial biome”

The Earth is a mysterious planet, many undiscovered and unfamiliar places exist that are not acknowledged by the people of this world. Taiga Biome is one of them, a frozen and lonely place, though it contributed hugely to the early humans. In the early age of the evolution of humans, the ancients migrated through the forests and haunted the animals to live. They started the extinction process of this Biome around long years ago, and the modern civilization increased the devastation rapidly from 400 years to the present. 

Taiga Biome

A terrestrial forest region, far away from human knowledge, Taiga Biome, is devastatingly going extinct in present days. Animal poachers, hunting and trapping the fauna which exist in Taiga Biome are decreasing day by day. It is known as “boreal forest, coniferous forest and snow forest”. The fully glacier-covered region contains permafrost, under the soil of it. In a few areas, a layer of bedrock exists under the soil of Taiga Biome. Both the components that are under its soil help to hold the water and prevent drainage from the upper layer of soil. A swallow bog, “Muskegs” has been created by this Taiga Biome layer, it consists of “moss, short grasses, and trees, the ground of this region is wet and soft.

Taiga Biome Plants and Animals

Taiga Biome is covered by a thick coniferous forest, pines, firs, and spruce trees found here. The leaves of these trees are needle types and short, conical-shaped trees which grow protective from inside the wood. Throughout the year, these trees do not shed their leaves, so they are known as “evergreen forest”. The coniferous trees can live in cold climates, as at the needles of the leaves, it consists of a very small sap that protects the trees from freezing. The Sunrays can be consumed easily and in a huge amount through their hard conical dark stems. In this region, in mid of the thickest forest, the muskegs and lakes are found. Due to the small number of nutrients available in Taiga Biome soil, a few deciduous trees can grow here, Larch is one of the deciduous trees that can be able to survive in this region. In addition, the ground of the taiga biome contains Mosses. Lichens and Mushrooms can grow in a small amount of sunlight and water. Due to the scarcity of nutrients and sunlight, Taiga Biome faces limitations to grow the plants properly. 

During winter, the roots of the plants become frozen because of high precipitation and they use the sap to minimize water loss. These needles protect them from the animals. Coniferous trees can easily pile up the snow whereas it breaks down the stem often due to the heaviness of snow. 

A large number of animals are found in the Taiga Biome region, which is able to adapt to the frozen coldness. The birds who are surviving in this region migrated towards the south during the frozen winter. Rodents are found on the ground, the hunter birds, owls, and Eagles are eating these small animals. The largest deer, the moose, is living in Taiga Biome, they eat the herbs which have grown in the aquatic region of this biome. 

Very few carnivorous animals can be found in this region due to its frozen atmosphere. Bears and lynx, mice are found in this region. The Siberian Tiger, which is also known as the largest cat in the world, is found in this forest region. Small animals, such as squirrels, chipmunks, bobcats, and ermine are also found here. The native animals of this place adapt the developing capability to survive in this harsh and cold region, whereas some have migrated to another part of this region or some are changing the color of their fur. 

Climate of Taigas

The Arctic air makes this Taiga Biome region cold and frozen. Due to the Earth’s titlness, this region cannot get sufficient sun rays in winter. Winter remains very long whereas summer remains a very short span of time in this region. Most of the time it remains covered with thick snow.

Threats to Taigas

Human activity and rapid climate change threaten the Taiga Biome ecosystem. Animals are being hunted by humans for their survival. As they use warm fur and tough skin to make leather. In addition, to the development of civilization, so many activities have been followed through the devastation of this forest.


It is mainly covered by coniferous trees, such as “lurches, sources, pines”. A large area it covers from Eurasia to North America, that is located at the top, just north of the tundra biome region. It is situated in the subarctic region in the Northern Hemisphere of the world. A vast expansion of Taiga Biome stretches in Russia approx. 3600 miles from “the Pacific Ocean to the Ural Mountains”. 


Frequently asked questions

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"What are the threats that devastate the Taiga Biome?"

Ans : The plumber project, making paper, cardboard, building industries, and apartments, sch...Read full

“Why is Taiga so important?”

Ans : 17% of the global area is covered by the Taiga Biome region, which provides a huge quantity o...Read full

“What is the climate of Taiga Biome?”

Ans : It is very cold and frozen most of the time in a year, a very short span of summer is there i...Read full

“Where is the Taiga Biome located?”

Ans : It is located in the Northern Hemisphere to the south of the Arctic Circle. It expands in Rus...Read full