
Sociology term is defined by numerous sociologists and in which every one of them is treated as social philosophy and also the philosophy of history. It also helps to identify through diverse subjects which discuss human behaviour and actions which shepherd by social and also cultural structures. Sociology only focuses on human behaviour, patterns of any relationship, society and also in some social interactions with human beings. Does this section mainly discuss the nature of sociology? What are some compositions and also components of sociology? Discuss characteristics and types of sociology. In addition, these components and characteristics help to find values and overall importance in this study which can result positively. 


Family – Nature, composition, characteristics, types

The nature, composition, characteristics and types of sociology define that it has its knowledge and it also has its branches. The main composition focuses on “social stratification, social class, social mobility, religion, secularisation, law, sexuality, gender, and deviance”. This word or term sociology was forged by Auguste Comte which helps to identify human nature and also includes economy, history and also psychology. Sociology is also a special kind of abstraction that helps to maintain interest in all types of human behaviour. In which psychologists tend to discuss its effects on human behaviour and also help to analyse its varieties in nature and culture. Composition of Sociology also addresses that it is an objective science which discusses that it mainly depends on the value and also on judgement. The types of sociologies such as Qualitative Sociology and Quantitative Sociology. It also values all social facts and which also means theoretical science. Sociology values all social sciences and is ethically neutral. It helps to provide overall descriptive perspectives and also generates new ideas which can help to apply virtually. Sociology also addresses and finds most challenging issues and also helps to rapidly increase the main field to eradicate issues. 


The nature of sociology discusses that it is a social science, not physical science. It only concentrates on human behaviour and also some social activities in every situation. It is a branch of knowledge and it also has its characteristics which have different types of nature. It is also called a general science which is not a special science. It concerns and helps in characteristics with human life and interaction in social life. Nonetheless, it does not concern all types of human interaction, it only concentrates on certain aspects of human activities. Nature of sociology also helps to know its importance in every field and it also contains independence, categorical and also both the national and empirical in general science. The nature of sociology also discusses rational and empirical science which helps to involve theories of logical nature. 


The main characteristics of sociology state eight numerous types such as it is an independent science. It discusses its field of study which also has its methods that can help to interact socially with human beings. Sociology is a social science that is not a physical science that helps to deal with the social universe and with other types of physical sciences also. Another characteristic is categorical but it’s not normative in that it does not deal with some problems. It is also a pure science, not an applied science and the aim of using applied science helps in administration, diplomacy, social work. It is pure science that aims to acquire knowledge about human society. It never determines any types of questions in public policy; it also does not recommend any legislators. 


The types of sociology discuss two types of sociology such as 

  • Qualitative Sociology
  • Quantitative Sociology. 

In addition, it also includes some perspectives such as functional, conflict and symbolic interactionist perspectives. Qualitative sociology emphasises and analyses the experience of individuals which can be understood through books and also numerous types of elements. Apart from this, quantitative sociology relies and focuses on statistical information and data which can help to support any information. It also helps to understand and support all trends of this type of sociology. The types of sociology discuss its importance in every field which can help to develop and enhance social relations. All types of sociology also discuss its knowledge, sociology in region, rural sociology, sociology of economic, urban sociology, sociology of law, industrial sociology, political sociology, demography sociology etc. It also discusses a vast and social phenomenon that helps to create a part of society and with numerous branches. 


To conclude an overall discussion about nature, characteristics and types of sociology mainly discuss how sociology is different from every aspect. A major part of this sociology also discusses their importance which helps to understand its knowledge and spread their branches. In this context, an overview of the term sociology gives a proper understanding and its knowledge. Apart from this, it also discusses the importance of sociology in human behaviour and also discusses characteristics.