Kerala PSC » Kerala PSC Study Materials » General Microbiology » STERILISATION – PRINCIPLE AND METHODS


Sterilisation is the district form of disinfection, pasteurisation, and sanitization. The method of sterilisation reduces the infection rather than eliminates all forms of the biological perspective. Learn more here.


The common method of sterilisation includes chemical methods and physical methods. The chemical methods include ethylene oxide, chlorine dioxide, propylene oxide, Ozone gases as well as a variety of chemicals in the vapour and liquid form of hydrogen peroxide, parasitic acid. In this perspective, the sterilisation process succeeds in order to eliminate the colony of specific hit residence spores such as heating, radiation, and steam. During the time of the sterilisation, it indicates that the sterilisation has been done correctly and the microbes from the live being have been eliminated successfully. Principles and methods of sterilisation are to reduce or eliminate the formation of microorganisms.

What is sterilisation?

Sterilisation is a process that destroys all forms of life and biological perspective which is significantly used to destroy microorganisms and viruses. Precisely sterilisation is defined as the complete destruction of all microorganisms by the chemical present heat and stream.

Importance of sterilisation 

Sterilisation is a process that significantly kills or eliminates all forms of disease bacteria or fungi as well as viruses. It plays a crucial role in the disinfection process before and after the use of medical events in order to prevent the transmission of germs. It is important because it helps to protect the patients as well as the medical professionals from any kind of microorganism. The method of sterilisation was used to implement the sanitization for the regular cleaning and disinfection process. It significantly helps to prevent bacteria from spreading to the present and also maintain the highest innings of the medical representative to prevent all the bacteria and diseases. The medical Sterilisation process describes the healthcare facility and prevents pregnancy-related issues. Medical Sterilisation is significantly used as a parametric form of birth control which helps to reduce the tendency of pregnancy.

What is the Principle of sterilisation? 

The principle of sterilisation is an accomplished form in an autoclave. It helps to expose each item to direct steam contact with the required pressure and temperature for a specific time. It significantly helps to kill the microorganism by maintaining minimal time and pressure. On the other hand, the principle of sterilisation is in fact eliminating every microorganism present in life. It is significantly classified with two different disinfection perspectives which is a high level of intermediate and low level of disinfection. The Automatic methods for eliminating the microorganism sterilisation used in the low and high-temperature steam help to avoid the exposure of HCWs to the microorganism and chemicals. 

What are the methods of Sterilisation?

There are four significant methods of sterilisation within its process that control the microbiological activities of the following methods of sterilisation: radiation method, physical method, chemical method, and ultrasonic method. The physical method of sterilisation significantly includes the killing of microbes by using the heat in the streaming as well as dry air frees the medium of microbes. The radiation method of sterilisation is used by ultraviolet light to detect the sensitive area of microorganisms. The Ultrasonic method of sterilisation uses ultrasonic vibration as high-frequency waves and sound beyond the range of the human ear. It significantly cultivates rapid collapse by sending out shock waves. The chemical method of sterilisation prevents the microorganism from salting upon the principle of cosmetic pressure. Medical sterilisation helps to block the sperm of the human body through the paralysation process which prevents the fertilisation aspect of the human body. 

What is male sterilisation? 

Male sterilisation is called vasectomy. The main paralysation is a process that significantly blocks the sperm of men before it leaves their bodies and possibly can cause pregnancy. Male sterilisation is a parametric form of birth control. Male sterilisation helps to stop the sperm from getting into the men’s semen as well as the fluid when they ejaculate. This is also a normal way of using a scalpel.

What is female sterilisation? 

Female sterilisation is something that permanently prevents pregnancy-related issues. Female sterilisation helps to block and seal the fallopian tubes in order to prevent the eggs from reaching into the sperm for fertilisation. Female sterilisation is 99% effective in order to prevent pregnancy. Thereby it does not affect the hormone levels of females thereby there is a small risk of the complications such as infection, internal bleeding, and damage to the other organs. Sterilisation is difficult to reverse and it does not prevent sexually transmitted infection or STIs thereby it can be said that fertilisation cannot be happened by using female sterilisation.