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Industrial Sterilisation, Direct, Indirect Methods, Death Kinetics


In the production of compounds that involve microbes in the industry, it is essential to remove the living organisms with the process of industrial sterilisation. Microbes are involved in the production process with the help of fermentation technology.  During production, it is important to measure the presence of cells which is done using direct and indirect methods. Here discussion would be done on industrial sterilisation, direct, indirect methods, and death kinetics.This gives an understanding of microbial growth and an overview of controlling pathogenic microorganisms. Its importance lies in the fact that by using industrial sterilisation, direct, indirect methods, and death kinetics one can determine the occurrence of microbes.

Discussion of industrial sterilisation, direct, indirect methods, death kinetics 

Industrial sterilisation and its types 

Industrial sterilisation can be defined as the process that defines the operation of destructing, inactivating permanently, and physically removing the microorganisms from certain products and environments. This process is used in biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries due to the production of sensitive materials. This is done in order to maintain the control and safety process of testing and distribution in these industries. The types of industrial sterilisation can be mentioned as follows:



Radiation sterilisation in industry

In this process sterilisation of microorganisms is done with the use of  X-rays, electronic beams, and gamma rays. It is used to target specific organisms. 

Thermal sterilisation

It is done through dry and wet sterilisation processes. It enables the reduction of wastes, reusing the parts, and reducing costs of production. 

Sterilisation through chemicals in industry

It is done when other methods could not be applied. This is done in lab testing facilities and clean rooms. 

Filtration sterilisation

It is used to remove larger particles and particulate matter from devices and equipment. 


Direct method of measuring microbial growth present in industrial sterilisation, direct, indirect methods, death kinetics

The direct method of measurement of bacteria is the process of measuring bacteria without the use of advanced techniques and equipment. It is the simplest process and the counting of bacteria is done with the help of directly counting the bacteria under a compound microscope. The methods involved indirect methods are:

  • “Viable cell count”: This is also called cell count and is done by replicating microbes through incubation and under required specific conditions. This process emerges from visible colonies of cells and the results are expressed as “colony forming units per milliliter”. 
  • “Serial dilution”: This is done by diluting the culture medium serially and pouring it on the spread plate to count the bacteria. Its number is based on the density of culture and the original culture is diluted 10 times to obtain a number of bacteria. 
  • “Most probable number”: This process of MPN involves the counting of bacteria with the help of statistical methods as they help in estimating the number of bacteria present in the sample. 

Indirect method of measuring microbial growth 

Indirect methods are used to count bacteria with the help of advanced equipment and the estimation is based on the density and turbidity of cell culture. It is done using an instrument called a spectrophotometer. The indirect methods include:

  • Turbidimetric method: It is done by measuring the turbidity of cells. More cells mean more turbidity and more turbidity means light would not easily pass through the culture medium. 
  • Metabolic activity: It involves measuring bacteria with the help of determining its microbial activity in a population. The determination of nutrient utilisation, acid production, oxygen consumption, and waste production is done. 

Concept of microbial death kinetics 

The microbial death kinetics defines the killing of microbes at a specific temperature and pH under specific environmental conditions. Death kinetics determines the loss of reproduction capability by a microbe permanently in an ideal environmental condition. The rate at which the death of microorganisms takes place gets constant after a period of time. Microbial death kinetics is important to maintain the disinfection process in order to maintain standard protocols. The reduction of bacteria is done to ensure the safety of materials. The death of microbes is calculated with the formula;

(log No -log N)a = kt +C

Concept of thermal death kinetics 

Thermal death kinetics determines the time that is taken to kill the specific set of bacteria through specific exposure to temperature. The thermal death curve defines the requirement of minutes for the destruction of microbes at a given temperature. Thermal death kinetics gives ways in which bacteria can be reduced in the product. Death kinetics determines useful and pathogenic microorganisms with the help of different methods. 


This article has discussed the major aspects that are used in the sterilisation of microbes in various industries with respect to industrial sterilisation, direct, indirect methods, and death kinetics. It is necessary to eradicate the microbes in order to maintain the safety of manufacturing products. Industrial sterilisation sterilises the products and through different used techniques eradicates the microbes from products. The explanation of industrial sterilisation, direct, indirect methods, and death kinetics is presented here. The microbial death kinetics and thermal death kinetics explain the requirement of time at a specific temperature in order to kill the microorganisms. The processes of industrial sterilization, direct, indirect methods, and death kinetics are used in various industries.