

Bordetella can be considered a re-emerging major health problem. This is because the scope of treatment is extremely limited until date. Only antibiotic intervention can be an effective way of treatment for Bordetella.


Bordetella can be categorised as the small, rod-shaped bacteria that can affect an individual’s health. Numerous syndromes associated with Bordetella will be discussed and critically analyzed in this respective assignment. On top of that, the effectiveness of Bordetella vaccines influence bacterial infections among animal.. The most effective way to prevent Bordetella will also be discussed in the later parts of this respective assignment. In addition to all these factors, the specification of Bordetella pertussis as well as all the probable ways it can affect the host will be discussed in this assignment as well. A number of frequently asked questions associated with this respective bacterium will also is highlighted and discussed in this assignment.    


Bordetella can be referred to as a small, rod-shaped, ovoid or coccoid Gram-negative bacterium. It will be approximately 0.8 by 0.4 micrometre, which can be also referred to as one-millionth of a metre. This bacterium can be responsible for causing whooping cough, which is a common as well as extremely contagious respiratory illness. Bordetella attaches itself to the tiny hair-like extensions known as cilia, which form the upper respiratory system. Despite the fact that it can cause respiratory infections in human beings, it is found extremely rarely in human beings. It will only be confined to those individuals with a weakened immune system or someone who had their respective spleen removed. Pregnant women, as well as people with underlying respiratory diseases, can also be associated with being infected by Bordetella. It can also act as the cause of severe pneumonia. It can also cause death in extremely rare cases.  

Bordetella Vaccine

Bordetella vaccines will be generally given to puppies and adult dogs. This is due to the fact that kennel cough will have the tendency to be easily spread from one god to the other and will be highly contagious as well. They can also be transferred to human beings as well as the condition can typically be life threatening. Thus, it will be beneficial to be vaccinated. One shot of the DTaP vaccine will be likely to last for 6 to 12 months. Apart from that, citizens belonging to the age groups of 19 to 64 years can get doses of Tdap. On the contrary, citizens above the age of 65 will be required to opt for Boostrix in order to fight this respective bacterium.

Bordetella Symptoms

Numerous symptoms such as rapid cough associated with a high pitch whooping sound and vomiting after or during coughing can be considered one of the primary symptoms of Bordetella. A feeling of tiredness can also be associated with Bordetella after coughing. It can be presumed that Bordetella makes the infected host extremely exhausted.  On top of that, Bordetella can also be associated with sneezing and a runny nose. Loss of appetite can also occur in serious cases. Some other general symptoms can be considered a low fever, lethargy, retching and dry cough. 

Bordetella pertussis

Bordetella pertussis will be referred to as an aerobic, encapsulated, pathogenic as well as Gram-negative coccobacillus of the Bordetella genus. It will act as the causative agent for the contagious respiratory disorder named pertussis, which is also known as whooping cough. Bordetella pertussis will be motile in nature just like the Bordetella bronchiseptica. It can be expected to express a flagellum-like structure. It commutes from one person to the other via coughs or sneezes from the infected person to the healthy person. These coughs and sneezes will contain tiny droplets of germs that will be sprayed into the air through the sneeze or cough from the infected person. That way it enters the lungs of the healthy person in nearby contact with the contaminated person. Bordetella pertussis will be generally found in the nose, mouth or throat of the infected person. There will also be chances of this bacterium being present in the respiratory tract of the infected person. The largest peak of Bordetella pertussis was found in the United States in the year 2012 with approximately 48,277 affected cases.


Thus, it can be concluded that Bordetella will be likely to become an extremely serious health concern in this respective nation despite the widespread use of suitable vaccines. It will tend to affect hosts such as infants, pregnant women and other older people with a weaker immune system. Thus, it can be recommended that the best way to prevent Bordetella amongst these respective groups of people will be to be vaccinated. Citizens belonging to the age groups of 19 to 64 years can get doses of Tdap while citizens above the age of 65 will be required to opt for Boostrix in order to fight this respective bacterium. That way this respective nation will be capable of controlling Whooping cough caused by Bordetella effectively.