Kerala PSC » Kerala PSC Study Materials » Science and Technology » VARIOUS SATELLITE PROGRAMMES – DRDO-VISION


DRDO works to set up the worldwide competition in science and technology that is based in India.

DRDO means “Defence Research and Development organisation” that helps to work in a competitive way to improve science and technology. Furthermore, this is based on the India research space organisation that represents the space research of India. Defence research and development research is responsible for the arms and artillery of Indian forces. DRDO tested the nuclear ballistic missile Agni Prime in Odisha. DRDO tested several missiles in India such as Agni-5, Prithvi, Shaurya, Agni-2, and Agni-6. Furthermore, that makes India develop in the science and technology field and makes a great impact in the world. Defence research and development organisation is the largest research organisation in India.


What is DRDO?

“Defence research and development organisation” is the agency that works under the defence minister. Furthermore, the decision is taken regarding the research being implemented by the defence minister of India. The headquarter of DRDO was in New Delhi in 1958, the main motto of the defence research and development organisation is to develop the science and technology in defence systems that help to show the power of defence. Furthermore, several laboratories work to develop defence technology such as missiles, arms, aeronautics, and electronics.

What is the purpose of DRDO?

Defence research and development organisation wants to make India a powerful defence system and move to develop in science and technology. DRDO makes several missiles in India such as Shaurya, Agni prime, Prithvi, Agni5, Agni6. Defence research and development organisations have achieved several successes in the development of technologies and major systems. Furthermore, DRDO gives the technologies in defence such as small arms, an artillery system, tanks, armoured vehicles, and missile systems. DRDO’s main purpose is to make advances in technology and science to enhance the power of defence in the world.

Name the various satellites under the DRDO vision? 

DRDO and ISRO work together to develop science and technology in India. Furthermore, they make several missiles that make India proud these names are such as 

  • Pralay tactical ballistic missile (The range of the missile is 150 to 500 km, launched by mobile launcher) 
  • Supersonic missile assist rocket torpedo (SMART) is designed to increase the ability of anti-submarine combat. The range of the missile is 10 km; it neutralises the targets.
  • Agni5 (this missile hit the target from 5500 km to 5800 km)
  • Agni6 (it is a nuclear weapon, the range of the missile is 11000km to 12000km )
  • Shaurya (the range of the missile is 700 km to 1900km)
  • Prithvi1 (the range of the missile is 150km, the warhead capability of the missile is 1000kg)
  • Prithvi2 (the range of the missile is 350 km, the warhead capability of the missile is 500kg)
  • Prithvi3 (the range of the missile is 350 km, the warhead capability of the missile is 1000kg)

What are the projects of DRDO?

Defence research and development organisations work on several projects such as

It works on Aeronautics

  1. DRDO makes light combat aircraft; it also progresses in the field in the Indian air force by making a flight control system, avionics, aircraft structures, design, and development.
  2. It also provides the electronics equipment for Sukhoi su-30mki aircraft. DRDO develops the radar system, radar warning receivers, and display.
  3. DRDO upgraded the system of mig-27 and sepecat jaguar, DRDO manufactures Hindustan aeronautics limited. DRDO is submerged in many developments such as radar warning receivers, brake parachutes, and tempest jammers.

Make small arms

  1. DRDO makes the grenades to stop the riots called oleo-resin plastic hand grenades, and also makes better tear-gassing.
  2. DRDO increased the bulk production of LMG guns, introduced with INSAS weapons.
  3. Introduced with modern sub-machine carbine (MSMC) guns it is also known as a joint venture protective carbine (JVPC).  

Body armour

  1. DRDO develops the bulletproof vest for the Indian army with a medium-sized body; the weight of the bulletproof vest is 9kg.
  2. The bulletproof vest protects the Indian army in any operation that happens.
  3. The use of the hard steel bullet core by the terrorist helps to protect any counter-insurgency

Drone detection and tracking system

  1. Introduction to the D-4 anti-drone that helps to detect the enemy drone.
  2. System upgraded in the anti-drone with the thermal graphic camera, high-resolution video cameras, and laser illuminators.
  3. It also makes several drones that help in the operation, one of the famous drones known as Garura that helps in the Uri surgical strike.

Unmanned aerial vehicles

  1. DRDO Abhay
  2. DRDO Aura
  3. DRDO Netra
  4. DRDO Rustom
  5. DRDO Ulka
  6. DRDO Fluffy

What is the latest news about DRDO?

The Indian defence research and development organisation launched the Agni-prime missile that helps the Indian force and gives operational flexibility. Furthermore, this missile gives the armed force and swiftly transport and fires the weapon from any place they want to hit. The range of the missile is 1000km to 2000km; it is a medium-range ballistic missile. This missile is used by the strategic forces command.


The study concludes on the topic of Various Satellite Programmes – DRDO-Vision. In this study part, after the introduction part the study focused on the discussion part. In the discussion, partly discussed on the DRDO, in this study discuss the purpose of the DRDO. This study discusses the various satellites under the DRDO after this part discusses the projects done by the DRDO. Discuss the topic of the latest notification of the defence research and development organisation. After the discussion part, the FAQ is discussed. The FAQ discussed the establishment of the DRDO, and discussed how DRDO helped the country. In the last FAQ, the topic discusses the name of the laboratory and the location of the DRDO.