

Yersinia has been known as a group of bacteria that include Yersinia Pestis and appears as a rod-like shape under a microscope.

Yersinia has been named based on the Swiss bacteriologist Alexandre-Emile-Jean Yersin who identified it in 1894. This bacterium has been known to be coming from the Yersinia Ceae family of bacterias. Yersinia enterocolitica, which is a part of the Yersinia Ceae bacteria family, was seen to be present in different edible products. This bacterium has also been seen as a small Gram-negative rod that produces smooth, circular, convex and low colonies after incubation for 24 hours at 37℃.


Yersinia has been known as a bacteria which includes some other Strains of itself. These bacterias are gram-negative and are also known as facultative anaerobes. This depicts that Yersinia bacterias can survive in anaerobic and aerobic environments. Yersinia bacteria have also been seen to be motile below 37℃ and have also been seen to be rendered nonmotile above this temperature. This bacterium was marked as a causative agent of plague in 1894 by a Swiss bacteriologist. Apart from Yersinia pestis, Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis have been reported to be important pathogens that have been present in the human body. Most Strains of these bacteria have been known to be infectious by coming in direct contact with contaminated substances or transmitted through air.

 Causes of Yersinia

Yersinia has been known to include different Strains and these Strains are Yersinia pestis, Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. These Strains have been known to cause different diseases.

Yersinia pestis: This has been seen to be caused if bitten by a rodent flea which has been carrying this bacterium.

Yersinia enterocolitica: This strain has been seen to be caused by eating undercooked or raw pork which has been contaminated with this bacterium.. 

Yersinia pseudotuberculosis: This strain of Yersinia has been known to be caused by coming into contact with other infected animals or individuals. It has also been seen to be caused by consumption of contaminated food or water. 

 Yersinia Treatment

Yersinia treatment includes use of different drugs where most of these drugs have been seen to be antibiotics. 

Yersinia pestis

Symptoms: Yersinia pestis has been known to cause different types of plagues however, Septicemic, Pneumonic and Bubonic plagues have been seen to occur often.

Septicemic Plague: This form of plague has been seen to develop when Yersinia pestis has been spread through the bloodstream and has caused a blood infection named Septicemia. Symptoms of this plague include diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. People infected by this strain can also develop different types of problems related to blood. These symptoms, if left untreated, can cause breathing difficulties, kidney failure and even death.

Pneumonic Plague: This type of plague, though has been seen to be rare, occurs whenever the lungs of an individual have been affected with Yersinia pestis. It has been seen that a person who has been affected by this type of plague, has symptoms like chest pain, high fever, headaches, shortness of breath and rapid breathing. This type of plague, if left untreated can cause death.

Bubonic Plague: It has been known to be the most common type of plague which occurs when an individual has been infected by lymphs. These lymphs are known to be the only symptom of this plague. If treatment for this plague is not provided immediately, it can spread through the bloodstream and thus can develop Septicemic plague.


In treating these plagues caused by Yersinia pestis, most used medication includes Levofloxacin, Streptomycin and Ciprofloxacin.

Yersinia enterocolitica

Symptoms: Yersinia enterocolitica has been known to cause Yersiniosis. Symptoms of this infection have been seen to be dependent on the age of individuals. Where symptoms in younger children include abdominal pain, diarrhea and fever, symptoms in older individuals include abdominal pain (On the right side) and fever.

Treatment: Individuals infected with this strain have been mostly seen to recover themselves; however, for severe infection different antibiotics have been seen to be used. Most common antibiotics include Penicillin and Fluoroquinolones.

Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

Symptoms: This strain has been seen to cause severe dehydration, septic syndromes and has also been known to force individuals to be hospitalized.

Treatment: Individuals infected by this infection have been seen to recover themselves however, in case of severe infection Fluoroquinolone group of drugs have been seen to be most effective. Ampicillin, Doxycycline, Gentamycin and Ceftriaxone type antibiotics have also been seen to be successful in treating infection caused by Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.

Yersinia Intermedia

A yersinia intermedium has been known as a member of genus Yersinia and has been known to be divided into several biotypes. According to Brenner’s scheme, these biotypes can be of eight types and these types can be classified after five tests. French Yersinia reference included a total of 44 strains which have been identified as Yersinia intermedia at first but as characteristics of these 44 strains has not fit in Brenner’s biotypes; these strains have been divided into two groups named Variant 1 and Variant 2. These strains can also represent newer biotypes of Yersinia intermedia as ɑ-methyl-D-glucoside, L-rhamnose, D-raffinose and D-melibiose are present within these strains. Yersinia intermedia has been known to be named so as different intermediate properties between Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis have been present in Yersinia intermedia strains.


This assignment has been done in Yersinia. A brief definition of Yersinia has been concluded in this assignment. Different diseases caused by different Strains of Yersinia have also been concluded in this assignment along with their possible treatments. Some drugs which are effective and some which are non-effective in treating infections caused by Yersinia have also been concluded in this assignment. Apart from known strains of Yersinia, Yersinia intermedia have also been included in this assignment. Some Frequently Asked Questions with their suitable answers have also been concluded in this assignment.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the Kerala PSC Examination Preparation.

Why can Yersinia be called facultative anaerobes?

Answer:- Yersinia can be called facultative anaerobes as they can survive both anaerobic and aerobic e...Read full

Which Strains of Yersinia causes plague?


Yersinia pestis has been known to cause plague.

Which drugs have been reported to have minimal or no effect in Yersinia treatment?

Answer:-  First and second-generation cephalosporins, imipenem and penicillin have been reported to have min...Read full

How many Biotypes are there according to Brenner’s scheme?


According to Brenner’s scheme, there have been eight biotypes of Yersinia.