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pathogenesis of protozoan diseases

Protozoan are single-celled animals found worldwide in most habitats. Protozoan infection results in tissue damage. In chronic infections, the tissue damage is often due to an immune response to the parasite and to host antigens as well as to changes in the Cytokine profile.

Infections of Protozoan are the primary cause behind the diseases that impact many different variations of organisms, that include plants and animals, some amount of marine life too. Many popular diseases generated by Protozoan infections are Malaria, Sleeping Sickness, Amoebiasis, Leishmaniasis, etc. The protozoan is usually discouraged in modern bioscience. The protozoan is a single-celled animal found worldwide in most habitats. Protozoan infection results in tissue damage.  The protozoan is microscopic size unicellular eukaryotes that have a relatively complex internal structure and carry out complex activities.

Life cycle and pathogenesis of protozoan diseases- Amoebiasis, Malaria, and Leishmaniasis 

Infections of Protozoan are the primary cause behind the diseases that impact many different variations of organisms, that include plants and animals, some amount of marine life too. Many popular diseases generated by Protozoan infections are Malaria, Sleeping Sickness, Amoebiasis, Leishmaniasis, etc. The protozoan is a single-celled animal found worldwide in most habitats. Protozoan infection results in tissue damage. Some Protozoans have structures for push or other types of movement. The life stages of parasitic protozoans that actively feed and multiply are at times known as trophozoites, in some Protozoans other terms are used for these stages. Cysts are stages with a protective membrane or thickened wall. Protozoan cysts that must stay outside the host normally have more obstructive walls than cysts that form into tissues. 

 Protozoan infection results in tissue damage. In chronic infections, the tissue damage is often due to an immune response to the parasite and to host antigens as well as to changes in the Cytokine profile. Alternatively, it might be due to toxic Protozoan products and to mechanical damage. 

Protozoan Diseases in Humans 

We will know about Protozoan Diseases that can occur in Human Beings. Most Protozoan diseases are caused in the human body via a Protozoan only. Protozoan makes humans sick when they become human parasites. For example 

Plasmodium Protozoan (Malaria) 

Plasmodium Protozoan causes malaria. In this, the parasite is spread via a mosquito vector. Parasites enter the host’s blood via the bite of an infected mosquito. The parasites infect the host’s blood after that they start getting symptoms of the disease which includes fever, joint pain, and fatigue. Malaria is common in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Malaria is a very serious disease, and at times people die from it. 


Amoebiasis is again a parasitic disease caused in the stomach or intestine by amoeba Entamoeba histolytica, or E. histolytica. The symptoms of this disease include a loose stool, abdominal cramping, and stomach pain. Most people with this disease don’t experience as many symptoms. This disease is prominent in tropical countries with unhygienic sanitation. Commonly seen in the Indian Subcontinent, South America, Mexico, and a few parts of Africa as sanitation facilities of these countries are not as developed.


Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease, found in tropical, subtropical, and Southern Europe. This disease is termed neglected tropical disease. Leishmaniasis disease can be caused by Leishmaniasis parasites which can be spread via a bite of phlebotomine sandflies. Well, there can be many forms of Leishmaniasis found in the human body. The most prominent one is that it causes skin sores, and visceral leishmaniasis, which affects several internal organs (usually spleen, liver, and bone marrow).

List of Protozoan Diseases 

The list of Protozoan Diseases are as follows: – 

  • Malaria

  • African trypanosomiasis

  • Chagas disease

  • Leishmaniasis

  • Toxoplasmosis

  • Cryptosporidiosis

  • Amoebiasis 

  • Babesiosis

  • Sappinia amoebic encephalitis

  • Blastocystosis

  • Trichomoniasis 

  • Schistosomiasis 

What are Protozoan Diseases? 

Most Protozoan diseases are caused in the human body via a Protozoan only. Protozoan makes humans sick when they become human parasites. At times the organisms stay in the host’s body for the entire life cycle but many carry out part of their reproductive cycle in insects or other hosts. For example, malaria, Babesiosis, Blastocystosis, Schistosomiasis, Amoebiasis, etc. They can also be in the form of resting cysts, which lets them survive through dry times. Infections that are caused by protozoa have the ability to spread via many processes like ingesting cysts (the dormant phase of the life stage), transmission through sexual orientation, or through insect vectors (insects that transmit diseases through bites or stings like malaria). 


Infections of Protozoan are the primary cause behind the diseases that impact many different variations of organisms, that include plants and animals, some amount of marine life too. Many popular diseases generated by Protozoan infections are Malaria, Sleeping Sickness, Amoebiasis, Leishmaniasis, etc. The protozoan is usually discouraged in modern bioscience.


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Provide a List of Protozoan Diseases? 

Ans. List of Protozoan Diseases are as follows: – Malaria African trypanosomiasis Chagas dise...Read full

What are Protozoan Diseases? 

Ans. Most Protozoan diseases are caused in the human body via a Protozoan only. Protozoan makes hum...Read full

What is Plasmodium Protozoan? 

Ans. Plasmodium Protozoan causes malaria. In this, the parasite is spread via a mosquito vector. Parasites enter the host’s ...Read full

Describe the life stages of Protozoan?

Ans. The life stages of parasitic protozoans that actively feed and multiply are at times known as trophozoites, in some Protozoan...Read full