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Rural and urban infrastructure

In the course of development for a country, it is essential to look after the factors contributing to the improvement of rural and urban infrastructure.


Rural and Urban infrastructure signifies the status of the infrastructural health of a country. Hence, it is important to take note of the factors contributing to the designated features as there are several societal factors involved that are directly associated with the course of expansion and further improvisation in the pattern of infrastructure.

Rural infrastructure 

Around 65% of the population of India is residing in rural areas. Hence, it is important to take note of the factors that are associated with the improvisation and developmental measures for the infrastructures as prevalent in the rural regions. The financial factors play the most important part when it comes to the implementation of modern technologies in the course of infrastructural development in rural areas. As for the medical and healthcare infrastructure, there are several prejudices attached to the norms of practices, which causes hindrance for codes of conduct. 

  • However, the government schemes like Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana aiming towards the infrastructural development for road construction and house developments, have undertaken a series of projects. 
  • Under projects like Jal Jeevan Mission, measures have been taken into effect regarding the availability of clean and sufficient water supply to households of rural areas.

Urban Infrastructure 

Urban regions, especially metropolitan cities are the backbone of the financial stability of a country. They are the core representative in this competitive field of globalization, digitization, and rapid progress of development as per global standards. Urban infrastructure includes the aviation sector, improvisation in the telecommunication industry, expansion of road and railways, accumulating to the betterment of communication and conduction of business. Urban infrastructure is highly influenced by the conduction of businesses and rapid migration, henceforth infrastructure of accommodation facilities like apartments, housing estates are adapted in urban regions, similarly, standards of hotels and restaurants are also improvised as per the lifestyle of urban culture.

Difference between Urban and Rural infrastructure

The major difference that lies within the urban and rural infrastructure is the adapted lifestyle and the daily schedule of business conduction. In the rural areas, the population density is scattered and it is opposite in the case of urban areas where the population is density packed per square kilometres due to rapid migration and settlements for business purposes and better lifestyle conditions. Henceforth there is a huge difference in the infrastructure of buildings, in the urban areas the regions are densely packed by high-rise apartments, which cannot be seen in rural areas where the houses are mostly separated by margins and are within 2-3 floors. Railways are a mode of the daily commute in city areas and are densely packed all through the day henceforth the network of railway tracks is far more spread out locally in urban areas as compared to rural regions. In the course of communication, the telecommunication industry and the relative infrastructures are highly valued in urban areas because of the rate of usage as compared to rural areas where business does not involve the usage of cell phones and the internet as compared to the cities. 

Mostly, Urban and rural infrastructure differ in terms of funding and sponsorship. The City regions and the financial structures are dominated by wealthy corporate and organizations who influence the usage and implementation of infrastructures and their relative improvement, for example, the sector of telecommunication, buildings, and roadways. These sources of financial aid are missing in rural areas. There are several prejudices associated with several progressive methods in rural areas.


Several factors as mentioned are associated with the development in the infrastructural growth in urban and rural areas. The various sectors of infrastructure include aviation, roadways, railways, telecommunications, energy, and water supply. All these infrastructural patterns influence the workflow of the business of a particular region and vice versa. Infrastructure plays a key role in modelling the physical standards of the society and also impacts the lifestyle of the particular region. Henceforth, it is necessary to implement measures to improvise the condition and usage of infrastructures for the comfort of residing people and uphold global standards of progress.