Kerala PSC » Kerala PSC Study Materials » History (India & Kerala) » Social and Religious Reform Movement

Social and Religious Reform Movement

let us study the socio-religious reform movement in Kerala. Various religious leaders came up with ideas and movements to bring about changes in the pre-existing rules and rituals of society.

India witnessed some major movements mentioned in the social and religious reform movement in the 19th and 20th-century pdf. Various social and religious constructs were revived during this time by the influence of the well-known scholars and leaders of the time. Some of the main goals of the reforms were to remove all kinds of malpractices from the old religious or social constructs. 

  1. They wanted to curb the old superstitions and religious beliefs that involve harm to young children, women, or weaker people. They protested against child marriage, polygamy, sati, and other such life-risking practices.
  2. The leaders like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Henry Vivian Derozio, and others began reforms in order to prevent evil ideologies and social norms that delayed the development of Indian culture and society.
  3. Western ideas greatly influenced the leaders. However, the social and religious reforms took place as the British power changed their motif from stronghold on trade and commerce to colonial rule over India.

Some of the important movements across the country were Arya samaj, Arya Mahila Samaj, Ahmadiyya movement, Atmiya Sabha, Brahmo Samaj, Deoband movement, Deva Samaj, Faraizi Movement, Prarthana Samaj, Ramkrishna movement, Ramkrishna Mission, Satyashodhak samaj, Tattvabodhini Samaj, Theosophical Society, Young Bengal Movement, and others.

Some Social And Religious Reform Movement In Kerala

  • Radical Movements By Sri Narayana Guru

In 1903 Sri Narayana Guru invited other delegates like Dr Palpu, poet Kumaran Asan in a meeting to promote the formation of an organization in order to serve the community of Ezhava. The association was given the name “Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam”. There used to be regular sessions under the guidance of the leader Sri Narayana Guru. 

The Yogam promoted the teachings and reforms manifested by Sri Narayana Guru for the betterment of his community. The Ezhavas witnessed regeneration in their spirit and social norms. The untouchables were included in the social reforms and groups for the betterment. S.N.D.P. Narayana Guru spread brotherhood among the people of his society by removing the caste divisions. Anybody could take up professions depending on their abilities and talents.

  • Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham

“Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham” was organized by Ayyankali in 1907 to demand reforms and to make changes in her society. Ayyankali started an association with the Hindus to maintain their socio-economic values. They spread the importance of education for the emancipation of society. Many schools were opened for Pulayas in 1904. The Sangham even drew the attention of the government towards the opportunities for the Pulayas. The association helped social reformers to protest against the economic oppression of the low classes of the society by the feudal classes. The whole of Travancore was ignited by their protests for liberating the people from being oppressed.


This service society was started by Mannathu Padmanabhan. He was a government school teacher who changed the profession into a law practitioner. The Nair community fought for equality in society. The Nair Community stood up for various societal il practices such as untouchability, unnecessary rules to enter the temples, and others. The education bill of the state ministry was protested by this community along with other Christian churches. 

  • Newspaper Vivekodayam

It is the main newspaper that puts forth all the dealing and protests of the SNDP Yogam. Newspapers were one of the main mediums of social or religious reforms the revolutionary changes in the literary forms were incorporated through newspaper mediums. Revolutionary pieces like Charithra and Durabastha are good examples. The first secretary of SNDP Yogam began this newspaper. N. Kumaran Asan was one of the first initiators of the revolutionary changes in Malayalam poetry of the twentieth century.

  • Travancore Muslim Sabha and Chirayinkil Taluk Muslim Samajam

 These two societies were founded by Vakkom Muhammed Abdul Khadir Moulavi. He was a renowned social reformer and scholar of the nineteenth century. He encouraged education among his community and learning in the English medium. The association promoted by him spread liberated progressive thoughts and activities for the Muslim society. A prominent growth and development among the Muslim association were noted due to various attempts by the Moulavi.

  • Carmelites of Mart Immaculate

This association among the catholic Church was co-founded by Kuriakose Elias Chavara. The association was made among a group of the congregation of men of Syro-Malabar Catholic Church. The association first introduced the system of schools with every church which is known as “Pallikudam”. Education was made free for everyone. Education was open to all. Even women’s education was supported and spread. Women’s education is an essential part of the development of society. An Indian congregation of women was promoted by the father with the help of Fr. Leopold known as Congregation of the Mother of Carmel.

  • Samatva samajan

This association was founded in 1836 by Vaikunta Swami to propagate protest against oppression towards the avarnas. It is one of the earliest social reform groups. The founder was a learned figure who dedicated his life to the welfare of society. The founder was captured and tortured by the Travancore king for the social reforms spread by him. The social group maintained the religious exercise of Thuvayal Thavasu. 

  • Ananda Maha Sabha 

it is a society founded by advocate Brahmananda Sivayogi in 1918. Society was founded to spread reforms to abolish social evils to bring about changes in various societal norms and systems. The association spread good reforms to remove the evil norms, rituals from the community of Marumakkathayam. There were various backward norms like widow marriage, prohibition of liquor, inheritance, education for women. The association spreads the teachings and works of the advocate Brahmananda Sivayogi that influenced the society of Kerala deeply.


The above movements were renowned for the good of society and the revival of many religions to the present date. The above social and religious reform movements in the 19th and 20th century Kerala were renowned by the leaders and scholars of the time. These social, religious, and economic conditions prominent movements helped further consolidate Indian culture.