In the world, every human is grown with a natural immune system and this can be called a kind of protection. Our lives are developed through active immunity. Natural “Immunology” is known for making the human defense process. It is essential for every person because for every fit person this process assists the organ to fight infection. This especially works to reject viruses, bacteria for a good and healthy life. “Immunology” is mainly followed for involving antigens and this can be the portion of antibodies in human life. A strong immunity can be a human’s advantage. In the pandemic of Covid -19 pandemic, many humans who do not have enough immune systems have suffered a lot and many people are dying with the low immune system. In this situation, the immune system can take a big part in people’s life.

“Implicit and processing factors”

There are many factors that can influence the development of microorganisms. A similar difficult organism is known as “Microorganisms”. They require many kinds of elements from nature and achieve initial targets. 


The essential things are food that microorganisms require. Sometimes the food can be changed however carbon is extracted through the organism initially. Nitrogen is developed from a substance. The food can be “protein”, “fats”, and “carbohydrates”. Besides that, many materials that react with chemicals are known as “carbon dioxide” to increase their requirement. Moreover, their easy sugars can be produced through others, and “photosynthesis” is related to vegetables. The useful elements “nitrogen” that have been applied for proteins and this nitrogen are found in the environment. 


The development of “microorganisms” can be enhanced in a particular spot and the temperature truly needs to be higher. That temperature can help the microorganism to be easy. This high and low temperature can be barriers to their enzyme system.Besides that, the researchers have separated them into some teams such as “psychrophiles”, “mesophiles” and “thermophiles”. The job of psychrophiles is to set up “0 to 5 degrees Celsius“, “mesophiles” are situated in the mean to set up “20-45 degrees celsius” and “thermophiles” such as heat prefer between “55 degrees”

 “pH levels”

 The “pH level” in the atmosphere the “microorganism” has to set up because they need to develop. Moreover, specific “acidic qualities’’ have been set up through them and many “microorganisms” have been involved in personal pathogens. The pathogens that can set up the “pH levels” and sometimes the level of pH can be high. Moisture

“Moisture” can be the affective factor of the enhancement of microorganisms and moisture has been a big part of it. The microorganism’s most essential thing is “the free flow of water” and they need a few water levels.

The current material has been very necessary for microorganisms and nitrogen is found as the vital materials such as oxygen because they take up to make required nutrients. “Factors affecting bacterial growth in microbiology”

On the other hand, many factors can be affected by “the growth of bacteria”. The atmosphere factors are the main factors. The factors that can be affected are mentioned in the following

Nutrition intentness can be one of the factors, temperature, gaseous intentness, pH, salt intentness, and sufficient water.

  • Nutrient intentness

Many various nutritional necessities are present in various bacteria. The development of bacteria happens quickly and the need to reduce the nutrient intentness can reduce the development rate. 

  • Temperature

The temperature can take a huge part in the enhancement of bacteria and this can influence many processes. The growth has been allowed through the low level of temperature and that is known as the lowest temperature. The development has not existed between under the low and over the highest temperature. 

  • pH

The development of bacteria can be influenced by the effect of pH. The pH is between “60.5-7.5” in many of the bacteria.

  • Ions

The  necessary elements are “k+”, “Ca++”, “Mg++”, “Fe++” etc.

  • Water

The vital factor is water which can be helpful for the development of bacteria. Sufficient water is required to control the charge of “metabolism”.

Three factors that influence bacterial growth

Bacterial development has been affected through the factors such as Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Temperature, Ph and light etc. 


The bacterial development has been made through the oxygen. Aerobic bacteria have been classified through oxygen that is required for them. Obligate aerobes are the part of bacteria such as aerobic that can help to develop.

Carbon dioxide

CO2 has been required for bacterial development and 6-11 percent CO2 can help the bacteria grow fast.


38 percent of the temperature is comfortable for bacteria to grow. Psychrophilic bacteria temperature requires a 0 to 21 degree range. 


The vital members who have built and handled a good and healthy job atmosphere and controlling job equipment are necessary. In the atmosphere, the element outside of the food can influence the “microorganisms” and the use of factors that can increase the development of microorganisms, “microbiology”, and bacteria, which is essential in this consideration The chemical factors that can affect the growth of bacteria and the problems that can be found in makings, moisture are known as the biggest problem in this research.