Dengue and SARS CoV-2

Four different viruses subordinate the term “Dengue”: “Dengue virus 1, 2, 3 and 4” whereas “COVID-19” is considered as respiratory illness generated by a specific virus known as “SARS-Cov-2”.

The all-new “SARS-Cov-2” virus has approximately “6.3 million” confirmed cases that are consistent to be very uncertain but much above the dark figures. These result from the multiple lacks of inspection or symptom-free directions due to less number of reagents or resources. Depending on multiple estimations, there might be extensively over “12 million” contaminated individuals who are still scrambling up.  The proportion of the “human population” who have eventually experienced the virus says that it will result in a substantial percentage.


Dengue and Ace 

The “Dengue viruses” are considered to be members of the “Flaviviridae” family which represents its four serotypes, namely “DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, AND DENV-4”. These viruses are very much capable of initiating the “dengue shock syndrome”, the “classic dengue fever” and the “dengue hemorrhagic fever”. These multiple diseases are also considered as the leading origin of multiple child deaths on a worldwide basis. This particular context develops in thrombocytopenia and leukopenia in multiple pathology tests of infected individuals. Eventually, the cellular and the humoral immune replies are systematically set up against the “virus”, resulting in the elimination of multiple infections. The above-mentioned humoral replies produce multiple “protective serotype-specific antibodies”. The multiple bloodstreams are jet-propelled but prohibit various other subtypes that result in failing according to the various “offer protective immunity” in opposition to them. Multiple studies have displayed the existence of multiple “cross-reactive” bloodstreams against the various “DENV serotypes” that activate the redrafted illness and subsidies to the up-gradation of “DSS and DHF”. The ” non-neutralizing pre-existing antibodies” are obtained from the vaccinations, previous infections, or “maternal passive immunity”. Dengue is transmitted to humans via the Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes. Some of the symptoms of dengue include Headache, muscle, bone or joint pain, nausea, vomiting, pain behind the eyes, swollen glands, and rash. Dengue is usually treated with care and isolation. Staying under the observation of a doctor is essential as platelets counts need to be monitored constantly. There are no medicines for dengue but fever and pain relief medicines are given on a case and situation basis. 


“Potential   Consequences Regarding the New Coronavirus Pandemic SARS‐CoV‐2   and COVID‐19” 

In this specific part of this study, a critical question arises in the mind of the researcher, namely, “whether the ADE is relevant in SARS-Cov-2 infection and the COVID-19”. There are various contagious similarities between “SARS-Cov-2 infection” and dengue fever. For both the diseases, the multiple fatalities considerably grow in the individuals who are above 65 years. For most of the infected individuals, the course of the disease is subclinical and exhibits mild symptoms because the infected number is ordinarily miscalculated. The term “coronaviruses” exists in the “Coronavirida family” and the multiple “RNA viruses” namely, the “dengue virus”. Coronaviruses are being grouped with “SARS-Cov-2” into seven different strains and are considered to be the upgraded member of the family.  These strains induce various courses of severe diseases. COVID-19 is caused by exposure to infected people, whether they are symptomatic or asymptomatic. COVID-19 symptoms include fever, cough, tiredness, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, headache, aches and pains, diarrhoea, a rash on the skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes, red or irritated eyes, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, or chest pain. The treatment of this disease includes fever medications and pain relief medicines. It is important to monitor one’s oxygen saturation level (which should be within 94 – 100%). Isolation and rest are essential. The various strains of the virus that the world has witnessed have had different symptoms and levels of seriousness. While the delta variant was the worst and resulted in the death of many, the omicron variant is supposedly less harmful but the most contagious. 

The various potential consequences result in indicating various mechanisms for “SARS-Cov-2″ and the earlier infections of coronavirus strains promote the “ADE”. The vaccines for COVID-19 that are approved by the “World Health Organisation” produce antibodies that are “neutralizing protective” and are administered in more than 20 countries. In the present time, the vaccination process is recommended by WHO and is only given to individuals between nine to forty-five years of age.


What Cytometry Can and Needs to Do? 

The various new obligations need to be advanced and the multiple experiments which are performed by applying the multiple best practices to perform meticulously that reproduce the flow of cytometry under various safety conditions. One of the novel applications has been developed for the multiple flows of vibrometry and cytometry that results in the inspection of “small virus” in an appropriate way so that it is easy for the multiple readers to understand the concept of “SARS-Cov-2” and dengue as well. The image and the flow of cytometry are considered to be an important role in this endeavour. The measuring of multiple cell systems and individual cells is very much important for distinguishing the immune replies, the various cell phenotypes, and cytokine production. These studies need an upgraded level of understanding for the multiple “immune responses’ ‘ and the beforehand identification of the individuals with “severe disease course” that are following up the ” therapeutic interventions” These are very much important for making multiple decisions, “which would be at risk to develop ADE” and ” Which part of the population would result in profit form the vaccinations that are active”. The multiple sorting of the RB-particular “memory B cells” for manufacturing the antibodies that are related to “therapeutic monoclonal” is considered to be an important donation to the development of the vaccine.


This particular study is all about Dengue and COVID-19. The researcher of this study collected multiple authenticated data for the various readers to understand the concept of Dengue and “SARS-Cov-2″. This study deals with the origin of the current rampant and the various forms of dengue virus. The “Dengue viruses” have a vast effect on the individuals via the crunch of “Aedes species” mosquitoes which are considered to be an infected disease. This study is subtracted from the various authenticated websites that tell about both of the diseases. This study also tells about the nature of both the viruses, their corresponding symptoms, the treatment process of both the viruses and many more. The researcher has appropriately executed this study so that it will be easy for multiple readers to understand the concept of “SARS-Cov-2” and the dengue virus.


Frequently asked questions

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What is Dengue?

Ans: The “Dengue viruses” are laid out to the ind...Read full

“How is dengue Spread to human beings”?

Ans :“Aedes species” mosquitoes spread this virus and these types of mosquitoes also spread Chi...Read full

“Is there any immunity for Dengue”?

Ans :Yes, there is an immunity for dengue and that is known as “The Pathogen”. This dis...Read full

Where was the COVID-19 first identified?

Ans : It was first identified in Wuhan, China. All the substructural trademarks of this nove...Read full