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Kerala Model Development: Social Security

The write-up is based on the social security definition, classification of social security, Kerala model development: Social security.

Social Security definition.

Social security is defined as a system in which money is paid on a regular basis to a certain group of people. Kerala Social Security Mission aims to provide service and support to women, children, the poor, weaker section of the population, old age people, cancer patients, and chronically ill people. Considering this scheme, the government provides various kinds of social security programs for the people who need social security. This scheme will also identify the weaker section of the society and try to improve their status.

Classification of Social Security Benefits –

  • Disability benefits – Disability benefits are for those people who are disabled, that is one could not walk, speak, or are facing some other mental disorder. Some eligibility criteria are to be fulfilled to get this benefit.
  • Retirement benefits – Retirement benefits are provided to the people who paid for the social security system at least for 10 years receive retirement benefits, wife is also eligible in getting such kind of benefit in husband’s absence, a divorced spouse who is not married presently is also eligible in this benefit.
  • Survivors benefits – Based on the worker’s earnings the spouse and the children may be eligible for survivors’ benefit after the worker’s death. It also includes that the surviving spouse should be more than 50 years or disabled.

Kerala Model Development: Social Security

Kerala Model Development: Social Security is a type of model that deals with the practices accepted in Kerala. By the 1980s Kerala’s economic growth picked up and agricultural income also went up in the subsequent decades. In the year 2019-2020 the per capita income of Kerala was 65% higher than the all-India figure. Sometimes Kerala is compared to developed countries despite having a low per capita income. In this period Kerala’s social security programs gradually grew up and also education and health programs started to improve. Kerala model Development: Social Security is mainly based on strong social indicators like high literacy rate, low infant mortality rate, high life expectancy, low birth rate, and improved access to healthcare. These achievements are being considered characteristic results of the Kerala model. Social security is the type of measure that is necessary to protect the most vulnerable in society and approach them to lead a normal life. The literacy rate of Kerala is more than 90%, but the only thing is that males are slightly ahead of females (According to a 2003 report). The Kerala Model focused more on people than developing the market. 

Strong Social indicators in Kerala Model Development: Social Security is – 

  • High Literacy Rate: 

High literacy rate suggests that, the maximum percentage of the adult population aged 15 years and more or above who are literate.

  • Low Infant Mortality Rate:

Infant mortality rate means the death of an individual before his or her one year of age. The infant mortality rate is defined as the number of deaths of infants in every 1000 live births. This death ratio is low in Kerala so, it is said to have a high mortality rate.

  • High Life expectancy:

The meaning of life expectancy is the maximum number of years a person can live up to. So, this ratio of life expectancy is high in Kerala, therefore it is said to have a high life expectancy.

  • Low Birth Rate:

The meaning of birth rate is the number of children taking birth in a year to the total population. Therefore the ratio is calculated as the number of newborns in a year to the average population of that year. So, the birth rate is low in Kerala, hence it is said to have a low birth rate.


It is to conclude that Social security is defined as a system in which money is paid on a regular basis to a certain group of people.


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