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Ashoka, the third emperor of the Mauryan dynasty was grandson of Chandragupta in “Indian History”. Indica which was written by Megasthenes and Arthasastra by Kautilya comprises the details of The Mauryan Empire.

After the death of Bindusara in Indian History”, Ashoka got engaged in a war and he emerged as a victorious ruler after conflict.  The Mauryan Empire emerged in 321 B.C.E. and declined in the 185 B.C.E. This was considered to be a pan empire that covered most of the Indian region. In this article, we are going to focus upon the historical significance of the Mauryan dynasty in “Indian History” and some of the “Important Books” during this time.

Historical Significance of Mauryan Empire

The Maurya Empire in “Indian History” was generally considered to be a historical power that ruled the Indian subcontinent during 322 BC until 185 BC. There are various weaknesses and drawbacks of  last ruler of empire of Magadha. This ultimately paved the direction for Chandragupta Maurya with support from Chanakya to overthrow the last king of the Nanda Dynasty, Dhanananda in “Indian History”. All these factors help in laying the foundation framework of the Mauryan Empire.

“The Mauryan Empire-Important Books” comprises Puranas that was generally being considered as essentially Brahmanical literature in providing numerous sources and information about the Mauryan dynasty in “Indian History”. Some of the “Important Books” likewise Vishnu Purana in “Indian History” mainly encompasses origin of Nandas and about succeeding overthrow by Chandragupta Maurya. He acted under the guidance and support of a mentor who was named Kautilya.

Causes for the decline of the Mauryan Empire

Following are the major factors for the decline of the Mauryan Empire in “Indian History”:-

Economical Instability:- Maurya in “Indian History” had to maintain a huge army. Moreover, they were to spend large amounts of money on the salaries of various bureaucrats and soldiers. In spite of a huge amount of tax imposition upon the common people, Mauryas were not able in meeting up the expenses of such a large superstructure. Thus, financial instability is considered as one of the crucial factors for the decline of the Mauryan Empire in “Indian History”.

Weaker leadership: Mauryan Empire in “Indian History” reproduced three main rulers who had extraordinary qualities of leadership. Chandragupta, Bimbisara along Ashoka expanded the kingdom by adding up newer glories into their title. However, it was found that the later leaders of the Mauryan Empire in “Indian History” were very much incapable of handling the kingdom. This way, weaker leadership finally led to the fall of the Mauryan dynasty.

Other important factors that were solely responsible for the decline of the Mauryan empire can be cited likewise socio-economic, cultural policy of Ashoka, powerful oppressive rule of Maurya. The huge cost of expenditure on the soldiers, armies and bureaucrats, weakening of rule and many more were amongst reasons for the decline of the Mauryas.

Best books on Mauryan dynasty

“The Maurya Empire: The History and Legacy of Ancient India’s Greatest Empire” by Charles River, “The Maurya Empire: A Captivating Guide to the Most Expansive Empire in Ancient India” by Captivating History, “Asoka and the Decline of the Mauryas” by Romila Thapar are said to be the most prominent. The first one discusses ancient accounts in giving a detailed description of the Mauryan Empire along with its rulers. The other two books mainly provide a clean and clearer interpretation on the historical background of ancient India and various deep linkages with subsequent developments. “The Mauryan Empire-Important Books” completely describes the history of Mauryas by laying down a valuable emphasis on the role and task of Ashoka. 


It can be concluded from the above discussion by stating the rule of Ashoka, the historical significance of the Mauryan empire in “Indian History”, the fall of Mauryan dynasty and some of the “Important Books” that were written by that time. It can be taken into broader consideration that the greatness of Ashoka in “Indian History” is of huge significance. He can be equipped by his self individual endeavor and also by different levels of circumstances, in understanding the community and the culture into which he further originated. This also further clarifies a well known and famous misconception by giving a descriptive analysis of the Mauryan dynasty. 


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In which year the Mauryan Empire was established? Also, state the year of ending?

Answer:- The Mauryan Empire emerged in 321 B.C.E. and declined in 185 B.C.E. This was considered to be a pan ...Read full

How did economic instability lead to the downfall of the Mauryan Empire?

Answer:- Mauryas spend larger amounts of money on the salaries of vario...Read full

What was the major theme of “The Maurya Empire: The History and Legacy of Ancient India’s Greatest Empire”?

Answer:- “The Maurya Empire: The History and Legacy of Ancient India’s Greatest Empire”, ...Read full

Name any 3 prominent books of the Mauryan dynasty?

Answer:-  “The Maurya Empire: The History and Legacy of Ancient India’s Greatest Empire”...Read full

Other than economic instability, name any other four significant factors that were solely responsible for the downfall or decline of the Mauryan Empire?

Answer:- Other than economic instability, the other four significant factors that was solely responsible for ...Read full