Solar system

A Solar system means the presence of the sun and all the other planets, meteoroids, moon, comets, asteroids and objects that revolve around the sun.

The solar system is coined as the gravitational bound system where planets, comets, asteroids, and meteoroids revolve around the orbit of the sun. The sun is approximately 4.6 billion years old within the solar system. The sun has an orbit that acts as a gravitational pull and attracts all objects towards it in the solar system. The solar system was primarily discovered by an Italian astronomer called Galileo Galilei; he observed both the milky way and the solar system. This discovery has led to the better ordering of the solar system in an accurate manner that helped the later formed space researchers. 

Solar System: overview

The word solar system belongs to the family of the sun. The solar system comprises eight planets, comets, meteoroids, satellites, and various other celestial bodies. The solar system incorporates the sun and the other orbiting bodies of the system. The approximate time taken by every planet varies like the earth takes 365 days to revolve around the sun while Mars, Jupiter, Venus takes around 687 days, 11.9 years, 224.7days respectively. The significance of the solar system lies in the fact that it provides a comprehensive understanding of the planets including earth, where humans live. The longest time taken by a planet to revolve around the sun is Neptune, which is 164.79 years. 

The solar system: Discussion 

The solar system comprises two sections that incorporate the inner solar system and the outer solar system. There are different planetary systems within our solar system like our universe by planets acting as host stars. The planetary system is named the way it is named as the sun is termed as “sol” after the Latin word. The other bodies that orbit around the sun are the ice giant, four gaseous and terrestrial planets that comprise the total solar system body. 

Our solar system: Analysis 

Our solar system consists of the sun, stars, eight planets namely earth, mars, Venus, mercury, Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus that are bound by gravity. Each planet rotates around the sun at a different speed like mercury takes 58.6 days, venus takes 243 days, the earth takes 0.99 days, mars takes 1.03 days and Jupiter takes 0.41 days. Our solar system is a crucial part that forms an integral part of scientists analysing the entire galaxy system.

Solar system Scope: Discussion

Solar system scope is a fun method of playing, exploring and discovering outer space and the solar system. The solar system scope was made by the designer, software engineer, some geeks and space enthusiasts where they are primarily from a software company INOVE. The importance of the solar study scope lies in analyzing the small bodies and planets, which inhabit the solar system. This solar system scope aids the scientist in better understanding of the formation, recent diverse state, the involvement of earth in the solar system and the origin of life and answers such topic-related questions. 


The study highlights the importance and significance of the solar system. It also highlights various other factors associated with it like the primary source of energy sun, the rotational and revolutionary period around the sun, the solar system scopes. An in-depth analysis of the solar system, galaxy, and the milky way is done through the course of the study.