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Properties, Pathogenesis and Laboratory Diagnosis of Diseases caused by important Human Viruses

Pathogenesis studies and cultures the evolution of a disease in a conditioned environment if diseases can occur from any toxin, viruses, bacteria, and others. The process of pathogenesis requires a medium to transfer and a host to breed. For instance, rabies spreads from animals and after entering the human body, it destroys the “central nervous system.” Similarly, SARS COV 2 targets a cell, binds it up, and destroys the lung functioning in the human body. Some viruses become endemic, while others become pandemic due to their spread such as polio, HIV, hepatitis and the V-Z virus. In addition, the destruction time of viruses range from a few years and after several mutations, they become less effective. 

Laboratory Diagnosis of HIV

A virus affects a body by multiplication of its cells and entering into the bloodstream, thus, blood tests are most effective in diagnosing viruses. HIV is generally detected through Blood or bodily fluids such as plasma or serum. Other tests such as ELISA tests, saliva tests, P 24 antigen tests, virus isolation, antibody tests can be done to detect HIV. The detection can be completed within 18-20 days of spreading the virus and after testing necessary actions are taken to prevent the virus from spreading. Frequent and more testing is the only way to check the virus from spreading. Underdeveloped countries such as Africa, UAE are more affected by HIV, and other deadly viruses due to their lower level of literacy and medical proficiency. Therefore, for underdeveloped countries, HIV rapid testing does not require laboratory setups and performs through lateral-flow devices. HIV usually spreads through genital secretions, blood, and plasma. Viruses enter the body, stay in the lymphocyte cells of the human body, and therefore replicate very fast. Antibody detection is another common process of diagnosis, which is conducted when an affected body naturally repairs itself by creating antibodies and at that moment, a person with HIV is highly infectious. 

A test named the Western Blot test is done commonly in laboratories to confirm the presence of the HIV virus and is done through body protein separation. Several non-specific tests are done in diagnosing HIV such as platelets counts, decreasing CMI tested from the outer skin, and so on. 

Influenza Vaccine 

Influenza is a type of virus affecting the lungs, lungs, and throat that is now commonly a form of cold. The virus was initially started as a pandemic in 1918; however, now became a common cold. Diseases lose their deadliness with time and with the initiation of vaccinations. Influenza vaccines are also known as flu shots and they protect humans from four types of influenza and are generally taken in the initial years of a child, the vaccinations help and create a protective layer in the human body thus preventing people from taking seasonal influenza. If not fully prevented, then the vaccines are capable of reducing impacts and illness severity. Influenza at the present age has become only mild flu that can sometimes change to a furious one based on the mutation. Children are most susceptible to influenza in the initial years and hence vaccine shots are given to children often between 5-6 months of age. Vaccinations often come with allergic reactions to the body along with chills and mild fever may be a symptom of the immunization process. A collective and multiple dosages of the vaccination process can only ensure safety from four types of influenza as all differ from each other in terms of antigen. 

Influenza meaning 

Influenza is a type of virus named “orthomyxoviridae” which hails from the family of RNA viruses having four types namely A, B, C and D. Influenza comes in various strains that can be mild in most cases, but also rarely deadly. There is a life cycle of influenza viruses and deadly viruses can occur every 50 years taking the shape of pandemics. In such cases, special precautions are taken through isolation, confinement of viral transmission, and clinical preparedness. The virus spreads in the cold season of the year; they enter the body destroying the lining of the respiratory organs. Symptoms include sore throat, allergic reactions, running nose, severe cough and falling temperatures. Although the disease is seen among young adults and children because of the low immunity if influenza occurs among old patients, it can cause death. The treatment of Influenza includes bed rest, antibiotics and antiviral medicines such as Amantadine. The patient should take the main properties of the Influenza virus, Rabies, SARS Cov 2 all travel through droplets thus, the main precautionary measures. The precautionary measures include wearing surgical masks, building immunity against flu. 


In conclusion, it can be summarized that Viruses are deadly to the human body as they target healthy cells and destroy various organs of the human body. The development of science has caused the testing of microbial activities and even culture within laboratories through a process called pathogenesis. Deadly viruses often spread and cause pandemics and epidemics, which are then controlled through vaccination. Animals carry some of the vector-borne diseases such as dengue, Rabies and they enter into the human body through the food chain or other means targeting the immune viruses of the human system.