e-Governance Programmes

A national e-Governance programme is an ideology that is united and provides a vision of e-governance that ensures the public is provided with essential services at all levels.

As we all know, public services are very important to the country, and every resident of that country has a right to have access to these services. As the years passed, it was observed that it was challenging to offer all these services to all citizens. This is because it would take a large number of human resources to manage and keep track of whether or not these services are offered to the public, and even if they are, are they beneficial to them in any way, or is there room for improvement in these services in the future? This article will explore the National e-Governance plan (negp) and its vision in depth.

What is the National e-Governance Plan?

The national e-Governance plan (negp) was envisioned as a program for the development of existing public services or for the introduction of new ones that would soon be implemented. India has a very populated population, making it difficult to ensure that all public services are available to all citizens, at all levels of the country. As part of the e-Government programmes, different government sectors are being developed to provide these services and ensure that they’re helping the people in some way.

Computers are now being used to do the same work previously done on paper. As a result of computerizing the paperwork, these services are delivered to the public more rapidly. However, even then they have to go through certain procedures before they can access them. In order for public services to be developed, we must develop means or mediums through which they are provided. The development of these mediums includes infrastructure development, technological development and most importantly, communication developments between the government and the citizens.

What makes up the National e-Governance programmes?

On May 18, 2006, the National e-Governance plan (negp) was launched. In total, there are 27 mission mode projects (MMPs) and 8 components. Later on, four more projects were added, making it a list of 31 MMPs. National e-Governance programmes structure includes vision, approach, strategy, key components, implementation methodology, and management structure. The National e-Governance Plan itself is government-approved, so all of the components are approved by the government.

Awareness Regarding National e-Governance Programmes

Computerization of the government sector used to be a very tedious task because it required the replacement of all the paperwork with computers and other gadgets. Similarly, promoting the National e-Governance programmes also took a lot of time and effort. It was necessary to take proper initiatives in order to promote this program. This included the development of infrastructure according to the needs of the public and the services being provided. Among the most significant and core infrastructure components are:

  • Common Services Centres (CSCs)
  • State Data Centres (SDCs)
  • National e-Governance Service Delivery Gateway (NSDG)
  • State e-Governance Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG)
  • Mobile e-Governance Service Delivery Gateway (MSDG)
  • State Wide Area Networks (S.W.A.N)

Human resources are the most important aspect of running these infrastructure components. In addition to HR, there are other departments that contribute to the effective operation of the National e-Government Plan, which include:

  • Security
  • Citizen Engagement
  • Social Media
  • Metadata
  • Interoperability
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Information Security

Goals of e-Governance Programmes

The government seeks to accomplish a number of goals using national e-Governance programs, including:

  • Providing services in a more efficient and timely manner
  • Citizens are empowered by providing them with information on the government’s services and increasing their awareness of them.
  • This creates a transparent environment in which the government can communicate with the citizens of the country and determine whether or not the services they provide are beneficial to them.
  • In this program, the government attempts to bring businessmen, marketers, and other high profile individuals in the country closer to it so they can work together for the country’s betterment.


The growth of the national e-Governance program has been guided by a number of initiatives, and e-Kranti can be viewed as a modern initiative from the government. In e-Kranti, these services are digitised through your ID proof documents such as your AADHAR, PAN card, driver’s licence, etc. All benefits can be easily obtained by submitting these documents to the department of the service that you wish to use. Additionally, it reduces the amount of time consumed in registering and handling other legal matters


In this article, we saw how national e-Governance programs help to enhance the lives of citizens because they make it simpler for them to access government services for the betterment of their lives. Additionally, we learned about the vision and goals of these programs and what the digitalization of all the services is intended to accomplish. Also, we saw e-Kranti, which is a revolutionary movement aimed at digitization, since everything is accessible online nowadays, and one can also apply for a government service online.


Frequently Asked Questions

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What are e-Governance programmes?

Ans: National E-Governance Plans were developed for the development of existing services or for the introduct...Read full

What is included in e-Governance programmes?

Ans: As a whole, there are 27 mission mode projects (MMPs) and eight components. It later became a list of 31...Read full

What is the main goal of e-Governance programmes?

Ans: One of the main goals of e-Governance programmes is to make...Read full

What is e-Kranti?

Ans: Public services will become more accessible to the public by digitising them, and by doing so, the publi...Read full

Are e-Governance programmes well-known?

Ans: The majority of citizens in the country are aware of the e-Governance programs via the internet, as they...Read full