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Legislations related To Dowry drug addiction

“legislations related to Dowry and drug addiction” have been imposed by the Indian government in terms of prohibiting any practice activities associated with dowry system as well as drug consumption and addiction under the precise Indian laws that includes the dowry prohibition Act 1961, along with that of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1985 (NDPS).

Among all other countries, India has been witnessing certain through a procured system of society and its elementary regulations that have made the people choose a certain way to live their life that are overly creating more and more crimes across the country. The dowry system has been practised for a century, as well as drug addiction from different states, districts, and corners of the country. Therefore, “legislations related to Dowry and drug addiction” have been introduced by the government in order to prevent the emerging incidents and disturbances that are highly impacting the lives of the people themselves. 

Laws and legislation against drug addiction

In order to prevent the ongoing practices and activities associated with drugs, the government generated a precise legal body with a particular law that came into force in 1985, As addressed as the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1985 (NDPS) . According to this act, in case any person found to be cultivating, producing, or manufacturing drugs in terms of selling, purchasing, transporting, storing, or consuming will be taken in account as guilty for conducting the illegal practices of narcotic drug or psychotropic substances. 

In terms of this act, drugs and its relevant activities, practices or any associated actions have been made illegal in India.  In this context, certain specific drugs, such as; heroine, morphine and cocaine have been noted as most convicted practice, which has been further provided with rigorous imprisonment for one year, or a fine of Rs.20000, or in severe condition, both punishments can be applicable on the convicted individuals. In addition to that, in terms of other drugs, the punishment can be reduced up to 6 months of the imprisonment as well as the fine of 10000 Rupees or in other cases both. 

Over the years it has been identified that drug consumption and “drug addiction” has been increasing which has led to one of the biggest problems of the country.  This issue has been precisely affected by the severe cases of millions of adults and youngsters.  their arguments and criticism in terms of the utilisation and usage of drugs.  However, it is hard to justify as well that due to this chronic addiction the youth section of the young generation has been wiped out. In this context, the Indian government has signified the core factors “drug addiction” and conduct and practices that have been identified to be drug peddling and drug trafficking.  Therefore, to deal with these issues and to project proper “role of legislations in prevention of drug abuse” and abuse, the narcotic drugs, and psychotropic substances act 1985 has been introduced by the government. 

Laws and legislation against dowry

Over the decades, Dowry has become a significant social custom that has somehow been evolved as well in certain distinct areas of India that is precisely inflicting upon the life of women.  due to the rigorous custom of dowry, women been punished humiliated even murdered by their own husband as well as the in-laws for not able to bring money or property as per their estimated requirement. Therefore, the Indian government has made the practice of dowry illegal in the country under the specified anti dowry law alongside the “legislations related to Dowry and drug addiction”. According to the dowry prohibition act 1961, any activity associated with taking or giving dowry will be considered as punishable in India. The individuals associated with the Dowry system will be convicted as punishable with imprisonment of 5 years along with the fine of Rs.15000 as per the value of the dowry given. 


The discussion has been addressed by providing a precise overview of the “legislations related to Dowry and drug addiction”.  In this context, the information has been provided based on Indian social structure as both activities and practices have been observed at a high range in this country. It has been able to bring out the correspondent contribution and initiation of the Indian government to reduce the emerging cases and incidence associated with the given crimes and concerns. 


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