The term “Shapes” defines the external structure of a thing or aspect. Any figure can be demonstrated via shapes. Furthermore, “subsection” illustrates the division of the main part.

 Mathematics is an integral part of our life and it helps in anticipating the practical application of scientific experiments. “Shapes and subsections” are some parts of mathematics that help in solving simple arithmetic calculations and enhance mental ability or reasoning power through recognizing the form of a figure. A figure can also generate different types of shapes such as rectangles, hexagons, cuboids and so on. On the other hand, the subsection resembles a subdivision from the original part of a document or matter. A subsection is related to shapes because subsections help in the forming original shape of a figure. 

Structural model 

Shapes from a mathematical perspective: Shapes and their subsections

Children learn during their preliminary education about various types of shapes such as triangles, circles, pyramids and so forth. However, in mathematics shapes can be demonstrated by their number of sides, for example, the number of sides of a shape and width, length and depth of a shape. Nowadays it is quite easier for children to identify shapes by 2D or 3D models of a shape and its characteristics. Therefore, considering the properties and characteristics shapes are divided into two groups such as 2D or 3D shapes and regular or irregular shapes as are associated with Shapes and their subsections. For example, a triangle has three sides, three vertices and 3 symmetric lines which are considered a regular-shaped triangle. 

On the other hand, a diamond shape is considered an irregular shape because its lines are not in symmetric condition. Furthermore, the cubic figure reflects the 3D shapes and the spherical shape contains zero vertices. Shapes have some psychological impact on the human mind. It has been found that feelings and emotions are triggered due to some particular shapes. Furthermore, shapes engender inspiration in the cultural symposiums. Every human body represents different types of shapes such as apple, hourglass, pear, rectangle, semi rectangle, inverted triangle and so on. Therefore, it can be perceived that shapes are intertwined with our life. 

Importance of Shapes and their subsection: rectangle, hexagon and cuboid

Shape and their subsection help in real-life simple arithmetic calculation. Subsections are derived from shapes, for example, a triangle sectioned into 1, 2, 3, 4 separate parts and then the cumulative value of the triangle and subsection will be received 10. Subsection plays a significant role in regular life. Especially, in the case of educating children regarding addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, a subsection of a shape generate a simplified perception of arithmetic measurement. Additionally, in many organisations, aptitude tests are conducted to evaluate the mental reasoning capability of the candidates. Those who have a clear concept of shapes and their subsection can easily pass these types of examinations. Furthermore, in many institutions, analytical tests related to rectangle, hexagon and cuboid are pertinent to shapes and subsectional ideation. 

In many examinations, subsections are hidden in the original shape and asked participants to find out the analogous subsection from the original shape. These kinds of tests enable examiners to identify the mental ability to recognise the shapes and their subsections. Besides, resilience is a cognitive process towards the different manner of interactivity perceived via this examination process. In the case of the children’s learning process, shapes like rectangle, hexagon and cuboid and their subsections engender non-verbal reasoning ability. For example, different shapes are scattered such as circles, rectangles and cones. Consequently, joining all the shapes can give it a figure of a pencil or anything else that provokes the children to implement their imagination power and intelligence. Shapes and their subsections are geometric representations of the real world. Afterwards, knowing shapes and their subsections well helps to relate their existence in our daily work life. 

Difference between section, intersection and cross-section of shapes: rectangle, hexagon and cuboid 

The basic difference between section and cross-section is slicing a portion from the original shale equally or unequally. The equal shape represents half of the original shape and asthmatic slicing will represent twenty-five or fifteen per cent of the fraction of hexagon, rectangle or cuboid. The intersection is the insertion of one shape to another to form a new shape. For example, the insertion of a circle in another circle forms an integrated part and in the geometric calculation, the measurement of intersection helps to identify the reduced part of the circles. Shapes and their subsections are part of arithmetic calculation and geometry that is utilised in actuality for many purposes. 


From the above discussion, it is understood shapes and their subscriptions play a major role in shaping our thoughts and imagination. Especially children are highly benefited by learning about shapes and their subsections. This is not only advantageous for the preliminary schooling but also in many job interviews and examination process shapes and their subsections help in resolving examination questions. There are many educative and mathematic benefits are associated with shapes and their subsections. Many types of shapes are prevalent in the academic sector such as hexagon, rectangle, cuboid and so on this assessment demonstrated the definition of shape from the mathematical perspective also. Tow dimensional and three-dimensional shapes are also discussed for a clear perception of shapes and their subsection.