Kerala PSC » Kerala PSC Study Materials » Food Microbiology » steps in cheese making with role of microorganisms

steps in cheese making with role of microorganisms


Thousands of varieties of cheeses are prepared utilizing various microorganisms, salt enzymes and milk. In order to make cheese key ingredients are milk protein casein, sugar lactose and fat. In order to reduce the PH of milk a process of biotechnology is applied which is known as fermentations. Milk coagulation is done through adopting this process. Microorganism plays an indispensable role in cheese production and it facilitates microbial fermentation processes for cheese production. Milk protein casein is coagulated by the proteolysis process and acidification is done by utilizing various microbes in the cheese production process. 


What is cheese?

Cheese is a dairy product which is produced through fermentation of milk products. Various methods are applied for producing a variety of cheeses and it is basically one by adopting a fermentation process for converting milk into cheese by removing water content from milk. Microbes play an indispensable role in catalysing the transformational process of conversion of milk into cheeses. 

What are microorganisms and what are their roles in the cheese production process?

Microorganism implies tiny or microscopic entities, especially various bacterial viruses and fungi. Microorganisms are not basically seen through naked eye and therefore it is necessary to have microscopic devices for visualising them. Microorganism plays a decisive role in the cheese manufacturing process and microorganism adds flavour to cheese. Microorganism contributes in providing texture, colour, smell and flavour to cheese. Microbial activity in cheese production plays a significant role and various microorganisms create a certain colour and texture to cheese. P. candida, P. roqueforti and B.linens are some microorganisms which play a decisive role in cheese production. 

Necessary steps of the cheese production process

Cheese production consists of various steps and microorganisms play an indispensable role in the cheese production process. In order to produce cheese, milk is collected from various sources such as cows, sheep, goats and water buffaloes. After collection of milk from varied sources, pasteurisation of milk is done for removing contaminated pathogens from milk. After collection of milk lactic acid bacteria and its addition to milk is done for breaking down lactose into lactic acid. Lactic acid production helps to lower the pH of milk and separation of milk into curd and whey is achieved through this fermentation process. After the fermentation process competition coagulation is done for removing water content and therefore to become semi solid to solid mass for further processing of the cheese production process. After coagulation is done, a draining process is required for preparing cheese and various secondary microorganisms are added in the steps for adding flavour, aroma, texture and colour to cheese. Ripening process utilisation helps to reach the final production process of cheese production and at last packaging and distribution is done for selling cheese in the market. P. candidum, P. roqueforti and B.linens are some microorganisms which are used in the cheese production process. 

Starter culture and its role in cheese production process 

In order to produce cheese bacteria facilitates the fermentation process and therefore starter culture plays a decisive role in the cheese manufacturing process. Cheese production requires separation of water content from milk and at first it is necessary to convert lactose of milk in lactic acid for further processing of the cheese production process. In order to produce the flavour of cheese, starter culture plays a decisive role in the cheese manufacturing process and various enzymes and metabolites are produced in the starter culture. 

Will the microorganism pose any threat to the health of individuals for consuming cheese?

Cheese production requires lots of microorganisms for adding flavour, colour and texture to cheese. It is not good for everyone to intake chases and sometimes it poses a threat to the health of immunocompromised individuals and to the health of pregnant women. A pathogen called listeria is present on cheese which has negative consequences on the health of pregnant women and therefore it is advisable not to consume cheese during pregnancy. 


In the concluding portion of this study it is stated that microorganism plays a decisive role in the cheese manufacturing process. Chase production involves fermentation and coagulation processes and all these steps require involvement of the microorganism community. P. candidum, P. roqueforti and B.linens are some microorganisms which play a decisive role in cheese is necessary to prepare starter culture for the cheese production process. In order to remove water content in milk, the fermentation process plays a significant role in the cheese manufacturing process.