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Technology in Space & Defence

The transformation and the modification that is taking place in space technology is remarkable and plays a very important role in humankind. In this article, we will discuss technology in space and defence and the classification of technology in space and its benefits to human lives.

Today, we are noticing the modification of space-based technology from a single based satellite to a multi-based satellite global technology. This transformation is also used in the automation & production technologies involved in Space system manufacturing & services which benefits in terms of cost, time and quality.

Technology in space is accessible to all and plays a major role in our daily lives. The major application of technology in space is in the Defence system of the country.

Technology in space is increasingly becoming a critical & strategic tool in the modern scenario. Countries like the United States, China, Russia and France are primarily focusing more on the military side of space. India is also putting more emphasis on developing military space and its deliverables. 

Technology in Space Definition:

Technology in space definition may be defined as technology that is used to travel or the activities that are taking place beyond the Earth’s atmosphere for different purposes such as spaceflight or space exploration.

Technology in Space is used in our day to day lives such as weather forecasting, satellite television, satellite navigation and long-distance communication.

Technology in space includes space vehicles such as spacecraft, deep space communication, satellites, space stations, orbital launch vehicles, and a wide range of different technologies which include support infrastructure equipment, and procedures.

History of Technology in Space:

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) was the first who invent space technology by launching the first artificial satellite named Sputnik to orbit Earth on October 4, 1957. Russian Lt. Yuri Gagarin was the first human to enter Earth’s orbit in Vostok 1 on April 12, 1961.

The first satellite of the United States named Explorer 1 went into orbit on January 31, 1958. Alan Shepard became the first American to fly into space in 1961 and John Glenn became the first American to orbit Earth in 1962.

Classification of Technology in Space: 

Technology in space is a wide term and can be classified with different prospects which are as follows:

  • Based on Space Vehicles:

There are three types of technology in space on the basis of space vehicles:

  • Spacecraft:

Spacecraft is a space vehicle or machine which is designed to fly in outer space. It is a type of artificial satellite which is used for a variety of purposes such as communications, Earth observation and meteorology.

  • Satellites:

A satellite is an object that has been intentionally placed into orbit and rotates around the earth surface.

  • Space stations:

A space station is also known as an orbital station. It is a type of spacecraft that is capable of supporting human crew in orbit for a period of time and therefore is a type of space habitat.

  • Based on Spacecraft:

Based on spacecraft, technology in space can be classified into eight different types:

  • Flyby spacecraft: 

These spacecraft conduct the initial phase to explore the solar system. They mainly follow a continuous solar orbit path and are never captured into a planetary orbit.

Examples of flyby spacecraft include the Voyager spacecraft.

  • Orbiter spacecraft:

An orbiter spacecraft is a spacecraft that is designed to travel to a different planet and enter into orbit. These spacecraft carry a special propulsive capability to accelerate at the right moment.

Examples of orbiter spacecraft include the Galileo spacecraft which entered orbit about Jupiter in 1995

  • Atmospheric spacecraft:

These types of spacecraft are specially designed for the purpose to cover short missions and collecting data about the atmosphere of a planet or satellite.

Examples of Atmospheric spacecraft include Huygens which was carried to Saturn by the Cassini spacecraft.

  • Lander spacecraft:

Lander spacecraft are especially discovered to reach the planet’s surface and survive long enough to telemeter data back to Earth.

Examples of Lander spacecraft include Mars Pathfinder.

  • Surface penetrators spacecraft:

These spacecraft are surface-based spacecraft that are designed to enter the surface of a body, such as a comet and measure the properties of the penetrated surface.

Examples of penetrator spacecraft include the Deep Impact spacecraft,  launched in January 2005.

  • Rover spacecraft:

These spacecraft are electrically powered which are designed, launched, and operated by JPL to explore Mars.

Examples of rover spacecraft include Sojourner Rover.

  • Observatory spacecraft:

These spacecraft do not travel to a destination and explore it. This spacecraft occupies the Earth orbit from where it can observe the distant targets and effects of Earth’s atmosphere.

Examples of observatory spacecraft include Spitzer Space

Infrared Telescope Facility.

  • Communications and navigation spacecraft:

These types of spacecraft are abundant in Earth orbit. They are mainly incidental to JPL’s missions. The Deep Space Network’s Ground Communications Facility makes use of communications spacecraft to transfer data among its sites.

Examples of Communication and navigation spacecraft include NASA’s Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System, TDRSS.

  • Based on Satellite:

Technology in space can be classified into two types on the basis of satellites.

  • Natural Satellite: 

Natural Satellite is a satellite that is naturally occurring. Examples of natural satellites are Earth and Sun.

  • Man-made satellite: 

Man-made satellites are the satellites that are made up of humans with the purpose to explore space and rotate around the earth surface. Examples of Man-made satellites are the Hubble space telescope and International Space station.

Benefits of Technology in Space:

There are several benefits of space technology in our daily lives and to all humanity which are as follow:

  • Improving the health care system on the Earth
  • Through satellite, protecting our planets and our environment
  • Provide data on climate change and measure pollution
  • Generating high-tech scientific and technical jobs
  • Predict natural disasters and support emergency reliefs
  • Making and challenging scientific discoveries
  • Developing youth’s interest in space and technology
  • Cooperating with different countries around the world