
PID control systems

A PID controller has been known as an instrument that can regulate different process variables like flow, temperature, speed, and pressure.


Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller systems have been seen to be used in industrial applications. These controllers have been seen to be using a feedback mechanism based on a control loop to control different process variables. A PID controller has also been known as the most stable and accurate controller among all controllers. These systems have been seen to be practically ubiquitous and have also been seen to be helpful in automation.

PID Control Systems

A control system has been known as a group of devices that commands, directs, regulates, or manages the behaviour of other devices or systems to achieve the desired result. These systems have been known to be using control loops which are processes that have been designed to maintain variables of a process at the desired point. PID control systems have been known as the most widely used control systems in different industries. These control systems have been this popular due to their performance and range of supported operations. These systems have also been seen to be simple and easy to be operated on. Depending on their name, these types of control systems include three basic coefficients in their algorithm. These coefficients being proportional, integral, and derivative has helped get an optimal response. Classical PID control systems have been seen to be developed based on closed-loop systems. Closed-loop control systems have been seen to work depending on feedback. This feedback usually comes from input and contains differences between input and output.

PID Controller in Control System

A PID controller is a control system that has been known as a key instrument that uses a closed-loop feedback mechanism to control process variables. PID controllers which are used in control systems can be of three types and these types are on-off PID controller, standard PID controller, and proportional controls. An on-off PID controller can be depicted as a simple temperature control device. Output from these kinds of devices has been seen to be either on or off. Depending on this, an on-off controller changes the output of this device only after it crosses the set limit of temperature. A limit controller has also been known as an on-off PID controller however, a limit controller needs to be reset manually when the temperature crosses the set limit. A standard PID controller helps a control system to automatically compensate according to changes in the system. Adjustments, derivatives, and integrals can be expressed by their reciprocals which are RATE and RESET. Proportional controllers have been used to eliminate the cycling of on-off control. These controllers have been seen to decrease power supply depending on the increase in temperature beyond setpoint.

PID Controller is used when the System requires

PID controllers can be used in different scenarios however; major use of PID controllers has been seen in temperature systems. PID controller is used when the system requires control over temperature as and when the temperature goes beyond the set limit. In this case, the controller selects an input randomly from a temperature sensor in a system and checks the corresponding output. If that PID controller sees that output temperature has been over the output set limit, the respective controller implements changes accordingly.

Some PID controller problems regarding the temperature of a system have been seen to be present. “Soak and Ramp” sequences of a PID controlled temperature system require precise control to ensure output. Solvents from different painted surfaces have been seen to be having a poor appearance at low temperatures and substrates have been seen to be damaged at high temperatures. A PID-controlled temperature system cannot classify these changes depending on elements.

PID Control System PDF

Three-term functionality offers treatments of steady-state and transient responses. PID control systems have been known to provide efficient and generic solutions. This three-term functionality defines a proportional part that provides control action of overall processes which has been seen to be proportional to error signal using the allpass gain factor. The integral part reduces errors of steady-state by using low-frequency compensation and the derivative part improves transient responses by using high-frequency compensation. A PID controller has been seen to be represented as a phase lead-lag compensator which has one pole at infinity and another pole at the origin. PI and PD controllers can be represented as phase-lag and phase-lead compensators. Research on PID controllers depicted that the derivative part can degrade stability if there has been an existence of a transport delay. Proper tuning of PID can be useful in somewhat reducing these issues. Tuning of these PID systems needs to be done by meeting five objectives and these objectives are Transient response in overshoot, rise time and settling time, Accuracy regarding steady-state, Robustness of stability, Robustness in plant modeling, and attenuation regarding a disturbance in environmental uncertainty.


This assignment concluded PID controllers and PID control systems. PID controllers in a control system along with major applications of PID controllers have also been concluded in this assignment. Some frequently asked questions along with the best suitable answers have also been concluded in this assignment.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the Kerala PSC Examination Preparation.

1. What are the three coefficients of a PID system?

Ans. These three coefficients of a PID system are proportional, integra...Read full

2. How many types of PID controllers are there? Name them.

Ans. There are mainly three types of PID controllers. These controllers are on-off PID controllers, standard ...Read full

3. Give an example of an application of a PID controller.

Ans. A PID controller has been seen to be majorly used in temperature control systems.

4. What type of compensator is a PID controller?

Ans. A PID controller has been seen to be a Phase lead-lag compensator.