Kerala PSC » Kerala PSC Study Materials » Immunology » COMPLEMENT ACTIVATION


Complement activation is identified as a “system of plasma protein” which gets activated directly from the pathogens. It triggers as a stronger effectors mechanism against protecting the host cells.


Complement systems are determined as “complement cascade” which is a part of the immune system. It enhanced the ability of “antibodies and phagocytic cells” for clearing the microbes along with damaged cells of an organism. Moreover, it promotes the inflammation in the cells and attacks directly to the “pathogen’s cell membrane”. What is the Classical pathway for activating the complement? What is the assay kit for Complement activation?  How does the complement system get activated? How does complement activation help in immunology? These are the few questions which need to be found regarding the Complement activation. Therefore, in the below blog post we will consider various questions for finding the pathways and the assay kit for Complement activation. We will also consider some case studies for illustrating these concepts.   

Complement activation 

Similar to the “falling off a row of dominoes”, the “complement activation” is a phenomenon of cascading. The “complement activation” has mainly been separated into four parts which are followed in a proper order to achieve the end result of this event. These four pathways are classical pathways along with the lectin, membrane attack or lytic and alternative pathways. The importance of complement activation is to activate the “powerful effectors mechanisms” against those cells which need to be protected. Complement activation is solidly designed and regulated to finish those microbes which are invading microbes. This procedure produces minimum “collateral damage” which results in destroying the host tissues. The proteins of complement activations are synthesized through the liver along with circulating into blood as inactive precursors.  Proteases that stay in the system cleave few specific types of proteins for releasing the cytokines for initiating the “amplifying cascade” for further cleavages. 

 Classical pathway of complement activation 

The “classical complement pathway” has been observed to be one of the three pathways that activate the complement system. This is also associated with the immune system. The “classical complement pathway” can be initiated by the formation of antigen-antibody complexes along with antibody isotypes including IgG and IgM. The classical pathway gets activated primarily through the immune system complexes. Wherever, any antibody binds its antigen, a “subtle conformational change” starts occurring which renders the “antibody molecule capable” of getting interacted through C1q. Lectin pathways get included in one of the three pathways through which the complement system gets activated. 

Complement activation assay kit 

“The Complement Classical Pathway ELISA Assay kit” is known as the wells of microtiter strips which get coated through the “specific activators of the classical pathway”. Complement is used as a blood test for measuring the activities of certain kinds of proteins which will stay in the liquid portion of the blood. The process of combination is done by sampling dilution to buffer the composition with the “serum dilution level” for ensuring if the Classical pathway gets activated or not. However, the complement activation process gets assessed through taking the “whole blood culture” by compounding interest. Moreover, it provides important information regarding the potential toxicity of the blood. The complement system provides results for a group of approximately 60 proteins which stays in the blood plasma either or it stays on the surface of cells.  

How is the complement system activated 

Complement system gets activated by the “triggered-enzyme cascade”. In this cascade the active enzyme gets generated through the cleavage from its zymogen precursor for cleaving the substrate and complement zymogen for activating the enzymatic form. The process of Complement can get activated through the three different pathways such as alternative, lectin and classical. However, these three pathways help in “culminating the formation” regarding the convertases. These get turned and generate few major effectors regarding the activation of the complement system.   

Complement activation in immunology 

Complement system is also considered as the complement cascade due to being a part regarding the immune system. This enhanced the “ability of antibodies” along with “phagocytic cells” for clearing the damaged microbe’s cells. The process is performed by organisms for promoting the inflammation along with attacking the “pathogen’s cell membrane”.  CP gets activated through the formation of an immune complex to the pathogen surface for “calreticulin on apoptotic cell” membranes.  

Direct killing of target cells 

“Cell-mediated lysis” defines the killing of new cellular targets through the cells from the immune system. Killing of the targeted cells get mediated through cytotoxic molecules that get stored in the secretory lysosomes. Lysosomes are “specialized exocytic organelle” that are found in the NK cells. However, “polarized exocytosis of secretory lysosomes” get activated through these organelles and release cytotoxic contents to the lytic synapse for killing its targeted cells.


When it comes to analyzing the classical pathways for complement activation the “activation assay kit” will be needed to find out the needs of tools. The way of activating the complement system is needed to find out through the triggered-enzyme cascade. It’s better to analyze the activation of complement in immunology in the immune system. Moreover, the direct killing of cells through cytotoxic molecules that gets stored in the secretory lysosomes.