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Group Dynamics: dyads and triads

What do we understand by Group Dynamics: dyads and triads? What do we understand by the group dynamics? What are the principles of group dynamics? What is the importance of group dynamics? We will be shedding light on all these points over here.


As a part of society, one can easily become familiar with the concept of groups. There can be several groups of which one can become a part of, be it a friend’s group, a professional group or a family’s group, by being part of such groups one learns about the concept of a group even better. There are various types of groups on which we will be focusing over here. 

Dyads and Triads

Georg Simmel is a renowned individual who has written in detail regarding the differentiation between a dyad and a triad. A dyad can be called a two members group whereas a triad can be called a three-member group. In a dyad, if an individual leaves then it cannot be called a group however if in a triad an individual leaves it can become a dyad. 

Group Dynamics

Both a dyad as well as triad can have advantages as well as disadvantages. In a dyad, one can say that the intensity would be high however the stability would be less as the dyad is reliant on both members being dedicated to the group. In a triad, the dynamics can differ. Here, the intensity might be less but the stability would be more since even if a person leaves the group, the group can still exist. Further, in a triad, it can also be that with three members being part of the group, the dynamics may be such that two members get against one. It can be inferred that the groups which are relatively small in size can develop stronger internal cohesiveness and a sense of connection. Again, as a small group can also have both advantages as well as disadvantages, one of the disadvantages of a small group can be achieving big goals. A small group might get to face a struggle when it comes to being heard or forcing a change especially when they may be standing against a large group. When a lot of people join a small group, it can then turn into a large group. It can also be if two or more small groups become united and therefore form a large single group. Again, in a large group also there can be both pros as well cons. With a large number of members in the same group, the group get more attention and easily pressurise other individuals to achieve the goals as per the group’s wishes. When we come to the disadvantages of a large group, it can be said that in a large group there can be an increase in the risk for division and lack of cohesion. 

Importance of Group Dynamics

Group dynamics is a significant concept that helps us learn more about the attitude and behaviour patterns of members of the group. It can also help one learn how the group was formed, understand the structure of the group and the function of the group. The well-known social psychologist, Kurt Lewin can be called a pioneer in developing the term group dynamics


It can be concluded that groups play a significant role in our day to day life. Learning about these groups can help us learn more about ourselves as individuals and as group members. There can be dyads as well as triads. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. Being mindful of the advantages and disadvantages of types of groups can help one learn about the selection of the right group for oneself. Lastly, we also learnt about the concept of group dynamics and how proper knowledge about one’s own group’s dynamics can help one know more about the efficient structure and functioning of the group.