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Diauxic and synchronous growth

Diauxic and Synchronous growth and its perspectives

Diauxic growth has two lag phases, and the curve is referred to as a diauxic curve. When a bacterium is grown in a medium containing two sugars, one monosaccharide and the other di or polysaccharide (like glucose and lactose), the bacteria use glucose to finish their lag and log phases first. They used lactose after completing glucose utilization, resulting in a lag phase caused by their lactose-breaking enzyme synthesis. 

Diauxic growth, also known as diphasic growth, is characterized by two growth curves isolated by a short lag phase and managed to produce by an organism that ingests two types of glucose.

  • Galactose can be used once it has been converted to glucose.
  • There are two lag phases in the Diauxic growth curve: the first lag phase and the second lag phase.
  • The organisms adjust to the new medium conditions, resulting in the first lag phase. The use of glucose came next.
  • When glucose depletes the medium, the organisms become ready to use lactose, and the second lag phase begins.

Diauxic growth happens for a variety of reasons.

  • The effect of glucose, it is thought, provides a shape in diauxic growth.
  • Glucose inhibits lac gene transcription during E. coli catabolite repression. Because of this, lactose-utilizing enzymes are not synthesized.
  • When E. coli has used all of its glucose, it can transcribe genes, which cause lactose-metabolizing known as enzymes. 

Background of diauxic growth

The phenomenon of diauxic growth is one of the most well-known in biology. Monod discovered that when E. coli is provided with a proper mix with 50-50 proportions of lactose and even glucose, it keeps growing on the ideal nutrient, then pauses, and then gets bigger on the less ideal nutrient, but at a slower rate. The lag phase is the period that occurs between exponential growth episodes. Extensive experimental and theoretical research has been done on diauxic growth and its control network. The majority of this research has been devoted to deciphering the intricate mechanisms that regulate diauxic.

The lag phase is irreversible when switching nutrient sources, according to one theory. The lag phase, on the other hand, is unaccounted for. Before the first nutrient is completely depleted, cells may start to switch to the second. There would be a fleeting moment of combined nutrient uptake that leads to rapid ingestion of the second nutrient, with no halt in growth. In addition, new experimental evidence suggests that the lag phase is subject to genetic grasp and is associated with stochastic gene regulation effects. If this is confirmed, deterministic population-level models will be unable to explain the lag phase, necessitating explanatory perspectives relying on the metabolic cost of accelerated state changes.

Uptake of nutrients and metabolism are not free because they require the creation of specialised uptake machinery, which consumes energy. As the nutrient is removed from the general process of cell division, the cost of uptake increases. This raises the question of what is the best fertilisers scheme: in a nutrient-rich environment if the cell links all nutrients into expansion but none into accumulation, it will starve. The cell will not grow if all nutrients are devoted to uptake but none are devoted to growth. This suggests that there is a spot where adoption and development are equal.

 What is Synchronous growth?

Now let’s take things according to Diauxic and Synchronous growth. Synchronous development is a technique for growing microorganisms in controlled environments at the same stage of their life cycle. Synchrony is induced in microbial cultures by forced or mechanical selection methods. By shock treatment (temperature variation) or chemical treatment, involuntary techniques induce synchrony in microorganisms (nutritional difference). On the other hand, the mechanical method collects cells of the same age and size using filtration or centrifugation methods. Because the generation time for individuals dividing cells varies so much in synchronous culture, the microbial population never lasts more than 4-5 generations.

All microbial cells are physiologically identical by growing at the same division cycle and generation time. As a result, the entire microbial population is consistent regarding cell growth and division in Synchronous cultural development. 

  • We can get an idea of the entire cell crop at a specific stage of its life cycle and their interrelationships by using synchronous culture.
  • The measurement of microbial growth in synchronous culture is more accessible than other techniques because the results on such a large scale are comparable to those obtained on a single bacterial cell.
  • The growth behavior of bacterial cells in the same growth stage can be studied using synchronous culture.


    We talked about Diauxic and Synchronous growth in detail. Continuous microorganism culture is a microbiology technique of increasing importance. Microbial growth in a constant culture occurs under steady-state conditions, occurring at a steady rate and in a continuous environment. We hope now you are clear with the concept of Diauxic and Synchronous growth.


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